Class Sign-Up Issue Fixed!
Trying to make it to your workout class should never be made harder, ugh! In updating our website pages, we had a little .url mishap that skewed the class sign-up process. We apologize if you were one of the BodyFitters led astray, and want to thank those who brought the issue to our attention. It's all fixed now, so get those sign-ups going and your bootys back in class!
There seems to be some buzz around the studio these days...

Is something new going on with BodyFit? Schedule changes? Are classes about to get even SPICIER?!?! Could be, BodyFitters, but we can't say what just yet. So stay tuned, there's big news around the corner...
Upcoming Studio Closures
In celebration of Mother's Day Weekend and Memorial Day Weekend, the BodyFit studio will be closed: May 13 - 14 , and May 27 - 29. We hope you all get to enjoy some time with family in the sunshine during these mini-breaks! Make sure you don't miss out on too many workouts, though...Schedule your May classes now before they fill up!
We Want to Hear from You!
Your BodyFit stories are what inspires our passion. What you've experienced with us, your changes and successes, why BodyFit ...If you've got a few minutes, we'd love to hear your feedback and testimonials! You can share via Facebook, or if social media isn't your thing send as a quick email--it might even end up on our website ;) 
BodyFit is Looking to Hire
Help us get the word out! We are seeking certified Pilates instructors who want to be a part of our awesome studio and work with the best clients that the Monterey Bay area has to offer. If you know someone who would be a good fit for BodyFit, please share this email and have them send their resumes our way.
See you at the studio!
E-mail | (831) 465-4728 | Website