Since we can't travel much, I'm doing a series about some of my favorite places. This month: the town of and area around Jemez Springs.

This was my dad's favorite spot, and my earliest family vacation memories are of camping in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Our extended family from all over New Mexico (cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.) met us in the woods. We'd hang tarps above the picnic tables, erect cloth tents, build a fire and the fun would begin!

Dad dug a hole and put a big pot full of beans on top of the coals within before burying it, and then he sat back with the guys and drank beer waiting for the "underground beans" to cook. I think that's why he enjoyed camping so much – he usually worked so hard, but, on these trips, he got to hang with the boys, relax and sip beer all day. Meanwhile, us kids would scamper like squirrels all over the place, climbing trees, swimming in the river, fishing and even playing softball. Looking back, it's lovely: an extended, multi-generational family coming together to laugh, share stories and enjoy one another...