Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Friday, April 2, 2021
Worship Sneak Peek
April 4th, 2021 at 10am
Join us on Sunday, April 4th as we celebrate Easter with a Festival of Brass and Organ! We'll listen again for the good news of resurrection and new hope in Christ. We look forward to connecting with you online this Sunday!
Holy Week Worship Schedule
Good Friday Service TONIGHT, April 2nd at 7:00 PM – online *Click here or on the image to the right to get the bulletin.
Easter Sunrise Service, April 4th at 6:00 AM - Sea Bright Beach
Easter Celebration, April 4th at 10:00 AM - online*
*All online services can be viewed through our church website or YouTube channel.
Sunday School/Bagels & Faith
Please note that our Sunday School (K-8) will not be meeting this week, April 4th, so that our Faith Educators and students may share Easter day with their families and loved ones. For questions or information, please contact Tammy + at or 732-299-6203.
Youth Groups - Reminder: No Youth Group April 7th
Youth Groups will resume next week for their weekly session of fellowship and fun at 7:00pm. Please contact our Youth Group leaders to access the links. For questions or information, please contact Tammy + at or 732-299-6203. Have a nice Spring Break!
Lenten Collection for Family Promise
A big shout out to everyone who donated to our March Family Promise Lenten Collection.
Thanks to your generosity we were able to donate all of the items pictured here. Wow! The donations filled more than two car trunks. Family Promise is one of our Eatontown based community partners whose mission is to help homeless families in Monmouth County with the tools and support necessary to achieve sustainable independence. Practical items such as shampoo, soap and laundry detergent help support families in their daily lives. Thank you to all who donated and participated in this special Lenten activity. Your generosity is deeply appreciated!
Scholastic Assistance
The Scholastic Assistance Committee is preparing to award scholarships to next year’s recipients. Although we all are wishing for and “tasting” the delicious food at our annual March Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner, because of COVID-19 safety protocols, the Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner cannot be held this year in March. We have decided to hold the dinner in some form later in the year, during the summer, if possible. In the meantime, if you wish to make a donation to the work of our committee to award scholarships to the youth of our church, your donations, once again, would be very much appreciated. Please send your donation check made out to: Scholastic Assistance, UMCRB to Peg Rizzo, 66 Dale Road, Middletown, NJ. Scholastic Assistance Sunday is scheduled for June 20th.
Scholarship Applications
Editable online applications for the 2021—22 school year will be available April 1st. If you wish to apply and do not receive an application by email, you may request on by contacting Barbara Guenther: (732) 203-1970)
“No eligible and deserving scholar
left unsupported!”
Hymnals Available for Loan
Please contact us if you are interested in borrowing a church hymnal so you can sing along with worship songs at home. Click here to email the office if you are interested.
Pastor Jess's Bible Study
Bible Study meets Thursdays at 1:00pm and will resume on Thursdays, April 8th. The Zoom connection information for each session is located on the calendar on our website.
Spring into Spring With HUBOB!
REMEMBER: IT’S ALWAYS TIME TO HUBOB (Help Us Balance Our Budget)!!!
Week 7 - Lenten Thursday Devotional Journey with Water
Next Thursday's Evening Study, Seven Weeks for Water, brings reflections on the meaning of “living water.” The seventh and last reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2021 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is written by Andrew Schwartz. Explore the devotional material on your own by clicking here, and then join in the conversation on Thursdays at 7:00 pm on Thursday.
Join the Sanctuary Choir
The choir meets for virtual rehearsals on Thursday at 7:00pm. Please contact Evan Courtney at for more info. Zoom information for choir rehearsal is available on our website.
Clean Ocean Action Beach Sweeps
Clean Ocean Action's Spring Beach Sweeps will be held on Saturday, April 17th from 9am - 12:30pm. Register early and specify Sandy Hook to join others from our church to keep our beaches clean and ocean creatures safe. Visit the Clean Ocean Action website to register today!
Hymnals Available for Loan
Please contact us if you are interested in borrowing a church hymnal so you can sing along with worship songs at home. Click here to email the office if you are interested
Adult Education Class
Sundays at 9:00 am & Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Join us as we explore the book Unbelievable by John Shelby Spong. Its premise is that many “traditional Christian beliefs” are no longer believable in light of modern science, scholarship, and understanding of the world. Bishop Spong seeks to challenge beliefs that we may have grown up with or felt we “were supposed to believe” but which do not fit with the way the world is understood in the twenty-first century. If you are one who never could quite say you believed some of those things the church taught, this class is especially for you. You may find that in light of Bishop Spong’s insight you can find and hold to the kernel of truth and avoid the unbelievable stuff that makes that “leap of faith” distasteful. We meet Sunday mornings at 9:00 and Wednesday evenings at 7:00. Zoom links are on the calendar on the church web site. If you have questions or concerns about how to access the Zoom connection (or anything else), please contact Mark Hackler at 732-918-0344 or
Balance and Strength Training - ONLINE Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00 pm
Join us for online Balance and Strength Training with Janet Tartaglia. Beginners welcome! Items needed: chair (with no arms) and weights (can be 2 16 oz. water bottles), or you can choose to follow along without the weights. Exercises done with chair or standing, no floor work. The Zoom connection information for each session is located on the calendar on our website
Online Yoga - Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Join us for online yoga with Tiffany McCann on Wednesdays. The Zoom connection information for each session is located on the calendar on our website
Backpack Crew -
Current Need is Granola Bars!
The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm. The current need is GRANOLA BARS! Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
COVID-19 Vaccine Update
COVID-19 vaccines are on the way to hospitals and clinics across New Jersey. You can reserve your spot to get a vaccine now by pre-registering. Register for the COVID-19 vaccine, and schedule an appointment if you are able at:
UPDATED: UMC Red Bank Reopening Plan Information
As the ministry of UMCRB continues strong in the time of COVID, with the goal that zero infections are spread through our church activity, our work continues on a multi-phased plan for reopening our church building. Our church office is open on Tuesday-Thursday from 9-2 and Fridays from 9-1:30 pm. Join us for online worship, Sundays at 10am, through our church website – The calendar of events there has up-to-date information about ongoing ministries and how to join in. If you’d like to reserve an indoor gathering space for your church small group, contact Sheila Leavitt at
We have just approved the scheduling of limited capacity Special Event Services, like baptisms, weddings and funerals in our Sanctuary. Anyone interested in scheduling a special event service should reach out to Pastor Jess to work out the details. 908-400-2343 or
Our leadership is also working on the plans for limited capacity worship services for our congregation in the Sanctuary, which we hope to roll out soon after Easter. We are thankful for your patience as we work together to keep each other safe. You are invited to read more about our reopening plans on our website at
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care