Deaf Art, Storytelling, and ASL Poetry Competition
Registration for the 2022 Marie Jean Philip Competition is now open! Learn more about who can enter and see past winners. Registration deadline is October 11.
Thursday, September 23 is the UN’s International Day of Signed Languages. Join us to learn signs from around the world! This free Zoom event will be hosted by Paul Newman's Serious Fun Children's Network.
Our clear, anti-fog face masks are comfortable, washable, and form a good seal around the mouth for protection. Plus, they let people see your beautiful smile!
This FREE storybook reading and workshop in ASL with Deaf storyteller Crom Saunderswill be accessible in English, Spanish, and ASL! In addition to the story reading, you'll get tips for reading with your child in ASL and participate in some fun theater games to stretch your storytelling muscles! Free storybook included with first 30 registrations.
This FREE virtual conference is for parents and educators. This year's theme is deaf children with learning disabilities. Register today to participate in enriching conversation and learn from experts in the field! CEU Units available.
Children who are deaf-blind often miss out on natural opportunities to learn. In this article, we share practices and strategies from the National Center on Deaf-Blindess that promote access to learning.
Many of you have been receiving our ASL Video of the Week emails. In case you've missed any of those, or want to go back to find past videos, we've put all those videos into one place for easy access.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to these generous individuals, families, and organizations for their support. When you donate $30, you can get five clear face masks to make communication easier!
ASDC provides resources, advocacy, and mentoring for every family with a deaf child so they can communicate, connect, and thrive – together. Get five free sessions of SignOn or Friends Like Me when you join ASDC.