Vision: We connect people and communities to resources to achieve and support whole person health in mind, body, and spirit
Good Day!
The Co-Chairs of the Places of Worship Advisory Board invite you to our monthly POWAB Zoom meeting. POWAB hosts monthly General Body meetings that are open to the public on the second Friday of each month. At each meeting we will have a Community Wellness Check-In where you can also win prizes!
We want to partner
with your place of worship
POWAB Recognizes
the following observations
in the Months of May and June
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
National Day of Prayer (May 5).
National Women's Health Week (May 8-14).
Mother's Day (May 9).
HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (May 18).
Memorial Day (May 30).
National Men's Health Month (June)
Gay Pride Month (June).
National Gun Violence Awareness Day (June 4).
Juneteenth (June 19).
Father's Day (June 19).
National HIV Testing Day (June 27).
National Day of Prayer
Observed on May 5, 2022
Rev. Dana Mitchell
View Video Below
POWAB Theme 2022
POWAB: United Through Faith -- Building Equity and Promoting Health and Wellness
POWAB General Body Meeting
05/13/22 12:00pm
05/13/22 2:00pm
POWAB monthly meetings are open to the general public. We welcome you to join us. Let's change lives together.
POWAB welcomes to our General Body meeting
Mollene M. Fowlkes
Educator, Chorus Director, Pianist, Composer, Vocalist
Ms. Fowlkes’ music education started at the age of 4 when she began studying classical piano. She was an outstanding music student through high school and upon graduation received a scholarship to study at Howard University, College of Fine Arts, where she majored in Music Education with a minor in Piano. Upon graduation she began teaching music in the DC Public School system. During the summer, she continued her studies at Villa Nova Summer Institution for music teachers and professionals, Trinity College Master's Program and World Music Drumming Summer sessions for teachers. She has been a member of the Buddhist Lay organization, SGI-USA for 49 years.
We Need You!
Interested in a partnership or membership?
For partnership, email Rev. Dana "Salia" Mitchell your business information or bio and recent photo.
For membership, fill out the contact information and we'll be in touch!
POWAB Spotlights Our
Member of the Month Dr. E. Gail Anderson Holness
Dr. Holness is a human rights activist, lecturer, businesswoman, motivational speaker, former college administrator, former TV talk show host, columnist, lawyer, author and the Pastor of Adams Inspirational African Methodist Episcopal Church in Ft. Washington, Maryland of the Capital District of the Washington Conference in the 2nd Episcopal District. She has pastored in the 7th Episcopal District and is a third-generation African Methodist Episcopal member. She is the Director of Faith Based Outreach, District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health. Dr. Holness earned the following degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Clark Atlanta University; Juris Doctorate, Howard University School of Law; Doctor of Ministry, Howard University School of Divinity and studied for a Masters in Theology at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Seminary and University. She earned a certificate in Christianity and Religious Studies from Harvard University School of Divinity and Health and Faith from Wesley Theological Seminary.
A Tribute to Mental Health Month and Social Justice
Robotic Pets Are Helping Dementia Patients
"When you're Black, whom
do you trust with your life?"
Dr. Elaine Batchlor
DMV Faith in Action - Community Connection
District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia
Government Partnerships
View the PowerPoint below
Need an Initial Dose or Booster?
Visit One of Our Faith & Community Partners!
POWAB Building Equity and
Promoting Health and Wellness
The Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB) is a collection of more than one hundred DC and regional faith leaders, public health workers, businesses, and community advocates who work to build leadership and interfaith support to provide spiritual guidance and promote whole person health for individuals, families, and communities. POWAB’s vision is to connect people and communities to resources and support whole person health in mind, body, and spirit.
Since 2008 and throughout POWAB’s history, partners and community members have been engaged in connecting people to resources. An array of perspectives is necessary in the delivery and evaluation of POWAB’s activities and events.
In 2022, POWAB intends to focus on building equity in health and wellness. Equity in health and wellness will ensure that people have a chance to be as healthy as possible. Much needed services will be provided with an understanding of the targeted communities' historical, social, cultural, and economic context. Populations that have the greatest health disparities, including people in communities of color, women, seniors, LGBTQ+ and people with low socioeconomic status, will receive service delivery through ongoing senior and women outreach activities, the 7th Community Day Health and Wellness Fair and the One in the Spirit Conference.
Building equity requires intentional practices that acknowledge the experiences of all members of the community.
POWAB is seeking an all-hands-on deck approach to achieve the 2022 goals. You can assist in the planning and execution of POWAB’s outreach activities and events. For more information, regarding how you can contribute to the success of 2022 scheduled outreach activities and events, contact POWAB Government Co-Chair Evangelist Regina Jefferson or E-mail her. If you would like to become a member of POWAB, contact Rev. Dana Mitchell or E-mail her.
Muslim Mindful Moment
O you who believe! Be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably; act equitably, that is nearer to piety, and be mindful of your return to Allah; surely Allah is Aware of what you do.
Surah 5 Ayah 8 Qur'aan Kareem
POWAB/ Famous Quote and Trivia
Trivia Question
What is cynology the study of?
See answer below:
Famous quote
What light is to the eyes, what air is to the lungs, what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man.
Robert G. Ingersoll, American lawyer and writer.
Help Wanted
POWAB Social Media Committee and The SPIRIT Newsletter Team needs your help to grow our presence and achieve our goal to connect people to resources for whole person health in mind, body, and spirit. Please consider volunteering as a writer or reporter on our dynamic team.
POWAB Honor's
Mr. Henry D. Fuller
The Places of Worship Advisory Board honors a former HealthHIV employee Henry D. Fuller, Senior Capacity Building Manger. POWAB thanks you for all the sacrifices you have made for the Advisory Board.
Thanks for setting a benchmark for other employees through your hard work and your consistency in meeting our expectations.
Community Resources
Community Activities, Health Education and Outreach
Women, Infants, & Children Services
Food, nutrition counseling, and access to health services are provided under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, popularly known as WIC. WIC website
DC Health
LinkU is the free online resource and referral guide for DC, Maryland, and Virginia, available for consumers, faith-based organizations (FBOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs). If your organization would like to become a LinkU staff member, please contact Ashley Coleman via email.
Maryland Department of Health
Carmi Washington-Flood
Chief, Office of Faith Based and Community Partnerships, Maryland Department of Health
Prevention and Health Promotion Administration
Maryland Community for LifeSM is an innovative program developed by the Maryland Department of Aging to support older adults as they age at home. View Video
Virginia Department of Health
Hope Campaign - With the hopes of returning to a sense of normalcy, the Hope Campaign was created to encourage vaccinations as a route to return to things we miss the most in life. View Video
Veronica Cosby, MAHS, MS
Virginia Partners In Prayer & Prevention, Office of Health Equity, Virginia Department of Health
Omicron: What we know about the latest coronavirus variant. View Video
Health Disparities in Washington, DC
Mayor Bowser Highlights FY23 Investments in Hill East and RFK
Mayor Bowser Celebrates New Housing for Seniors and Families on Spring Road
POWAB has FREE masks and hand sanitizers for your family or your place of worship while supplies last! Email Us
Holistic Approach To
Mental Health
Answer to Trivia Question: Dogs
Cultural Community Corner
FEMA national headquarters in DC, asked the Church of Scientology to put together a very short video outlining what the Church does at disaster sites.
Holistic Videos
for whole person health in mind, body, and spirit
Memorial Day Tribute - "Thank You"
What Will You Say?
A must-watch video for Mother's Day!
Meditation Monday
Brother Hamani Wilson, "Healing"
5 Quick Healthy Breakfasts for
Weekdays in less than 5 minutes
Mr. Stephen Reese and Evangelist Stephanie Smith are the voices for the official POWAB Partnership Public Service Announcement
Video created by
Communication In Relationships:
7 Keys to Effective Communication
The Power of Not Reacting
Stop Overreacting
How to Control Your Emotions
Meet the Talented Women Behind
the Monthly SPIRIT Newsletter
POWAB The SPIRIT Newsletter Editor, Bernadette Bailey
POWAB General Editor,
Rev. Dana "Salia" Mitchell
POWAB Spotlights Our New Government
and Community Co-Chairs
Evangelist Regina Jefferson
Government Co-Chair, Co-Lead, "SPEAK On It" Podcast, Co- Lead, Community Health and Wellness Fair, Co-Lead, Funding and Community Partnership, Public Health Analyst, Coordinator, Faith Initiative, DC Health - Email
Dr. Rev. E. Gail Anderson Holness
Government Co-Chair, Director, Faith Based Outreach, District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health - Email
Rev. Darryl! Moch
Community Co-Chair, Producer, "SPEAK on it" Podcast, POWAB Fiduciary Business partner, Community Day Health and Wellness Fair Entertainment coordinator, Senior Associate Minister, Inner Light Ministries UCC, Dean, Communities Practice, Central Atlantic Conference, United Church of Christ - Email
Rev. Dr. Barbara Q. Rainey
Community Co-Chair, Co-Lead, Data and Survey Evaluation, Pastor, New Jerusaleum African Union Methodist Protestant Church, Organizer, CEO, Family Recovery Services - Email
POWAB: United Through Faith -- Building Equity
and Promoting Health and Wellness
Message From The SPIRIT Newsletter Bernadette Bailey
POWAB has been publishing a monthly e-newsletter, The SPIRIT, since 2019. Although we have received very positive feedback on its quality and content, we strive to increase our readership. In our effort to appeal to everyone, please provide some feedback by responding to the comments using the email below.
- I would like to submit an article and/or video.
- It's a wonderful publication and I enjoy the videos and articles.
- It's a great learning experience.
- My schedule does not allow me time to read it.
We welcome your business, organization and/or faith community to join us. If you are interested in becoming a partner or would like more information about how your business can benefit through promotion in The SPIRIT Newsletter. Contact: Bernadette Bailey, Editor Click to email
POWAB Disclaimer
The information and suggestions presented in The SPIRIT newsletter are not intended to be taken as advice by an individual reader or viewer. It should not be used as a substitute for consulting your physician. Matters regarding your health may require medical supervision. The DC Health Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB) shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions. You, as the reader, are responsible for your own healthcare.
Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB)
899 North Capitol St. NE, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 671-5063