December 1, 2019
First Sunday of Advent
8:00 am and 9:30 am

Weekly Centering Prayer and Meditation
Meeting every Sunday beginning the First Sunday in Advent!
4:00-5:00 pm 

Our Centering Prayer group now meets weekly and is open to all faiths and to anyone who is seeking a deeper meaning to their spiritual life along the Contemplative Path. Each session,

Pastor Gae gives meditation instruction followed by a bit of music and sacred reading, time to sit in silence, and time for observations and questions. Cushions for the pews are provided.
Morning Coffee Inspiration from Pastor Gae

Aloha Friends,

 The best kept secret in our Episcopal church are the six church seasons. Each one has its own intention and discipline that helps us grow as disciples of the living Christ. I would guess that most Episcopalians couldn’t name the six, but they all know about the season of Advent. It is definitely my favorite. It sharply contrasts to the frantic, anxious, consumer-spending season that is simultaneously going on in our culture. While we can’t step out of the culture, there are ways in which we can create a more peaceful, intentional and joy-filled season. There are many traditions in our church to connect us to the “reason for the season.” Here are a few:
Advent Wreath ~ During Advent, we begin all services with the Lighting of the Advent Wreath. Many Episcopalians have an Advent wreath in their home for devotional use. This tradition dates before Christianity, when the Germanic peoples during the cold December darkness gathered wreaths of evergreen and lit fires as signs of hope for a coming spring and renewed light. Christians kept these popular traditions alive, and by the 16th century, Catholics and Protestants throughout Germany used these symbols to celebrate their Advent hope in Christ, “The Everlasting Light.” From Germany, the use of the Advent wreath spread to other parts of the Christian world.

Traditionally, the wreath is made of four candles in a circle of evergreens with a white pillar candle in the center. Three candles are English Blue or Violet and the fourth is Rose. Each day at home, the candles are lit, perhaps before the evening meal — one candle the first week, and then another each succeeding week until December 25th. The rose candle is lit on the 3rd Sunday in Advent. A short prayer or a reading from the scripture story may accompany the lighting. The center candle — the Christ candle — is lit on Christmas Eve.
Parish Advent Quiet Morning ~ This Saturday, 9:00 am – Noon ~ Our Quiet Morning to begin the season of Advent is a silent retreat with some guidance given by Pastor Phyllis Meighen and me. There will be many ways for you to make this retreat. You can spend time in meditation, walk the labyrinth, journal, read the scripture dreams and visions of the Advent people, create a soul collage or write a poem. All materials will be provided. Our hope is that we all set a spiritual intention for the season. Perhaps your intention will be to begin a meditation practice or to set aside time every day to read the scripture.  

Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols ~ This Sunday, December 1, 9:30 am ~ We begin the season of Advent with the Traditional Advent Festival. First introduced in the early 1900’s at King’s College in Cambridge, this Advent variation of the Festival of Lessons and Carols recounts the promise of a Messiah declared by the prophets and the visions and dreams received by Mary. Each lesson is followed by a hymn that reflects the lesson’s message. Prayer and communion will follow. Our 8:00 am service will be our traditional service of Holy Eucharist.

Advent and Christmas Music ~ Advent is the season of waiting and preparing again for the birth of our Saviour Jesus. Listen carefully to the Advent hymns, such as O Come, O Come Emmanuel and Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Prepare the Way, and Savior of the Nations Come. Turn on the radio, walk into stores and you won’t hear Advent music. Instead you will be bombarded with secular Christmas/Santa Claus music. Try not to get sick of it by the time Christmas is here. At Christ Memorial, we begin singing all our favorite beautiful Christmas hymns on Christmas Eve.

Scripture Reading ~ As we begin the new church year, we also begin a new scripture cycle. We will be in Year A for Sunday readings, found on page 889 in the Book of Common Prayer. If you like reading the scripture using the Daily Office, we will be I Year 2. The daily readings begin on page 937 (pages on the right). Need help? Let me know. It took me awhile to understand it. There are apps that make it easier. 

This will be my 3rd Advent at Christ Memorial. I am so blessed to walk this path with you. Blessings, my friends, for a peaceful Advent. O Come Emmanuel!

Joy, joy, joy,
Paster Gae+

My Soul Cries Out! An Advent Quiet Morning
Saturday, November 30
Meets in the Christ Memorial Sanctuary
Pastor Gae and Pastor Phyllis Meighen will lead our morning retreat as we begin Advent, a time to hope, dream, imagine and expect new beginnings within ourselves and our world. As our guide for this year’s Advent Retreat, we’ll be using the joy filled folk tune, The Canticle of the Turning . Begin this year’s Advent with time to meditate on the lyrics, pray, hear from scripture, and maybe create a poem, a song, a collage or a drawing of your own. 

Pastor Gae is a certified Spiritual Director in the Jungian tradition and a priest at Christ Memorial. Pastor Phyllis is a UCC minister and Interim Pastor at Lihue Christian. She is also the Director of Resource for Christian Spirituality, an ecumenical outreach ministry at St. Michael & All Angels’ Episcopal Church. 

Movie Night in the Hall
Friday, November 29
Meets in the Parish Hall
Parents drop kids off for a quiet evening!

This is My Offering

Last Sunday, we blessed our pledged offerings for 2020. Our Keiki participated too with their commitments!  

Welcome to the Body of Christ!
Last Sunday, Sarah Lynn Asuncion was baptized! She shared a beautiful message before her baptism. The celebration continued after the service with CAKE!

St. Hildegard Movie Group

Our St. Hildegard movie group recently met to watch the film “The Shack,” based on the book that came out years ago. This little movie has lots to contemplate, like “Birds are created to fly. You, on the other hand, were created to be loved. Living unloved is like clipping a bird’s wings.”

Email Pastor Gae if you would like a heads up on our next gathering.

Helen Mitsui Shared Blessings Thrift Shop

It’s THAT Time Again — And All of Us at Shared Blessings are Ready!

Come visit, shop early, get into the holiday spirit.
We have Gift Cards!

New this year, Helen Mitsui Shared Blessing Thrift Shop is selling gift certificates in any denomination. Keep in mind, for credit card sales, the minimum is $10. What better way to say mahalo to friends, family, colleagues, partners and neighbors than to share in the recycling and responsible consumption of goods on our island! Ask about gift certificates at our front desk during business hours. 
Thrift Shop Hours for Shopping and Donations

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 2:00 - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am - 3:00pm
Sunday: closed (fellowship 11am - 12pm)
Monday: closed

Special Ministry of Christ Memorial ~ Open for Prayer
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Feeling a little overwhelmed with life? Just drop in to Christ Memorial for a little peace and quiet.

One important ministry of Christ Memorial is the opening of our church doors, Monday through Friday, during the day. It’s amazing the number of people who drop in to pray, meditate, or just to seek a few minutes of quiet. Unfortunately fear has crept into many churches. Pastor Gae believes our country would be very different if all churches kept their doors unlocked.

Our Sunday prayer list includes those whom our visitors have asked us to pray.

Live off island? If you have a prayer intention or would like to pray for those on our prayer list, email Pastor Gae at .


Christ Memorial Episcopal Church Stewardship Time 
This is My Offering - What will be your offering for 2020?

Magnificent Holy Father. 
I stand before you at this altar. So many have given you more.
 I may not have much I can offer. Yet what I have is truly yours. 
This is my offering, dear Lord. 
This is my offering to You, God.

Most Commonly Asked Questions:

Why do we need to complete a Pledge offering card?

Completing the Pledge offering card enables the Treasurer and the Bishop’s Committee to create a budget for the church. To be part of the church collective means we all share in the cost of being church. We want our church to have inspiring worship; pastoral care for those in need; beautiful church grounds; programs to learn and grow; and tools to reach out to those who are seeking a closer relationship with God.    

Can I make my Pledge offering online?

Yes, just go to our website -

How do I pay my pledge?

You can set up payment of your Pledge offering in whatever way is easiest for your budget — weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. With cash, be sure to place in an envelope with your name in order to receive credit for tax purposes. We encourage you to coordinate regular online giving with your bank or use our PayPal service if you desire to pay with a credit card. 

Do I receive giving statements?

Semi-annual statements are sent to help you keep track of your giving. Annual statements are sent out for your tax charitable contribution. 

What if I am out of town? 

We appreciate the attentiveness to your Pledge offering. You can prepay it, mail it to the church office, or pay online by going to our website. 

What if a catastrophe strikes that changes my ability to honor my commitment?

Not ever to worry! Just contact the church office.   

Sharing our Property for Support and Recovery Groups
Christ Memorial wants to be known in the community as a healing place for the body, mind and spirit. We are seeking support and recovery groups to meet on the property, either in the Parish Hall or the Office. If you know of a group looking for a place to meet: grief support, eating disorders, anxiety, Al-Anon, Gamblers Anonymous, etc., please tell them to contact us.

If you know of a group looking for a place to meet: grief support, eating disorders, anxiety, Al-Anon, Gamblers Anonymous, etc., please tell them to contact Pastor Gae.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups meet at Christ Memorial Parish Hall every week on these days and times:

  • Tuesday at 10:00 am
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 7:30 pm
Connect with the Diocese of Hawa i ' i

To keep up with the news from the Diocese of Hawai'i, please click on the buttons below:

Newsletter Mission: Our weekly newsletter was launched this year to inform our island community, as well as connect with our broader community of old and new friends, near and far. Whether you live on Kaua'i, visit seasonally or joined Christ Memorial for the first time during vacation, we welcome you into our global family. We endeavor to include inspiration, new ideas, practical advice and updates on news and events of Christ Memorial. Let us know how we can serve you best in 2019 by replying to this newsletter or emailing us at

Have you met Pastor Gae? Pastor Gae wants to get to know you all – phone chats, home visits, morning coffees, afternoon teas or walks on the beach. Near or far, reach out to meet or share your thoughts at or (623) 208-9436.
Christ Memorial Episcopal Church
2509 Kolo Road, Kilauea, HI 96754
Mailing: PO Box 293, Kilauea, HI 96754
Phone: (808) 482-4824
