April 1, 2020

Dear Members of the Sacred Heart School Community, 

Many of you have heard from national, state and local authorities yesterday that school closures will continue until April 30th. Accordingly, the campuses of the Academy of Sacred Heart will reopen on Friday, May 1st, pending further notice. We are planning a “soft opening” of administration, faculty, staff and students on May 1st so that we can ease back into school “within the gates,” and enjoy reconnecting with one another before a return to normal classes the following Monday.  
Continuity of Learning
Be assured that continuity of learning will continue to occur through the modalities established within each Division and the capable dedication of our faculty and staff. That these systems are working during such a time is both important and gratifying. 

  • Synchronous and asynchronous learning is supporting academic progress in each Division, and in age-appropriate ways. We see evidence of academic growth, and we are happy to report that to you, our parents. 
  • The wonders of new and old technologies of learning and participation are stirring our imagination, our creativity and, even, our gratitude. In the weeks ahead, there are continued possibilities for learning, which we are well-equipped to address
  • Your Division Heads will continue to keep you informed on the details of our academic plans, and please do not hesitate to contact them with any concerns or special needs.

“ASH Beyond the Gates” 
“ASH Beyond the Gates” is ushering us into new routines and “daily practices” within our community, in our families and between our friends. In the weeks ahead, we will settle into our rhythms and relationships in a deeper way. This is a time to r einforce patterns that have been helpful and a time to make some course re-adjustments , if necessary. 
  • We have planned some fun new twists on our Congé. We hope that you participate!
Holy Week and Easter 
Holy Week is a time in our liturgical year for entering into Christ’s passion and resurrection. The week will coincide with a time for our world to reflect on deeper meanings of death and life as “one body”—the human community. During these days—and those ahead, some of us will experience the pain of sickness, and, perhaps, grieve the loss of someone close to us. We may experience painful emotions. Family units may have to shift for a period, causing disruption and loneliness. As these things touch our lives, we share in the Paschal Mystery. Our faith, prayer and support groups are vital. 
  • The Word is a source of guidance and wisdom. If your Bible is sitting on a shelf, now is an opportune time to open it. I moved mine to my living room to heighten my use of it, and to remind me of the presence of the Living Word in life. 
  • Activate your support group through calls, text, emojis, etc.  
  • Our administrators, faculty and staff will take a much-needed break, as planned, from April 9th-April 14th. We will all return to distance learning on Wednesday, April 15th. 
Special Events in May
We all can hope that we will be back on the campuses in May. We are planning ways in which to make these times special, especially for our 4th, 8th and 12th grade graduates.

Safety and the Common Good
Experts reinforce the necessity for each one of us to change our behaviors to achieve positive outcomes for all. This requires an asceticism that is unfamiliar to us, but we can do it. Please comply with the guidelines for the common good, even if it is inconvenient, and stay at home. 

  • Our buildings remain completely closed for health and safety of all.

Our relationships are strong, and these will grow stronger through the mysterious twists and turns of this enigmatic disease. We can enter the “cave of our heart” to find the sources of peace and comfort during this time. In the quiet, you will receive the strength needed for the days ahead. This we believe. This we know. This we can promise. 

With prayer and gratitude,
Sr. Melanie A. Guste, RSCJ