New Beginnings Journey
Church Updates, Missions, Youth/Family events
Join us for a Benefit Concert:
May 22, 2022 at 7 pm.
We will be hosting a Benefit Concert for Ukraine with members from the Bowling Green State University CMA participants.
We could use two more greeters. Contact Char Pritchett if you are able to assist.
Retirement Reception for MWD District Superintendent
Rev. Scot Ocke
May 23, 2022
The Maumee Watershed District Leadership Team would like to invite you to a Celebration of the Ministry and Retirement of Rev. Scot Ocke. Rev. Ocke has had several appointments in our Conference, with the last being the MWD District Superintendent.
Join us Monday, May 23rd at the NEW Waterville UMC. It is now located at 7115 Waterville Monclova Rd, Waterville, OH 43566. There will be a reception with light refreshments at 6pm with a service following at 7pm.
The Leadership Team is collecting a Love Offering. Checks can be sent to the Waterville UMC with "Rev. Ocke Retirement" in the memo. A small gift will be given to Rev. Ocke, with the remaining monies going to a Hispanic Ministry of his choice.
If you can't attend the celebration but would like to send a card, they can be sent to Scot at the District Office, 1729 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, OH 43537.
Please contact the District Office with any questions (419-897-9770).
Have you noticed the Jann Munn Memorial Galanti Digital Organ? This picture was taken at the Open House. We are grateful for Ted Munn and his donation to the church in memory of his wife, Jann.
Sign up on the tables in the Narthex for ALL Volunteer opportunities. Thank you!
Service Opportunity:
The Offering Counting Team is looking for new members to assist with the collection, counting, recording, reporting and depositing of each week’s Sunday offering. It is completed following worship in teams of two and a calendar is maintained so everyone knows the days they are counting and who their partner will be. The process takes approximately one hour to complete. Attention to detail, accuracy and completeness are extremely important to insure correct documentation. Basic Excel skills are helpful, but not necessary. If you are interested, please contact Tom Wiggins or (419) 304-2254.
A resident from Story Point is looking for a ride to attend church. Contact the office if you are available. Thanks!
Waterville Elementary
Teacher Appreciation Lunch
is Back!
We will honor the 55 teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School on Tuesday, May 31 at 11:30 a.m. We will need salads, desserts and helpers. There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table in the Narthex. Please consider being a part of this outreach ministry. Contact Char Pritchett with questions.
Congratulations Graduates
We will be recognizing our Graduates (high school and college) on June 12. If you would like to be included in the collage, send 2 pictures (baby and current) along with your graduation information to Stephanie Shelton ( by May 29.
The Garage Sale has 3 phases:
(1) sort good / trash,
(2) prepare items and help with the Community Garage Sale. We will be open to sell on all three days June 2-4, if there are enough volunteers.
(3) final clean-up.
If you are able to help, there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex or contact Tom Wiggins, Jim Page or Cherl Matla (Garage Sale).
June 2-4 Community Garage Sale- 102 N. Fifth St.
June 3 Celebration of Life- Sharon Schulte - 10 a.m. visitation, 11 a.m. service with lunch following
June 5 Communion and Pentecost Sunday
June 12 Graduation Recognition
June 19 Pastor Mike and Pam's Retirement Potluck following Worship
June 26 Pastor Teresa Fellowship following Worship
The Mission Jar will be left out each week for the convenience of members. The fourth Sunday will still emphasis our monthly mission.
May’s Mission Focus: Connecting Kids to Meals
The mission of Connecting Kids to Meals (formerly, Feed Lucas County Children) is to provide hot, nutritious meals at no cost to children in low-income and underserved areas throughout the entire year. As a nonprofit organization, we partner with community locations where kids gather during the summer months and throughout the academic year. Since we began operating in 2002, we have served over 6 million meals to hungry kids in need.
Time to sign up to Volunteer at Freedom School at
Monroe Street United Methodist Church
Freedom School returns again this year, June 13 through July 22, Volunteers are needed as in past years.
Click here to sign up and thank you again for your help!
Pam Cook has volunteered June 21 and June 22 to read with a child and sit with them at lunch. Arrival time is 11:40 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for lunch.
If you would like to carpool, sign up at the link above and contact
Pam Cook, 419-340-2631 for additional information.
UMCOR Kit Collection Begins this Week!
For the next month, the West Ohio Conference will be collecting hygiene and cleaning kits (flood buckets) at locations around the Conference. Midwest Mission Distribution Center, our North Central Jurisdiction UMCOR Depot in Pawnee, IL, will then send a truck to collect the items so they are ready for the next domestic natural disaster. Instructions for assembling the kits can be found here.
For a complete list of drop-off locations, click here. Pick-ups can also be arranged with any of our West Ohio District Disaster Coordinators. Contact Conference Disaster Response Coordinator Jeff Walker at or 740-323-6750 to arrange pick-up. For questions or more information, email
MAY: Jump Ropes, Balls (Soccer, tennis, beach, kick…), Very Small Frisbees, Small kites,
Sidewalk Chalk, Sand Toys & Shovels, Garden/Work gloves, Garden Shovels, Flashlights w/ Batteries
How Can I Help?
1) Make checks to WUMC with a memo line of "Ukraine" Funds will then go to the UMCOR Advance account.
2) Use your credit card via the link below to donate to the UMCOR Advance account. Please let us know so we can tally how generous WUMC is in helping the Ukrainians!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Click here to financially support UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery Advance #982450 for Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine. Please also prayerfully support the ten UMC churches in Ukraine, click here to learn more. Our brothers and sisters need our help!
Thank you and God bless.
Rev. Scot Ocke
District Superintendent
Feel free to take a House home to collect your tabs. When your House is full you can add it to the container in the back of the Narthex.
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Email Us / 419.878.3645 / 7115 Waterville Monclova, Waterville, OH 43566