Grace Church  
in Salem
The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector
385 Essex Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970

18 May 2022

Zoom Links

Sunday Services

Quick Links

Calendar for the Week


6:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal




9:00 am - 12 Noon



Easter VI

9:30 am

Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am

Choral Holy Eucharist with Baptism and Church School

4:00 pm

Celtic Evensong with Communion


Church Carpeting begins


Church Carpeting


Rector meets with Bishop

12:30 pm



6:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal



The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector



Ryan Patten,

Sr. Warden

Peggy Carter,

Jr. Warden

Barbara Layne, Clerk

Angela Williams, Treasurer

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Andrew Bishop

Lisa Duffy

Katie LaBonte

Joanna Troy

Matt vanHamersveld



Larry Kamp,

Director of Music


Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons


Cheryl Robinson, Bookkeeper



Regathering Team

Peggy Carter, Chair

Lisa Duffy

Christine Reichert

Tom Tucker

Anti-racism Team

Maureen Bingham

Cliff Cutler

Ryan Patten

Jane Thompson

Angela Williams

Debbie Phillips

Technical Support for Worship

Jason Stonehouse

The Reverend Debbie Phillips


Hugh MacKay

Joanne Moar


Gavin Watson-Bertrand 

Altar Guild

Laura Beasley-Topliffe,


Beth Brown

Lisa Duffy

Larry Kamp

Caroline Ogah


Flower Committee

Deb Papps, Chair

Jane Thompson

Maureen Joyce


Celtic Meditations Team

Ryan Patten, musician

Eric Wagner

Jane Stewart

Paul Massari

Christine Reichert

Joanne Moar

Kathleen Tone


Director of Church School

Melissa Barnes



Ministry Team

Caroline Watson-Felt

Priscilla Lemons, Clerk

Ad Hoc Fundraising

Peggy Carter

Melissa Barnes

Joanne Moar

Caroline Watson-Felt

Real Asset Management/Property

Eric Wagner

Mike Ouellette

Tom Tucker

Bob Cole

Walter Weizenauer

Robert Hoffman

 Creation Care

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Tom Gaither

Jane Stewart

Garden of Life

Jason Stonehouse


Convention Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Eric Wagner, Alternate

Deanery Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Walter Weizenauer

Eric Wagner

Thought for the Week

Dear Friends,

After listening to my sermon last week, Cliff Cutler sent me this reworking of his of the lesson from Revelation of John. I share it with you all this week.

“I saw a vision.  I was standing looking down over the city;

and the swift clouds of the spring sky broke open above my head

and the Spirit of God breathed on my eyes

and my eyes were opened.

“I saw Salem, the holy city, coming down out of heaven;

shining like a rare jewel, sparkling like “clear water in the eye of the sun;”

and all the sickness was gone from the city,

no longer was one neighborhood seeking advantage over another;

there was no difference between the Point and McIntire.

“I saw North River, running with the water of life,

as bright as crystal,

as clear as glass,

the children of Bridge Street Neck swimming in it.

“And the Spirit showed me the tree of life

growing in Forest River Park.

“I looked out and there were no more homeless people,

no more trafficking women for sex,

no more overdose deaths from opioids,

COVID-19 variants were things of the past, 

there were no more racist attacks,

no more gay bashing,

no more school shootings or homicides in the city,

no more defacing North Shore synagogues,

because there was no more hate.

“And I saw women walking safe at nights,

saw the men were full of passion and gentleness,

that none of the children were ever abused,

because people’s sexuality and power were full of justice and joy.

“I saw an old woman throw back her head

and laugh like a young girl;

and when the sky closed back, her laughter rang in my head

for days and days

and would not go away.

“This is what I saw looking up from the city of untimely death,

brother against brother, sister against sister;

And I knew then that there would be a day of resurrection,

And I believe 

that there will be a day of resurrection.”     

                                  - Cliff Cutler

In the Way of Love,


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This Sunday

This Sunday we have the story of the paralyzed man at the pools at the Sheepgate and with a word from Jesus, he is able to walk. You may join us in worship in person at church or on Facebook at both the 10:00 am and 4:00 pm services. The 10:00 am service will also be available on Zoom.

At 10:00 am, we will celebrate the baptism of Haven Suzanne Dunn, daughter of Griffin and Taylor Dunn. Tony Boisvert will be assisting with the readings while Karen and Tom Tucker are our ushers. The choir will be singing an them by Amy Beach, a late 19th - early 20th century composer. The children will gather for Church School at 10:00 am and then join the congregation for communion. 

At the 4:00 pm Celtic Service, The Reverend Manny Faria will be celebrating and giving the reflection (Debbie will be in Concord baptizing her grand-nephew). Paul Massari will read the lessons, and Kourtni Patten will offer the prayers and Christine Reichert will usher. Jane Stewart will be offering prayers for healing at our healing station.

Please join us wherever you are 

in your search for meaning. 

Everyone is welcome at any and all services at

Grace Episcopal Church

Parish Prayer List

Please keep the following in your prayers:

Evan Wagner, Garrett Graves, Nancy and her granddaughter, Sherri and Jerry Rhoads, Karen Kelly, Allison Mascolo, The Bishop-Tanquay Family, Marion McIntosh Gates, Max Joyce, Inga and Todd and Family, Linnae Peterson, Larry and his family, The Very Rev. Gerald Porter, Adeola vanHamersveld, Mel, Melissa Glassman, Corey MacNeil, Cliff Cutler, Helen Phillips, Kristin Gourley, Scott Tucker, Zan Duffy, Dianne, Sarah Colvin Duffy, Michael Towey, Stacia, Brian Peterson, Jenny, Loretta and Kris, Deb Papps, Derek Fuller and Family, the people of Buffalo, Palestine, Afghanistan, and Ukraine; all those impacted by COVID-19, the Salem Public Schools and for an end to racism, war, anti-Semitism, gun violence and oppression.


If you have prayer requests, please email by Tuesday at noon for publication in that week's e-news.

Welcome Spring

This Saturday is the big event!!! Come and purchase a wide variety of plants at the 2nd Annual Plant Sale. You won't want to miss it!!

Grace Church Plant Sale 2022-Insta.png

Little Free Anti-racism Library

The Anti-Racism Team at Grace Church is putting up a Little Free Library in the front garden for books on the topic of anti-racism. We need your help in two ways:

We need a post hole digger so we can attach the library to it and

we need any books you might have that are gentle used (or new) on the subject. Let Ryan Patten know if you can help with the installation at and you can drop off your books in the entrance of the church on Sundays until it is up.

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Woven Together: The Assessment


Dear Friends of Grace,


As we know, the last two years have been very unusual, and as the vestry has been focused on Grace Church’s day to day operations, we have unfortunately gotten behind in our obligations to our Diocese. We will be going out to our community with a special ask to raise $10,000.


When we think of our Diocese, it’s not an organization on high, it is a group of churches, congregations and neighbors supporting each other. Grace Church has received support from our Diocese from the Mission Hub grant, among other support. Other churches in the Diocese have also received support, and we want to fulfill our mission to support our neighbor churches.


We know everyone is in a different financial situation, and we don’t want our members, friends and neighbors to feel a need to donate an uncomfortable amount. We are asking that everyone participate in a way that is attainable for you, as a show of gratitude for our community, and for our neighboring parishes in Eastern Massachusetts.

The Special Ask ends this Sunday and we will continue to accept all monies past this date to be applied to the assessment.



Angela Williams, Treasurer


Update: As of Last Sunday, we have close to 50% of the parish participating!!



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Bishop’s Visit

The Right Reverend Alan M. Gates, our Bishop Diocesan will be with us on Pentecost (June 5th)! The Bishop will celebrate the service at 10:00 am and then meet with the parish together so that he may hear our hopes and dreams for ways we can join others in falling more deeply in love with God and God’s people.


Here is a link to a resource for families to prepare for a Bishop’s visitation.


Whether you are a child or not, there is much to learn from this document. Plus, you get to color!!

Sabbatical Dates


Jesus took himself apart often in his ministry, to pray, to be with God, to be renewed. The Clergy Sabbatical Program sponsored by the bishops seeks to ensure that clergy in the Diocese of Massachusetts have an opportunity for a time of sabbath, for a renewal of spirit and a reaffirmation of life with God. A sabbatical can offer opportunities for creativity and discovery for both the clergyperson and the congregation. It is recommended that clergy take a sabbatical every five years.


Debbie will be on sabbatical from June 13 through September 7. During this time, you will have a chance to consider what Grace Church is calling you all to be in the future. The Revs. Cliff Cutler and Manny Faria will be taking many of the services. We will also have members leading us in Morning and Evening Prayer. We pray that all will return refreshed and renewed as we begin our 26th year together with her.


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