Pick up your Palms
Saturday, April 4
9:00 - Noon
and Bring Groceries
A volunteer with a mask and gloves will bring palms to your car door if you drive up the front door of the church between 9:00 and Noon on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Please stay in your car and just beep your horn. The volunteer will pass your palms through your car window. It's not ideal, but we think it's the best we can do to look out for one another's health and still share this powerful reminder of the beginning of Holy Week.
We're also aware of the extreme need for more food for the food pantry. So when you come to pick up your palms, please consider donating some groceries (dry good, and the regular peanut butter, tuna and canned goods). The person who gives you the palms will take your food.
Noon on Good Friday
Join us for the reading of the Passion from the Gospel according to John and the offering of the Solemn Collects on Friday, April 10 at Noon.
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Easter with St. Martin's
Instead of Easter "at" St. Martin's, we invite you to Easter "with" St. Martin's, again via Zoom, using the same connecting instructions at 10:30 on Easter morning, April 12.
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You Can Still Pray
at St. Martin's
Even though the building is closed for common worship at the moment, you are still invited to walk and pray your way through the beautiful outdoor labyrinth behind the parking lot.