United Way of Anytown
January 2020 Newsletter

United Way Supporter,

The purpose of the ML King Day of Observance is to galvanize the local community to remember Dr. King's words about engagement, action and hands-on experiences to celebrate Dr. King's dedication to helping the least fortunate among us. We anticipate about 60-80 volunteers, mostly MSU students, to be available that are participating in the ML King Day of Observance activities.  The Monday, January 20th occasion starts with an 8:30 AM breakfast at MSU's Curris banquet room.  Then follows a speaker and subsequent distribution of needed supply items (personal hygiene items, paper, stationary, etc.,) delivered by the MSU community, to area nonprofits in Murray-Calloway County.  Finally, from about 11:00 AM 'til 4:00 PM, volunteers are assigned to assist nonprofits in the community
UWMCC's main role is recruiting United Way partner-agencies as recipients of the distributed goods and as workplace, hands-on sites for community engagement.  Tasks include painting, cleaning, stacking and storage of goods, etc.  Sleep in Heaven Peace is an organization that builds twin beds to children who do not have one. They are a strong example of using unskilled but eager talent to help fight child bedlessness in our community and build lasting relationships with the the needy.  Other partner-agencies assigned volunteers include Gentry House, Needline and CASA (tentative). We are excited to kick off the New Year with a day of service!

Gerald Washington 
Executive Director 
United Way Murray-Calloway County
Office: 270.753.0317

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream


- C.S. Lewis

Spotlight Section: 

CASA by the Lakes 

Special THANK YOU- Cheri Theatre
Cheri Theatre partnered with us last month to put on a Christmas movie special to help fund raise for the Dolly Parton Library Fund. We had such a great turn out! Thank you Chris Hopkins for everything you do for this community and for United Way. 
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