Everyone (staff, members, guests) must be free of fever (100.4° F or greater using an oral thermometer), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms including coughing or sneezing for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants).
Wash hands on arrival for at least 20 seconds.
Check the big whiteboard in the front room for updates on the shop, and on our website. We may also send information via our newsletter.
Clean up after yourself around tools used and in common areas (computers, kitchen, conference room, etc.). Sanitize common surfaces before and after use. There are reminder signs up.
We can't guarantee operation of the tools since we'll have very limited "staff" (Tom & Dale), but we will try to keep things running. There may be delays in getting parts and supplies during this time.
If there are any issues or problems in the shop (tools breakage, injuries, etc.):
--If urgent (e.g., safety issue, potential for more damage), contact Dale (734-417-8677) or Tom (734-904-2388).
Your use of the shop during this period is especially at your own risk, since there won't be regular staff around. Many hours could go by before another person will show up.
Guests are permitted if absolutely necessary, but please keep to a minimum. (Reminder--as always, no work in the shop by guests.) No large meetings.
You may accept deliveries (e.g., UPS, FedEx), and it would be appreciated, but you are not obligated to. Please do not have packages shipped to Maker Works at this time since we can not guarantee anyone will be here to receive it. We can not be here to accept truck deliveries, and operation of the forklift is restricted to trained staff.
All doors will be kept locked. Anyone who is eligible to be in the building will have a key and alarm code. Please enter by the front door.
If you use the woodshop, you must be willing to monitor the dust barrel and be prepared to empty it.
Continue to use the tool reservation system.
Check in with Tom or Dale about extraordinary use (e.g., production).