February 2020
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  NGCP Updates: Girls Have No Limits Blog
NGCP's partnership with Mercedes-Benz USA is tackling the issue of gender stereotypes and showing young girls they can aspire to be and do anything they desire. #GirlsHaveNoLimits. Via NGCP mini-grants, thousands of girls are being gifted a die-cast Mercedes Benz and Mattel Logos Matchbox replica of the Mercedes-Benz 220SE commemorating Ewy Rosqvist's historic 1962 Argentinian Grand Prix performance.

Girl building ramp for toy car Mini-grantees are submitting blog posts about their experiences, all to be published on the Girls Have No Limits Blog. The first blog, Challenging Stereotypes with Pineapple Tape and Cardboard, is available and highlights students building a successful race track and learning that toys, like their dreams, have no limits.
NGCP National Webinar: Connecting Out-of-School-Time (OST) Activities and Student Interest in STEM
February 26, 2020; 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern)
Which specific types and characteristics of OST activities increase student interest in STEM? What are the barriers that prevent students from participating in these programs? The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) surveyed over 15,000 college students nationally to identify factors that strengthened their interest in STEM. Students were asked about their experiences in a variety of precollege STEM activities including afterschool clubs, summer camps, and competitions as well as interacting with mentors, participating in hands-on REGISTER activities, and designing and carrying out their own STEM projects. Presenters, Susan Sunbury, Ed.D. and Jacqueline Doyle, Ph.D., will share those programs and attributes most successful in increasing STEM interest.

NGCP National Webinar The STEM Effect: A collaborative action agenda for understanding the long-term impacts of STEM programs on girls
March 25, 2020; 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern)
The STEM Effect project engaged cultural organizations around the United States in developing a Collaborative Action Agenda for better understanding the mid- and long-term impacts of informal STEM programs for girls. This webinar REGISTER will discuss creative approaches to better understanding the mid- and long-term impacts of informal STEM programs for girls, and methods for measuring them. Read more.

Collaborative Network ActivitiesCollabActivity
#LeapWeek Hashtag Leap into Science Twitter Chat
February 27, 2020; 10:00 AM Pacific (1:00 PM Eastern)
Join the conversation during National Leap into Science Week (last week of February), using the hashtag #leapweek. To participate, follow: @ngcproject, @TheFranklin, and @julia_skolnik.

Leap in Science Logo TemplateLeap into Science Educator Training
Leap into Science is a nationwide program developed by The Franklin Institute Science Museum that integrates open-ended science activities with children's books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. The program empowers educators to offer workshops in community settings like libraries, museums, and out-of-school time programs to engage underserved audiences in accessible and familiar settings. Below are upcoming training sessions being offered:
Leap into Science (Light and Shadows) at Lambertville Academy     
Lambertville, NJ; March 13, 2020
Leap Into Science Training - Indiana State Museum         
Indianapolis, IN; April 13, 2020
Leap into Science Training- Jennings Co Library     
North Vernon, IN; April 20, 2020
Leap into Science- Hammond Co Library    
Hammond, IN; April 27, 2020
Leap into Science: Light and Shadow Training
Spokane, WA; May 2, 2020
Leap into Science
Terre Haute, IN; May 4, 2020
Arlyne Simon
Arlyne Simon
Each month, this spotlight will highlight new programs, resources, and role models that are part of the IF/THEN Initiative, an initiative from Lyda Hill Philanthropies designed to activate a culture shift among young girls and introduce them to STEM careers.
Meet IF/THEN Ambassador Dr. Arlyne Simon. Arlyne is a biomedical engineer and author of a children's book series Abby Invents. A trailblazing inventor herself, Arlyne developed a blood test that detects when cancer patients reject bone marrow transplants. She works as an engineer at Intel, using artificial intelligence to improve medical imaging. Eager to inspire more girls to become inventors, Arlyne speaks at schools and libraries around the U.S. Learn more about Arylne on her website, or follow her on Twitter or Instagram.  
Stay connected to IF/THEN:  Follow us on Twitter  Like us on Facebook  View on Instagram 

Upcoming STEM EventsEvents
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting   
Seattle, WA; February 13-16, 2020
The AAAS is dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people. The 2020 theme, "Envisioning Tomorrow's Earth" draws on the current understanding of the world and bravely experimenting with forward-thinking visions that the scientific community needs to respond with in order to help solve many pressing problems. Register.

Beyond School Hours XXII   
Orlando, FL; February 26-29, 2020
Educators and leaders serving K-12 students in afterschool, summertime, and beyond will have the opportunity to engage in professional development and capacity building. The theme is "20/20 Focus on a Brighter Future." Register.

International Women in Aviation (WAI) Conference
Lake Buena Vista, FL; March 5-7, 2020
Participants in the WAI Conference will be immersed in the tactics and strategies necessary for successful aviation careers. Register.

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) Conference
Baltimore, MD; March 11-14, 2020
ITEEA is a professional association focused on the professional development needs of classroom teachers, supervisors, curriculum writers, and teacher educators interested in developing technological literacy. This year's theme is "Technological and Engineering Literacy for ALL." Early bird registration deadline is February 14, 2020. Register.
National Afterschool Association (NAA) Convention
Washington D.C.; March 15-18, 2020
NAA is dedicated to the development, education, and care of children and youth during their out-of-school hours. This year's theme is, "Show Up Speak Up For Afterschool" and includes a new type of session, the Community Showcase, which is NAA's version of TED talks. Register.

Science Talk Logo Science Talk '20 Conference
Portland, OR; March 26-27, 2020
This conference will unite science communicators, practitioners, and facilitators for two days of learning best practices for how to talk science better. It will feature presentations, workshops, expert panels, and networking opportunities. Register.

ACTE National Policy Seminar  
ACTE National Policy Seminar 2020 Arlington, VA; March 29 - April 1, 2020
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) is dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand careers. General sessions will cover hot topics in Washington and guidance to aid in Perkins V implementation. Register.

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference on Science Education
Boston, MA; April 2-5, 2020
Attendees have the opportunity to learn classroom tested, educator-developed teaching strategies; hear from nationally known experts who inspire attendees to engage their students with new enthusiasm; and try new products and software. The 2020 theme is "20/20 Science: Expanding the Vision." Early bird registration ends February 21, 2020. Register.
The Connectory Spotlight highlights tips, resources/events, program providers, and STEAM opportunities for youth listed in The Connectory. This free online collaboration tool for program providers helps them find partners based on interests, and showcase STEAM opportunities for youth to families. In honor of Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (February 20, 2020), we are highlighting three opportunities that introduce girls to the fascinating world of engineering.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Logo
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Feb 18) hosted by Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Girls rotate through hands-on activities to learn what engineers do and the different types of engineering available.

Girl Day at UT Austin (Feb 22) The University of Texas at Austin's national award winning Girl Day, presented by the Women in Engineering Program, gives students a chance to explore STEM through grade-appropriate, hands-on activities hosted by volunteer scientists, engineers, and STEM enthusiasts from over 160 student organizations, research centers, corporate partners and community organizations. Both girls and boys are welcome.
 Ewy Rosqvist Matchbox Mercedes
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Feb 22) hosted by Femineer program at SDSU College of Engineering. In partnership with NGCP, Mattel, and Mercedes-Benz USA for the #GirlsHaveNoLimits initiative. Engage in hands-on STEM activities, including creating, designing, and racing a wooden boxcar, designing a race car track to test out the Matchbox replica of the Mercedes-Benz 220SE commemorating Ewy Rosqvist's historic Argentinian Grand Prix performance, and more.

Join The Connectory to collaborate with STEAM programs and promote your upcoming STEAM opportunities to families. Our Getting Started Guide makes it easy!

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STEM ResourcesResources
African American History Month: In recognition of African American History Month, resources that serve to promote African American students in STEM are highlighted below:

Black Girls Code is designed to increase the numbers of young women of color in the field of digital and computer technology by providing skills, exposing them to technology role models, and increasing self-confidence to become tech creators and entrepreneurs.

The Black Inventor Online Museum. Focuses on the ingenuity and accomplishment of the top black inventors over the last 300 years. Inventors are profiled with a section dedicated to female inventors.

Science NetLinks has developed a number of resources that honor the achievements and scientific work of African Americans.

SEEK (Summer Engineering Experience for Kids) Designed to expose black children to STEM fields, this program utilizes student mentors, the majority of whom are black and majoring in STEM fields. The 2020 dates and locations are now available.

MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge Logo MathWorks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge
The M3 Challenge is a contest for high school juniors and seniors. Students work as a team to tackle a real-world problem under time and resource constraints, akin to those faced by professional mathematicians working in industry. Extra credits awards are available for teams who choose to write or employ outstanding code as part of their solution. The Challenge awards $100,000. Registration closes February 21, 2020.

NASA's Astrophoto Challenges
Use real astronomical data and tools to create your own beautiful images of the iconic starburst galaxy M82. Submit your astrophoto creations to the challenge and they may be highlighted as standout entries commented on by NASA experts. The challenge will end on February 29, 2020.

Why Should Young People Consider Careers in Computing and Information Technology?
Created for school counselors by Counselors for Computing (C4C), a project of the NCWIT K-12 Alliance, this card gives adults talking points and additional resources for conversations with students, children, and/or other young people. The main message is that IT offers meaningful work, job security and high salaries with a bachelor's degree, and flexibility due to the variety of roles available.

The Connectory - Winter Camps!
The Connectory is the go-to place to find STEM year-round. Many girl-focused winter STEM/STEAM opportunities are available. Search by location, dates, area of interest, and/or age group. If you are program provider, join The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families.

Global ResourcesGlobal
Girl Day: Introduce a Girl to Engineering     
February 20, 2020
Girl Day is a worldwide campaign to engage girls in engineering. Engineers, educators, and others act as role models, facilitate engineering activities, and educate girls about how engineers change our world. Key findings from DiscoverE's new report, Despite the Odds, found that this simple formula helps girls develop an interest in engineering, build their confidence in their problem-solving skills, and create a STEM identity. DiscoverE provides resources to plan Girl Day activities, online training for volunteers, and tips for starting conversations about engineering.
New Global E-news 
New Global Girls Collaborative E-newsletter
On March 8, 2020 (International Women's Day), the National Girls Collaborative will be launching a new quarterly e-newsletter with a global focus on girls in STEM. This new e-newsletter will feature events, resources, and girl-focused STEM programs from around the globe. Sign up today!
About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ has been partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GSE/EXT: National Girls Collaborative Project: Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce, Grant No. HRD-1532643.
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