Secretary James M. Le Blanc
Date:  12/23/2019
Contact:  Ken Pastorick, Communications Director
225-219-0499 or 225-620-3728
Media Advisory:

Women's Prisons to Host Christmas Concerts for Inmates
New Orleans Chamber Orchestra to play concerts
BATON ROUGE, La. – The New Orleans Chamber Orchestra will play two Christmas concerts for women incarcerated at Louisiana Correctional Institute (LCIW) at Jetson and Elayn Hunt Correctional Institute on Monday, December 23, 2019. The orchestra will perform popular classics and holiday music in two separate concerts. New Orleans Chamber Orchestra is a professional ensemble, which includes the top professional musicians in the New Orleans area.

The performances are an outgrowth of a partnership between New Orleans Chamber Orchestra and Operation Restoration, a nonprofit for currently and formerly incarcerated women and girls. Throughout the year, Operation Restoration offers women at LCIW-Jetson for-credit college courses in partnership with Tulane University.

The 17-piece ensemble will perform 12 musical selections, including “Winter” from Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons,” excerpts from Handel’s “Messiah,” and Christmas carols featuring soprano Amy Pfrimmer, bass-baritone Ivan Griffin, and violinist Hannah Yim as soloists. The musicians of the orchestra found last year’s performance at Jetson to be “one of the most meaningful concerts in their lives” and they are very much looking forward to coming back and reaching additional audiences.

"Music is a powerful reminder of our shared humanity," says Syrita Steib-Martin, Founder and Executive Director of Operation Restoration. "We are grateful for the musicians' continued commitment to uplifting incarcerated women."
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