March 22, 2021
Weekly Update
announcements & events
Nominating Committee Update
At our May 15 Synod Assembly, we will be holding elections for synod council, consultation committee, committee on discipline, and voting members for the churchwide assembly.
Read about all of the roles - and how to nominate yourself or another member of the synod here: Forms need to be completed by March 31.
This week, a reminder that there are 9 (nine !) days left to submit nominations!
While you may nominate yourself - or another member of the synod - for any position, in particular, we are seeking folx for these roles/categories:
youth member and an unrestricted layperson (may be non-binary, male or female.)
a male youth and a rostered minister who is a person of color/primary language is other than English
THANK YOU for prayerfully considering potential nominees for this role.
Please have the nominee complete an online nomination form HERE by March 31.
Installation News
We give thanks to God as Pastor Todd Wright is installed at the Director of Spiritual Care at Bethany Northwest in Everett. His installation will take place during their 5:30pm online annual corporation meeting on Thursday, March 25.
At that time Pastor Caitlyn Melillo (who also serves at Seattle Children's Hospital) will also be installed as a part time chaplain. God bless these partners and this ministry!
Deadline approaching:
Don’t miss out on a Paycheck Protection Program loan
Whether or not your congregation benefited from the first round of PPP loans, it may be eligible now to receive its first or second loan to sustain payroll and operating expenses during the pandemic. As a lender certified by the Small Business Administration, the ELCA Federal Credit Union (FCU) has administered nearly 300 PPP loans for ELCA ministries nationwide and is currently accepting new applications. The FCU can assist any eligible ELCA congregation or ministry, even if it received its first PPP loan though a different lender. Apply by Monday, March 22, to ensure processing time before the federal deadline on March 31.
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Camp MatchUp App
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries is excited to be launching its new app, Camp MatchUp, which allows users to easily access information about camps looking for summer staff. Camp MatchUp connects camps with interested job applicants and assists applicants in their camp discernment process. Camps equip and empower young adults in many ways. Support Lutheran Outdoor Ministries and their life-changing faith formation work by sharing this app with young adults in your community. The app is available for download from the App Store and Google Play. Learn more.
Camp Lutherwood
Summer Camp Registration is Open!
Check out options for:
- Summer 2021
- Spring Lodge Rentals
- Campground Use
ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants
Are you part of a ministry (or know of one) that draws on the strengths of its community to break the cycle of hunger and poverty for good?
Invite them to apply for a Domestic Hunger Grant!
Registration open NOW: March 17, 2021–May 5, 2021
Application: April 19, 2021–May 21, 2021
Trinity Education Foundation Scholarships
Scholarship Applications Available Now!
Trinity Education Foundation is accepting scholarship applications. Please be sure to get your application in by midnight, March 31, 2021.
Trinity Scholars Program for undergraduate students provides scholarship funds of $10,000 renewable up to four years, plus vocational guidance, and coaching.
Dave Ellingson Environmental Studies provides scholarship funds of $1,000.
Seminary provides scholarship funds of $5,000 renewable up to three years.
Contact Trinity Education Foundation at 425.249.4800 or email for more information.
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Update & Seattle Spring Ingathering
April 29 - May 1 at First Lutheran Church in Bothell
First, thanks to all who were able to provide quilts and kits last fall. Covid19 shut down not just worship services, but many of the quilting groups, kit-buying and kit-making activities due to social distancing, and even some (appropriate) fear of going shopping or being out in public. We held a “modified Covid19 Ingathering” where churches brought their boxes to First Lutheran Church in Bothell over three days; later the boxes were brought back out to load a container. LWR hired a professional moving crew to work inside the small - 425 square feet - (floor space) container. The items shipped, in one 53’ container, included: 2,394 quilts and blankets; 2,932 school kits; 1,780 personal care kits; 1,165 baby care kits; 86 fabric kits; 250 masks; and 11 blankets. WOW!
The Spring Ingathering will be a repeat of the modified Covid19 Ingathering process.
Churches/quilting groups need to reserve a delivery spot by calling/emailing Rich Mathes at 206-384-1183, or email The incoming cars and trucks will be staggered; drivers and passengers must wear masks and are to remain in their vehicles as much as possible. The church building is not open for use by drivers or passengers.
HELP US KEEP YOU IN THE LOOP: If your quilting group, or church, or kit-assembly group has not received your instructions, loading form, or newsletter, please notify Rich at either contact above.
NEWS from Portico Benefit Services
Stress is a pain in the neck: If you’re literally feeling the effects of too many hours staring at a computer screen, sitting in a not-so-ergonomically-correct chair, or carrying a year’s worth of pandemic worries in your shoulders, Members with ELCA-primary health benefits now have access to SWORD, a virtual therapy program for joint pain available at no out-of-pocket cost. Watch this short video for an introduction, and learn more about SWORD on myPortico.
Get the best rest. Good sleep is as much a factor of whole-person well-being as diet, exercise, and prayer. Check out the small steps you can take to set yourself up for healthy sleep on 2021 Live Well. Focusing on sleep for part of your Lent journey? ELCA-Primary members, both Being and Learn to Live offer more in-depth coaching and tracking that can help you make meaningful, lasting change.
Region One Disaster Preparedness and Response
Get connected!
Find the April Newsletter HERE.
Subscribe to the Newsletter HERE
Synod Meetings this week:
Team members, check your inbox for details & links!
Rostered Minister Meet Up
Tuesday, March 23 at 3pm via Zoom
Candidacy Committee
Thursday, March 25 at 2pm via Zoom
Returning to In-Person Worship & Gatherings
Thursday, March 25 at 6:30pm via Zoom
Open to Lay Leaders & Rostered Ministers
See more event info and meeting link below ...
Fifty and Better (FAB) at California Lutheran University
March Lectures
The two-hour lectures are $8 each and are open to everyone.
Learn more and register HERE (registration open now!)
The World of Neuroscience: From Single Neurons to Human Behaviors with Wesley Tierney on Tuesday, March 23 at 10am
Can the Golden State Be Made to Shine Again? with Herb Gooch on Monday, March 29 at 10am
Fifty and Better Spring Session
Weekly ELCA Coaching Event
Next Session is Wednesday, March 24 at 11am
Topic: Join Giovana Oaxaca, ELCA Program Director for Migration Policy, and Mary Campbell, ELCA Director of AMMPARO, to learn more about how Lutherans advocate on pressing migration issues and how leaders can model this important ministry in their communities.
All are invited to join this weekly online gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church. Join Zoom Meeting here:
Meeting ID: 180 439 412 - Password: 648160
We understand a number of folks are unable to make this day and time each week. We record the main session and debrief time. We share each recording with supporting documents here, typically by the following day:
Living Life Fully Series Part 2:
Planning for Anything
March 25, 9am
This free webinar for older adults, hosted by Adult Lutherans Organized for Action, will focus on the nuts and bolts of having your financial and personal affairs in order. Deaconess and RN Penny Cedel will be joined by Financial Planner Michael Guthrie to outline basic documents that provide a smooth transition for your spouse or your children if you are no longer able to manage for yourself.
Returning to In-Person Worship Considerations & Conversation
Thursday, March 25, 6:30pm on Zoom
As some begin to consider returning to (higher capacity, indoor) in-person worship and gatherings, please join us for this conversation! We will welcome two guests: Dr. Alison Roxby from the UW and Ali Omar from the Environmental Health Services Dept. of King County.
We hope to see pastors/deacons, council presidents, and/or COVID planning team leaders join this conversation! We encourage your questions in advance - send them to
(Meeting ID: 879 6663 8789 | Passcode: 693063)
Easter Vigil Opportunities
Saturday, April 3
A Local Invite:
Come and celebrate a Virtual Easter Vigil via Zoom on Saturday, April 3 at 7pm! A collection of faith communities (including Emmaus Table, University Lutheran Church, Lutheran Campus Ministry at UW, Echoes, and Living Stones Prison Ministry) will lead an immersive, imaginative experience of remembrance, hope, longing, and new creation. Gathered around a new fire, we will revisit stories and songs of God's deliverance from the Hebrew Scriptures and our lives. We will also remember our Baptisms and celebrate Holy Communion together. Join the zoom event here.
An invite from our friends at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary:
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary invites you to join its Easter Vigil worship watch party on Saturday, April 3, at 7 pm on the PLTS Facebook page. The worship service includes a liturgy of Word, music, readings, reflections, and prayers, led by PLTS students, pastors, and faculty with plenty of water and fire for all! You don’t need a Facebook account to participate. A recording of the service will also be available on the PLTS Worship YouTube channel.
Funding Your Hunger Ministry Workshop
Saturday, April 10, 10am-11:30am
Our neighbors in the Southwestern Washington Synod are inviting Hunger Teams from around ELCA Region 1 to learn about ELCA World Hunger, Lutheran Disaster Response, the ELCA Domestic Hunger Grant application process and other possible funding sources. We will be joined by a professional grant writer who works with non-profit clients, to learn the top things any successful program needs. Register for this free event here:
Questions? Email or call the Southwestern Washington Synod at 253-535-8300.
Living into a Fresh Vision for God’s Church
Third Thursday monthly webinars (11am Pacific) featuring well known scholars and church leaders that focus on key areas:
April 15 – The Future is Now: Creative Expressions of Church
Pastors and congregational lay leaders can sign up for only a $25 donation to register for the entire series. All conference proceeds are donated to the ELCA Fund for Leaders.
Lutheran Men In Mission
Bold Gathering
Saturday, April 17, 9am-12noon
Registration is Free but Required.
Lutheran Men in Mission will be hosting another online event featuring six speakers discussing matters that men know matter. Register now at There you can find more information and see all the archived videos from past Bold Gatherings.
Bishop's Spring Convocation
Living into Authentic Diversity: Sharing Our Stories
Monday-Wednesday, April 26-28, Online
Monday, 1-4pm | Tuesday, 9:30am-3:30pm | Wednesday: 9am-12noon
Rostered ministers, mission developers, and interns of the synod are invited to gather online over these days to explore diversity in the Church from the perspective of listening deeply to the uniqueness of our diverse journeys of faith. How do our familial/cultural/ denominational/personal identities and histories shape our experience of being Church Together? Following an introductory session with the Strategic Team For Authentic Diversity (STAD), we will be joined by keynote speaker the Rev. Lenny Duncan.
We will also hear stories of four local leaders (Rev. Diakonda Gurning, Rosario Aguilar, Rev. Sam Sseba, and Elizabeth Stitt). We will have time to reflect together on both the gifts and the challenges these stories bring to us. Learn more and register here.
The LiVE Project presents:
Interrogating Privilege in Church & Our Lives
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm
April 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19
Cost: $50/person
Living into Vocational Engagement (LiVE) is a new initiative of the NW WA Synod to accompany lay leaders in ways that encourage and deepen God’s calling for their lives.
This six-week course is designed specifically for lay leaders to open up transparent, and honest conversation around the ways privilege shapes and impacts our lives and communities of faith.
Those who will benefit from this opportunity:
(1) those looking for additional conversational partners around our synod who have interest and experience engaging similar conversations,
(2) those open to exploring courageously their own privilege, and
(3) those working to imagine and implement anti-racism, diversity, inclusion and equity
teams within your congregation
(4) rostered ministers welcome to attend with lay leaders
Session Topics Include:
- The God of our privilege: Where is God among our privilege?
- Privilege from a Lutheran perspective: What does Lutheran theology have to say?
- Naming our privilege: How can we identify our personal and corporate experiences?
- Broadening the conversation: What do other marginalized voices have to say?
- Collaboration as strategy: How can we reconfigure power?
- Living forward: What is our work moving forward?
The learning facilitators for the course are Rev. Priscilla Paris Austin, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Seattle, and Dr. David Hahn, Dir. of Formation and Learning for the NW WA Synod.
Pacific Lutheran University – Knutson Lecture:
World Balance vs. Personal Salvation:
An American Indian Postcolonial Perspective
Tuesday, April 20, 7pm via Zoom Webinar
Rev. Dr. George “Tink” Tinker is Professor of American Indian Cultures and Religious Traditions at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Tinker will address the differences between the genuine equality of American Indian peoples and the hierarchical worldview of the eurochristian West. Given the eco-devastation threatening life today, and the historical trauma experienced by American Indian nations, the survival of American Indian cultures and values may make the difference for the survival of the Earth.
You are also invited to join PLU Chapel on Wednesday, April 21 at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom to hear Dr. Tinker deliver the message. For more information and to register for either opportunity, please visit
Grünewald Guild in the City:
Seattle’s Olympic Sculpture Park
April 24th, 11am – 1pm
Olympic Sculpture Park
2901 Western Avenue, Seattle
Join the Grünewald Guild’s NEW director, Brian Johnson, for this event. He will lead this art outing and conversation focusing on poems and sacred texts paired with the park sculptures. Bring a bagged lunch or make plans for lunch in the area. Register here. Cost is $10 general / $ 2 students
Synod Assembly - Saturday May 15, 9am-4pm ONLINE
Registration for Voting Members is now open. A "get registered" email invite was sent to the emails of all Rostered Ministers and Congregations last week. Please review that email and get your crew registered by March 31.
Nominations for various positions are now being accepted. Read about the roles and how to nominate yourself or another synod member HERE.
Submit nominations by March 31.
Resolutions you wish to have considered by the assembly are now being accepted. Learn how to write and submit a resolution HERE. Submit resolutions by March 31.
Want an item included?
All items due by 2pm on the prior Thursday
Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103