This Week @ MUSM is the official student newsletter of Mercer University School of Medicine designed to keep students up-to-date on key information and events.
Learn Medical Spanish

Monday, November 23
12:00 - 12:45 pm
Join us in the Savannah auditorium for an anatomy relay race. You'll also learn some phrases to take blood pressure and blood glucose. There will be games, prizes and fun! Hosted by LMSA.
Understanding Chronic Conditions Through a Story of Cerebral Palsy

Friday, December 4
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Join Erin Gill as she shares her journey with cerebral palsy. She will give us insight on how to deal with a chronic condition from the perspective of the patient as well as from the perspective of family, friends and co-workers.

Principles of Adult Learning and Teaching Large Groups

Monday, December 7
4:00 - 5:15 pm
Join us as Dr. Reddick and other clinician educators, delve into principles of adult learning as it applies to large group teaching. No advanced reading is required for this session. However, we'll further explore Dr. Gerald Grow's article Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed, so be sure to have a copy of the article on hand

National Chats for Change

Wednesday, December 9
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Join the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai's Chat for Change, a series of monthly dialogues focused on racism and bias. The December chat is focused on colorblindness.

Bears Prepare: Class of 2022

Thursday, December 10
1:00 pm
Mark you calendars for this upcoming session where we will discuss preparing for year four. Zoom information will be provided once we get closer to the session date.
LMSA National Conference

March 12 - 14, 2021
Registration for the 16th Annual LMSA National Conference is now open! Please visit the LMSA National Linktree for links to the Eventbrite registration page, the national website, and much more.
The MUSM Office of Research, in collaboration with the Office of Student Affairs, is conducting a survey about ways to support student involvement in research and service activities. This information will help us to develop initiatives and programming to support students.
An online survey was created in Qualtrics and we would greatly appreciate your input as we decide on our short- and long-term strategies. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Please refer any questions to Dr. Bryant Smalley, Associate Dean for Research.

Class of 2022! Texas STAR is a nationwide survey and online tool designed to help navigate the match process more effectively. You can request access to real data to help you in deciding which residency programs in which to apply. To request access, complete this Google Sheet with your name and email address by Tuesday, December 1 at 4 pm. For questions about access, contact Misty Graham, Academic Success Counselor.
SCORE Research Program
Learn about an eight-week intensive summer opportunity to pursue research and observe clinical care in either otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) or obstetrics/gynecology. Sponsored through the Head & Neck Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynecology Departments at Kaiser Permanente Oakland. Program dates are June 14, 2021 until August 6, 2021.

Class of 2023
The 2020 AAMC Year Two Questionnaire (Y2Q) launched October 1 and right now WE ARE NUMBER 1 IN THE COUNTRY! Help us keep it up by completing your survey today. The survey closes on January 3. Don’t wait – get it done early. If you have trouble locating the email containing your unique survey link, contact directly.
MUSM Merchandise Makes the Perfect Holiday Gift
The Class of 2024 is hosting a holiday MUSM Merchandise sale for your spirit needs. Orders must be placed and paid for before Thursday, November 26. All orders not paid for by this time will be cancelled.
Payments can be made by Venmo to @Hannah-McQueen-MUSMTreasurer24. For other forms of payment, contact Hannah McQueen.
This Week@MUSM is the official student newsletter of the Mercer University School of Medicine. Visit our website to learn more or view past issues.