November 20, 2020
Online access beginning at 7:00 a.m.
Results of Congregational Survey
Click on the link below to read a report from the FPC Session and Re-Opening Task Force with the findings from the recent "Join the Conversation" congregational Survey.
New Message from the Designated Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (DAPNC)
The latest letter of update from the DAPNC, dated November 17, 2020, may be accessed by clicking on the link below:
All Communication from the Administrative Commission
All communication from the Administrative Commission, including the most recent letter dated October 28 2020, can be readily accessed on First Presbyterian’s website home page, using the link below:
A Message from Your Stewardship Team

Not being together for Stewardship Dedication Sunday has meant that we have gotten off to a slow start this year!

And it turns out that our sending your pledge packets by bulk mail means that some of you are still waiting to receive them. But as we have begun to make phone calls, so many of you have been quick in your promise to respond. Thank you.

We will keep you updated as pledges come in. We have significant ground to cover in order to support the vital ministries of FPC, Sarasota.
And if you have not received your packet, please call the church office at 941-955-8119; we'll be sure your replacement gets first-class postage!

Ways you can make your pledge:
·Mail in your pledge card in the envelope sent to you.

· Drop off your pledge card to the church office, making arrangements with Lisa Garcia at (941) 955-8119.

· Pledge online through our website:, select Member Login, then select Pledge Now.

Please join us as we witness to God's transforming power and love.
We want to see YOU at our virtual Coffee Hour
Hope: The Anchor for Your Soul
Virtual Adult Education Class
Led by Elaine Barnett

The Church confesses that Jesus Christ is its hope and is itself a community of hope. This study presents the basics of Christian hope in Christ. God is making a new creation, a new beginning for human life and for all things. We live on the strength of that promised new creation even when the times are tough and hope is difficult. Through biblical and theological insights, the participants explore the hope that is within us, the hope that does not disappoint us, and the hope in which we can rejoice.

The class meets for three more weeks on Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.
via Zoom continuing this Tuesday. It's not to late to join in!

November 24: Christ's Return and the Last Judgment
December 1: The New Creation
December 8: Living Hope in Church and World

To register for the class
email Elaine Barnett at
Sign up now!
Pre-K – 2nd grade
Leaders: Rebecca Clissold, Lydia Chapdelain, Haleigh Smoot
10:30 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings
3rd – 5th grade

Leaders: Sue Nurczyk, Mariah Martin, Lauren Reasoner
9:15 - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings via Zoom
Middle School Youth
Leaders: Scott McLeod and Sandi Soper
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings via Zoom
The four weeks before Christmas are known as the season of Advent in the church. It's a time of waiting and preparation, as we remember the coming of the Christ child, and as we long for his return.

Traditionally, we have been able to gather in person for worship, fellowship, and mission projects. Because we don’t want to give that up, we are finding new ways to connect this year!

Please drop by the church anytime between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. on November 29 for an intergenerational Advent workshop, most of which will take place outside, where we can maintain safe distances while still sharing the joy of the season!

The following interactive stations will be set up for you and your family to enjoy:
  • Plant paperwhite bulbs
  • Be photographed at the Nativity Photo Booth (props to use on Christmas Eve)
  • Sign up (in advance) to participate in It’s a COVID Christmas, Charlie Brown! recording session - see details below
  • Pick up your pre-ordered Advent-In-a-Box
  • Enjoy prepackaged chocolate milk and cookies

Grace and peace,

Lydia O. Chapdelain
Children and Youth Leader
Investing in Children
Even though we can’t be helping in person at Brentwood Elementary School, our congregation has continued to support them in other ways. Because of the generosity of some of our members, the FPC Invest in Children steering committee “adopted” two classrooms at Brentwood Elementary School this fall. This week we received a large poster and a smaller thank-you note from one of those classes. The note we received from the preschool class and their teacher, Mrs. Farber, is below.
We continue to gather gift cards for some of the neediest families at Brentwood. See the Blessing Tree flyer below for the details. Thank you for your continued support by providing gift cards for families who are struggling during the holiday season.
PW Christmas Gathering
Tuesday, December 1 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom

All women of the church are welcome to attend. We encourage you to show everyone a Christmas item that has special meaning for you such as an ornament, a creche, a Christmas decoration and tell us the story behind it or you can share a special family Christmas tradition. Click on the Zoom link button below to participate.

Meeting ID: 919 6319 5923
Passcode: 713715
At our Christmas gatherings, we traditionally adopt an organization for mission giving and this year is no exception. Misión Peniel is requesting items for adult hygiene kits. Please note, items must be new and unopened and trial or single-use size. No large shampoo bottles or bars of soap please. A kit consists of the following 8 items placed in a gallon-size plastic Ziplock bag:

1. Toothbrush
2. Toothpaste
3. Shampoo
4. Bar soap
5. Deodorant (men's or women's scent)
6. Disposable razor
7. Socks
8. Washcloth

You may create one or more kits or donate items for some kits. We will also accept money and purchase the items for you. Items may be dropped off weekdays at the church in the bin provided Monday, Nov. 23 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. or Tuesday, Nov. 24 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Checks may be mailed to the church office to the attention of Mary Webb. Make checks out to Presbyterian Women and write hygiene kit in the memo line. Contact Flossie Paul at (941) 779-6055 or Pamela Lamb at (941) 210-7478 if you have questions.
FPC’s Mission Partnership with
All Faiths Food Bank
Our partnership with All Faiths Food Bank as an emergency food distribution site is going strong.
The food distribution is by drive-through with volunteers loading cars as clients circle in the parking lot during the allotted time.
Please consider becoming a part of this exciting ministry
to our community!
Sign up NOW to volunteer at First Presbyterian's
Volunteers are needed each Thursday.
Task options include sorting and distributing food, setting up,
cleaning up and directing traffic.

Volunteer Times

First, third and fifth Thursdays: 8:45 am - 11:30 pm

Second and fourth Thursdays: 3:45 – 6:30 pm

All safety measures are in place:
Masks and closed-toe shoes required for volunteers;
gloves and hand sanitizer provided;
masks required for walk-up food recipients

Bob Kirkpatrick, or (941) 761-2455
or Dave Householder, or (724) 462-4235

TO SIGN UP, click the link below
Preschool News
At First Presbyterian Preschool, we Nurture Strong to #GrowStrong! Our classrooms offer a variety of dramatic paly centers such as kitchens, farms and fire stations to encourage role-playing for our students. When children role-play, for example, pretending to be a parent, they develop language and communication skills and an understanding of how someone else would feel or react in a situation. Teaching empathy in these early years helps children grow into empathic adults.
Giving Options
Please continue to mail your contributions to us at the church or donate online. Your gifts make a great difference during this challenging season.

Online: If you are interested in giving electronically through our secure e-giving process, please visit and select the online giving button.

Texting: Are you interested in the convenience of contributing by text message? Text FPC2050 to 73256 to donate via text. Standard rates may apply.

Mail In: During this time when the church campus is closed, all mail, including contribution checks, securely arrive to our church office.
Remembering Our Church Family in Prayer
Thank you for upholding members of our congregation with special prayer needs during this time. Click on the attached link for a complete list:
We Care Poster Recipients
Select the link below for the names of our members who were recently in the hospital and received a We Care poster-card on behalf of the congregation. Please keep these members in your prayers for healing and consider calling or sending a note of encouragement.
Preparing for Flu Season During COVID-19
Getting a flu vaccine this fall can reduce your risk of getting the flu and help save medical resources needed to care for people with COVID-19. It’s important for everyone to do their part to stay healthy this flu season.

Prevent the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses by reminding each other to:

Mask Up: Cover your nose and mouth with a mask when out in public.
Lather Up: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Sleeve Up: Roll up your sleeve to get a flu shot.

CDC recommends that people get a flu vaccine by the end of October.

Flu season peaks between December and February.

It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against influenza virus infection.

Children (aged 6 months to 8 years) who need two doses of vaccine to be protected should start the vaccination process sooner, because the two doses must be given at least four weeks apart.

The next blood drive is Sunday, December 6—mark your calendar!
First Presbyterian Preschool GROWING STRONG

The preschool staff and the families are very grateful to the individuals and families who have contributed to our preschool community. If you have not had the opportunity to donate, please consider how you can help offset the decrease in needed income due to lowered enrollment this fall (from the impact of COVID-19). You can be a part of helping our preschool continue to GROW STRONG with gifts over-and-above your regular church offering.
For online donations, use the weblink below. Thank you again for keeping our church / preschool community STRONG!

Grace and peace,

Clare Carter, Preschool Director
We’re Here for You!
The FPC care team, Stephen Ministers, deacons, elders and church staff want you to know we are here for you. Please feel free to reach out to Cheryl Track, faith community nurse (941) 320-3828 if we can be of support to you.