July Newsletter
Hello TAF Family!

Happy Summer! This month was super exciting for TAF - especially with our Purple for Pappas 5K opening up registration and enjoying our Kick Off Party at the North Brunswick Pub. Our Marketing Team is also hard at work planning some really exciting things for the 5K & our TAF Store!

We know that Summer is an ideal time to get away! As you begin to travel again take a photo in some TAF Swag (sunglasses, hoodie, mask, drawstring, #LiveLikeAubrey bands, etc.) and tag us! We would love to see how far our TAF family travels!

Scroll down to learn more about what we've been up to and how to get involved! And don't forget to register for the 7th Annual Purple for Pappas 5K!

We will see you soon TAF Family!
Stay Safe and Stay Connected!

-All of us at The Aubrey Foundation
Our Events
Purple for Pappas 5K

At the Purple for Pappas 5K, North Brunswick friends & family come together for a morning of fun, encouragement and community – all ways we strive to #LiveLikeAubrey! 
Interested in registering to run or walk with us?  Interested in sponsoring the race this year, setting up a vendor table, or being a race day volunteer? Click here to learn more about how to get involved!
Cigar Night

Cigar Night: where family & friends gather for an evening of endless music, dancing, food & fun to celebrate the lives of Aubrey Pappas & Anthony Raspa
THANK YOU to all who helped to make the 7th Annual Cigar Night a great success - we’re excited to share the event results with all of you - click here to read more!

Marketing is Merchandising!

The Marketing Committee has been shopping around for some awesome Aubrey Foundation apparel and other cool merchandise. Can’t wait for you to see what we have “in store!”
Meet Our Members
This month we want to spotlight & celebrate 2 of our board members who help us touch many people through all of their work with TAF and by #LivingLikeAubrey, always. 
Fundraising And Recruiting
How FAR can we go?
Our FAR initiative (fundraising & recruiting) was established in an effort to expand our Aubrey Foundation family. Expansion can come in many different forms with the intention, always, to spread our mission, touch more people through our service, and grow our partners.

A huge THANK YOU goes out this month to our 1st 2021 P4P5K Sponsor: a friend & neighbor of the Millner’s, and local surgeon, Advaith Bongu MD, LLC!