Your September Newsletter from LACUE!
If you have any suggestions for our newsletter or website, please let us know. We are constantly making changes and adding new resources for all of you!

Attention Pre-Service Teachers:
The LACUE Annual conference will have a pre-conference workshop JUST FOR YOU!!!
Instagram Contest
A NEW Volunteer Program

Our friends at ISTE are coming to New Orleans this Fall!

The ISTE Creative Constructor Lab is a two-day interactive learning experience where you’ll discover how to create vibrant, media-rich learning environments to help grow the next generation of creators!

Join us in New Orleans, October 19-20, 2019 . The PD event will be held at NOCCA. Space is limited. More details and registration is available at
TCEA Convention & Exposition

February 4-8, 2019 | San Antonio, Texas | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
At the 2019 TCEA Convention & Exposition, thousands of educators are on a mission to discover the knowledge and resources they need to engage students, enhance curriculum, and increase productivity. Campus and district-level administrators, curriculum and technology leaders, teachers, librarians, and champions of ed tech will all discover innovative strategies and best practices for integrating technology into their schools, classrooms, and libraries.
TCEA’s 39th annual convention will showcase 1,000+ informative sessions and hands-on workshops, access to the latest ed tech resources from hundreds of exhibitors, and countless opportunities for networking. Prepare to leave fully charged for success.