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A Note from Patti

What fun we had at the Welcome Back Bash last Sunday! It started with a church full of children (what a wonderful sight that was), the blessing of their backpacks and school year, which then spilled out into the parking lot for Kona Ice, crafts and fellowship. Wonderful!

Let’s keep the emergy going. We had lots of parents volunteer for Sunday school, and we are so grateful for that. We still need a few more teachers though, 4th & 5th grade and middle school, so don’t feel left out – join in! Contact Emily DelSordo at emily@st-margarets.org to sign up.

We would like our young parishioners to sign up for acolytes. If your child is between 7 and 18 years, talk to them about being an acolyte. Stress the playing with fire part! Being an acolyte is being a worship leader in the service and grows a child's faith and leadership skills. Email Julie Svendsen for more information at julie@st-margarets.org.

Did you see the email from Laura about the Broadneck area local clothing drive? Alison Matthews, who serves the Broadneck schools as the Pupil Personnel Worker, is doing an amazing job trying to meet the needs of families with few resources and insecure housing (who literally leave with just the clothes on their back). She collects, sorts and distributes clothing and supplies to local students as needs arise. Right now she is trying to provide clothing for 14 children who have recently found shelter at our local domestic violence safe house. We are helping Allison by collecting clothing for all children's sizes as well as youth and adult clothing.

There are two bins in the narthex for these donations. It is Allison's hope to offer five outfits, with new underwear and socks, in one individual bag that has the size and sex of the intended recipient marked on the bag.

One of our parishioners created a wish list from Alison on Amazon.com to make it easy for parishioners to buy needed items. Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/364K93UL7NLV8?ref_=wl_share

Another way to help those in need is by joining the Afghan Tiger Team. This group will meet Thursday evenings in the Fellowship Hall to collect information and formulate a plan as to how best to aid the Afghan refugees that will be coming to Maryland. Join the group at 6 pm, or contact Janice John (janicejohnrg@gmail.com) or Fran Becker (fran.becker10@gmail.com) for more information.

As you can see, there are lots of ways to offer our time and talents to God. If we consider these opportunities to volunteer spiritually, we immediately feel grateful to God for all our blessings and that leads us to consider how we can offer something back in thanksgiving. For those who aren’t familiar with Rite One, at the offering, the priest holds the offering aloft, and we say, “All things come of thee, O God, and of thine own have we given thee.” It’s a good thing to remember!
Indoor Worship
now held
7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m.

Note: Please sign our attendance sheet when you enter the church.

Due to an increase in Covid cases in our county, the Diocese has put us in the "Orange Zone" meaning masks are strongly encouraged and there will be no congregational singing.

 Additionally, there are still some rules we will follow for the safety of us all.
·        Hand sanitizer will still be available in the narthex and at the front of the sanctuary.
·        We will continue to share an elbow or a wave at the peace.
·        Please be conscious of physical distancing. Four feet is the recommended distance now.

Thanks to all for continuing patience and adherence to all safety rules.
See you Sunday!

AS A REMINDER -- We will offer a live-stream of the service at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/smcannapolis) and our YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/c/saintmargaret).
Children/Youth Formation Registration Has Begun!

Get your child registered for the numerous faith forming opportunities available for our young members this program year!

Opportunities available from Oct - May include:
*Children's Chapel (during sermon at 9 a.m. service)
*Sunday School Pre-School
*Sunday School Kindergarten/1st grade
*Sunday School Grades 2-3
*Sunday School Grades 4-5
*Sunday School Middle School
*Formation Class High School
*Youth Group Monday Nights
*Acolytes (lead during church services)
*Church Musicians

Printed Forms are available in the narthex.

Automated registration available
on our website at www.st-margarets.org.
Click on the Formation tab at the top,
click on the "Children Formation" or "Youth Formation" pages.

Adult Volunteers are a must as we use Team Teachers for each activity. If you can support our young learners, please contact the Children's Family Director Emily Delsordo at Emily@st-margarets.org.
October 3rd - 10:15 to 11:00 a.m.
Meet the Teachers for ages 3-18

First Day of Sunday School - Oct. 10

Please mask up!
Youth Activities Begin Sept. 13

*Mondays are Faith & Fellowship Youth Group meetings at 7 p.m. on Zoom. For all middle and high school students. All meetings, and this is no exception, start with a bit of sharing what is happening in their lives. Called “Highs & Lows,” it really is sharing what is important to participants at that moment. The group has found this to be one of the most important parts of the meetings, whether they meet on-line or in-person. Following that, participants play games. Finally, the meetings end with a prayer. Participants talk about prayer and try to take the “weirdness” out of it, and then everyone gets a chance to practice group prayer at some point during the year at least once.

*Wednesdays are the day we designate for all Middle School students. (Held at 7 p.m. on Zoom) Students hold discussions about the importance of the Bible and church knowledge. They explore what faith means and looks like, and demystify church services. It is our hope that by high school, students “understand church,” and are ready to begin taking an even more active role in our parish.

*Thursdays are listed as High School meetings. We begin one half-hour later, meeting from 7:30 p.m. until 8:30. These discussions often have a more topical flavor and a look at what is happening in our world through our Christian eyes.

Contact Youth Ministries Leader Jeff Conover for more information at
Online Adult Formation Study
Begins Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. on Zoom

Monday online study will begin on Monday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. on Zoom. All are welcome. Email the Rev. Patti Sachs at
patti@st-margarets.org if you wish to participate.

The study will focus on the book “The Forgotten Creed - Christianity’s Original Struggle Against Bigotry, Slavery, & Sexism” by Stephen J. Patterson. A synopsis: In the days when Jesus was still fresh in the memory of those who knew him, the argument was a different one: how can human beings overcome the ways by which we divide ourselves one from another? Is solidarity possible beyond race, class, and gender? Join the discussions!

Senior Sessions Resumes Sept. 14

Our Senior Sessions are offered to those ages 65+. Held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, the program is now held on Zoom at 9:00 a.m. (NOTE NEW HOUR) The sessions include special prayers, a discussion over the Gospel reading of the week, and a sharing of joys and challenges. To participate, email the Rev. Patti Sachs at patti@st-margarets.org.
if deemed safe by the Diocese

Monday Evening Formation In-Person
with the Rev. Patti Sachs
7:00 p.m. in Parish Hall
A Review of the Year & Planning for the Program Year

Baptism is the sacrament of becoming a Christian, which is practiced in many denominations, but slightly differently in each. The baptism at St. Margaret’s is usually performed as part of a Eucharistic service, as described in the Book of Common Prayer.

Upcoming Baptism dates are:
Sunday, September 12
Sunday, November 7

If you wish to schedule a baptism on one of those dates, fill out this baptism form and email to Peter@st-margarets.org.
All are welcome to join our Thursday Morning Book Study that resumes on September 9 @ 9:00 a.m. on Zoom (to start with). The group will be reading a Peter Gomes book titled Strength for the Journey. It is a compilation of sermons he offers as spiritual resources for daily living. To participate, contact Pat Hall at pshall1@verizon.net.

Here is a link to purchase the book:
Still Slots Available for Education for Ministry Program

Want to know more about Christianity? About how the Church became what it is today? About the Bible? About your personal ministry?

The EfM program invites people into small, mentored communities that help us to understand our lives and share our actions as we deepen our Christian faith.” EFM is a four-year study program through the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. We look at the bible historically, literally, metaphorically, theologically, and "scientifically" (using science now known, we can apply dates, ascribe authorship, have political background, etc.).

 Our group gathers for 36 weeks, September through May, on Wednesday mornings, 9-11:30.. If you are interested in joining the class at St. Margaret’s, please contact Jim Hall (jhhall1942@verizon.net) or 410-956-5120). The cost is $375 and includes all texts. Scholarship help is available. Students who have completed a year or more previously are encouraged to join and complete the program; or if you have graduated and want to explore EfM through the new texts, you are very welcome.  
Our Fall 2021 Spire
is now available!

Alison Matthews, the Pupil Personnel Worker for the Broadneck area schools, thanks all who brought in school supplies for local students and schools on Sunday!

Alison works for families in a local domestic violence safe house and currently has 14 children of all ages in need of clothes (as they can't take anything with them when they leave the household). She not only will be providing for other children in need in our local schools, but will be dealing with the influx of refugees coming soon to our area.

If you have gently used clothing of any size, if possible please place them in a plastic bag marked with size info and whether it is for a girl or boy. Put all donations (they will be sorted on Monday) in a box in the narthex labeled "Donated Clothes for Broadneck." We are also in need of only new underwear for children of all ages.

One of our parishioners created a wish list from Alison on Amazon.com to make it easy for parishioners to buy needed items. Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/364K93UL7NLV8?ref_=wl_share
Volunteer Opportunities

*The Sewing Mission is back in the mask making business and looking for more sewers! Anne Arundel County Public Schools has mandated mask wear for all students, teachers, staff and visitors for the beginning of school year 2021-22. We have confirmed a need for reusable cloth masks for some of the more diverse, largely populated schools in Annapolis. As one Guidance Counselor said, "Children often arrive at school without their masks. The county is providing disposable masks but reusable, cloth masks are a welcome donation!" If you can produce some youth sized masks please contact Beth Kopack at 410-279-5136 or esolchamp@icloud.com. We can supply new sewers with the patterns, materials and notions needed to create youth masks. Have you noticed how disposable masks have become the new litter? Please join us in this effort to protect our community's children while teaching the Earth friendly concept of reusability.  
*Join The Afghan Tiger Team! 
Is your heart calling you to help Afghan refugees that assisted the U.S.? The Mission Commission is setting up a Tiger Team to discern and act quickly on the best ways to help. Over the next three months, we will meet every Thursday evening 6:00-8:00 PM beginning September 2nd. 
Attend either by Zoom (Zoom Link:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81319497092?pwd=ek9RM29EdlhidTRhSWlKdU9ORXdvUT09) or in person in the Fellowship Hall. To join the Tiger Team or for more information, please contact Janice John at janicejohnrg@gmail.com or Fran Becker at fran.becker10@gmail.com. And/or please consider donating by making checks payable to “St. Margaret's” with “Afghan” in the subject line. Thank you!

Here is a site for giving as well:
*Back to School -- Tutoring at Broadneck Elementary
*Can you share ONE hour a week from October until June helping children in grades 1st through 3rd with reading, writing or math? For several years before the pandemic, SMC had a partnership with BES, logging in hundreds of hours of much needed help in the classroom, whether it was one-on-one tutoring or a classwide project. No experience is necessary and you and the teacher decide what hour works best for the two of you! In the words of a SMC tutor: I don't know who benefits the most from me being in the classroom, the student, the teacher or me! I love seeing a student smile once s/he gets a math concept or wants to continue reading! Please contact Fran Becker, fran.becker10@gmail.com for more details or to let her know that you would like to participate.
*Provide dinners for the Light House shelter residents the third and fourth Sunday of the month. At present, volunteers buy the food, prepare the dinner, and take it to the shelter for distribution. Volunteers are reimbursed for the food purchased. For more information, contact MartiEngstrom@gmail.com.

*Donate food to the Light House. Use this list of needed items and place in the Narthex. Donations are picked up every two weeks. Contact Pam Roth for more information.

*Donate food or volunteer for distribution at the Broadneck area food pantry My Brother's Pantry. Contact: Russell Jackson.

*Join the Annapolis Run for The Light House
 on the scenic trails of Quiet Waters Park. The race options are virtual and include a Half Marathon, the Joggin’ Joe Shafran Memorial 5k Run, and a 1.25 Mile Walk. For more information, go to https://www.annapolisrunforthelighthouse.org/.

*West Annapolis Pop-up Pantry - feeding hungry families in the Annapolis area two Thursdays a month- Contact: Barbara Marder
Wednesday Morning Eucharist
Returns Sept. 15

Our morning weekly Wednesday Eucharist returns in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, OCT 13 in the Sanctuary. NOTE TIME CHANGE. All are welcome to return to the practice of worship in a small, intimate setting.
Women's Guild Mums Sale

Our Women's Guild will be offering their popular annual mums sale on Sunday,
Oct. 3. Please make sure to bring cash or your checkbook to purchase these lovely plants that last all fall long.

The Guild is open to all women at St. Margaret's. They host monthly meetings the first Wednesday of the month, now via Zoom starting at 1 p.m. Guest speakers begin at 1:30 p.m. and include a variety of professionals sharing their expertise on many topics of interest to Guild members. Their next meeting will be Oct. 6. The group sponsors fundraisers for church projects and supports various charities including a club for Baltimore City students. To participate, email judy.hall0404@gmail.com.
Foyers Program Renewed for

St. Margaret's Foyers program is being renewed this coming program year!

What is Foyers? Foyer is a French word that means “hearth” or “fireside,” suggesting a group that is relaxed, receptive, and open to each other.

St. Margaret's Foyers participants are assigned into small groups who spend time together throughout the program year getting to know one another outside of the St. Margaret's campus.

To participate, you sign up either at church on a Sunday or email Ruth McKee Harmon at rhmckeyharmon@gmail.com. Deadline to register is October 1.

All registrants are invited to a program kickoff event in the Parish Hall on Sunday, October 17 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
St. Margaret's is now looking to hire

Part Time Sexton - Tuesday-Friday from 8 a.m.-noon and Monday and Weds from 5-9 p.m.
Contact: Elizabeth Radley at elizabeth@st-margarets.org.
Photo Directory Update -- Notify Us on Info Sharing

WANTED -- Pictures of you and your family for the new picture directory. We will use your information from Realm, including family members names, your address, primary phone and an email. If there is any info you DO NOT want published in a directory it is YOUR responsibility to let us know! We are looking forward to this! We have been apart for so long, and we have many new folks to get to know. So, send us your pictures! Email to patti@st-margarets.org.

Our fundraising total to date towards our new M&O Opus 17 organ is
Thanks to all who have donated!

If you haven't yet pledged, -
Go to the church website at www.st-margarets.org
Click on the Worship tab at the top, then click on Music, and then New Organ Page.
Fill out the online form.

Payments can be made by:
  • Making a check out to "St. Margaret's Church" and putting "New Organ Fund" in the memo line.
  • Using a credit card by going into Realm and choosing the organ fund (www.onrealm.org/smcannapolis/giving).
  • Gifting of stock. (Please contact Teresa or Elizabeth in the office to let them know.)
Join a post-COVID “Cathedral Tour” of Great Britain, a 9-Day tour, scheduled for October 6-14, 2022.

The Revs. Allan and Anne Weatherholt and the Rev. Steve and Melanie McCarty will host this diocesan wide trip which begins in London and ends in Edinburgh.

The cost, including airfare from Dulles airport, all ground transportation, tours, breakfast and dinner is $3,445. Visit this website to learn more, Click where it says "Click here" (on the left hand side), and enter the number 22003). The brochure can be found in "My Trip Documents" (near the top of the page). Don’t delay, plan your post-COVID get-away!
September 5

7:30-Kathy Polk
9:00-Pam Roth
11:15-Mel Kessler

Alli Smith

Altar Guild:
Elizabeth Parker, Lyn Sloan, Betsy Dobbs

Flower Guild:
Stacy Canuel
September 12

7:30-Alice Gillis
9:00-Mel Kessler
11:15-Valery Weekley

Cantor: TBD

Altar Guild:
Stephanie Ceruolo, Nancy Saroch, Lisa Moylan, Lynn Goff

Flower Guild:
Mary Kirkeby
Altar Flower Dedications Available
The beautiful flowers offered on our altar each Sunday can be dedicated to honor loved ones marking special life events such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, baptisms, confirmations, and in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for life’s blessings. The dedication fee is $50.

To reserve a Sunday date, email laura@st-margarets.org. Once reserved, you can make the payment by logging on to Realm and choosing "Flower Fund" or sending in a check (or placing it in the Sunday offertory plate) made out to "St. Margaret's Church" with "Flower Fund" in the memo line.
Your dedication will be posted in the service bulletins.
Have a prayer request to put in our weekly announcements?

Click HERE to use our automated request form or contact clergy.

Church Office Hours
Monday-Wednesday - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday-Friday - By appointment only

Clergy/Staff Emails
The Rev. Peter W. Mayer - peter@st-margarets.org
The Rev. Patti Sachs - patti@st-margarets.org
Elizabeth Radley, Director of Operations - elizabeth@st-margarets.org
Jim Douglas, Director of Music - music@st-margarets.org
Laura Tayman, Director of Communications - laura@st-margarets.org
Emily Delsordo, Children's Formation Coord - emily@st-margarets.org
Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader - jeff@st-margarets.org
Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper - office@st-margarets.org
Judy Hall, Churchyard Administrator - churchyard@st-margarets.org
Christine Feldmann, Grants Administrator - missions@st-margarets.org
Tricia McVeigh, Day School Director - tricia@st-margarets.org
St. Margaret's Church
1601 Pleasant Plains Road, Annapolis, MD 21409
(410) 974-0200 Office (443) 837-5463 Pastoral Emergency

Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/smcannapolis
Join us on YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/saintmargaret
Connect on Realm: www.onrealm.org/smcannapolis