STEM summer program
; serving over 30 scholars from Green Valley Ranch and Park Hill. A&B offered a structured opportunity for children to grow. Build a Go-kart Alley Camp was a unique venue for growth, allowing kids to become independent and self-confident, while socializing and making new friends, and even learned new skills. Young adults learned about engineering design principles, physical science, forces, motion, simple machines, gravity, mass, friction, speed, kinetic and potential energy, and more, hands-on as they build, test, fail, redesign and rebuild their go-karts. This wasn’t textbook instruction, either. Kids had fun and worked collaboratively through the process.
Academic & athletic fusion;
NBA Math Hoops is a comprehensive community program, featuring a basketball board game, mobile app, and curriculum, that allows students to learn fundamental math skills through the game of basketball. All program content is developed in alignment Common Core State Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills, and has been shown to improve students’ foundational math and social-emotional skills.
One on One Tutoring (families);
over 30 individual clients grades K – 12
Schools we provided services for;
Omar D. Blair, Wyatt Academy, Garden Place Academy, Swansea, KIPP-KNDLA, Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Early College, Denver Discovery School and Noel Community Arts School serving over 300 students
College campus tours;
Texas A&M University, Prairie View A&M University, Louisiana State University, Tulane University, Dillard University, University of Colorado, Colorado State University, Morehouse University, and Spellman University.