Dear Parents,

Who's ready for the holidays?! Hard to believe that November is here already.

This week! On Friday, San Mateo County hosts a special event featuring Dr. Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson, co-authors of The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives (Online, November 13).

This collaborative parent and community education event is sponsored by Get Healthy San Mateo County, Sequoia Healthcare District, Peninsula Health Care District, and The Parent Venture.

Do you have a student thinking about college? Join us for A Healthy Approach to College Admissions presented by Challenge Success, Stanford GSE. This event is sponsored by Sequoia Union High School District (Online, November 17).

On November 18, we offer a Spanish webinar on community college and their transfer programs. Join Cleve Freeman, Foothill College, for Explorar Programas de Transferencia y Colegios Comunitarios (Español) (Online, November 18).

In addition, we are pleased to announce a new partnership with Peninsula Health Care District. Thank you, PHCD, for your support of high-quality parent and community education!

With over 10,500 views, our Video Library has become a trusted resource. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest in parenting news and events.

Videos of recent events include Finding the Right School at the Right Price During Covid-19, The Future of College Admission, and How to Be Your Child's Favorite Conversation Partner.

"Because parenting is a growth opportunity." That's the tag line of our new 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, The Parent Venture.

If you value our work, we hope you will consider a donationof any amount!to bring parent education to a broad range of families and communities.

With gratitude,
Upcoming 2020 - 2021 Events
San Mateo County - Live Event (Virtual)
The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives
FRIDAY! Join us for a San Mateo County-wide event to support the health and well-being of youth during COVID-19. Keynote by Dr. Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson, co-authors of the NY Times bestseller, The Self-Driven Child.

Friday, November 13, 2020
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online Event (Webinar)
Live Events (Virtual)
A Healthy Approach to College Admissions - Challenge Success
The college admission process can be a source of stress and anxiety for students and parents alike. Join us for A Healthy Approach to College Admissions, a (virtual) workshop presented by Challenge Success, Stanford GSE.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020
7:00pm - 8:00pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Únase a nosotros para aprender más sobre el colegio comunitario y sus programas de transferencia. Cleve Freeman es el consejero y director del Centro de Transferir en Foothill College.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
5:00pm - 6:00pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Mission Be: Mindfulness and Self-Care Workshop for Parents and Caregivers
Join Carin Winter, CEO of Mission Be, for an interactive workshop on mindfulness practices for self-care and stress reduction. In this live webinar, Carin will explore mindfulness practices that can be shared with your family.

Thursday, December 3, 2020
12:00pm - 1:00pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Sequoia Healthcare District
Supporting a Safe and Healthy Community During COVID-19: Town Hall Meeting
Join us for a Town Hall meeting hosted by Sequoia Healthcare District. SHD Board members join CEO Pamela Kurtzman to discuss the healthcare district's role and priorities on health equity, COVID-19 response, mental health, and food security.

Thursday, November 19, 2020
6:30pm - 8:00pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Community Events (Virtual)
Pacific Oaks Anti-Bias Education Symposium: A Multi-Generational Perspective
For 75 years, Pacific Oaks College Children’s School has been a pioneer in addressing core values of social justice, diversity, respect, and inclusion. Open to the community! Free admission.

Friday, November 20, 2020
2:00pm - 5:00pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Just for Fun
‘We’re toast’: Teacher drops off Zoom call and 2nd graders hilariously try to behave
When a 2nd grade teacher at Parkland Elementary in Texas lost Internet and left her virtual classroom, her students realized the conversation was being recorded and won’t stop talking about toast. (GMA Video)

I Miss Restaurants, So I Opened My Own…for a Chipmunk
"There's a diner already seated at my new ramen-ya. He sniffs, sips, and in one giant slurp, it’s gone—bowl and all. Sometimes this happens with chipmunks. Did I mention my food is tiny and my 'restaurant' is on the front steps of my porch?"
 - Bon Appetit
In the News
How to Talk to Your Kids About the Election
The United States and its democracy are a work-in-progress, and in order for children to understand the role we all have to play in its improvement, they need to learn about its failures as well as its successes.

— KQED: Mind/Shift
Escape the Boredom Trap
No one likes it when their kid is bored out of her skull. But tedium can be an opportunity, too.
As arbiters of family schedules, parents are often tasked with “curing” their kids’ boredom. And this can lead to self judgment. "People think, ‘If my kids are bored, it means I’m an awful parent.’" But boredom is neither good nor bad it can also be an opportunity.

— The New York Times: At Home
Video Library
Finding the Right School at the Right Price During COVID-19
How can you find the right college at the right price, especially during COVID-19? Join Lynn O’Shaughnessy, founder of The College Solution and a nationally recognized college expert, higher-education journalist, speaker, and educator.
Parent Forum #4: How to Be Your Child's Favorite Conversation Partner
In this webinar, Dr. Eran Magen offers a short keynote on How to Be Your Child's Favorite Conversation Partner. The Parent Forum (virtual) discussion groups focus on parent-child communication and strengthening relationships with your child or teen.
The Parent Venture
Announcing The Parent Venture!
Because parenting is a growth opportunity
The Parent Venture is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing high-quality education for parents, students, educators, clinicians, and community members.

If you support our work, we hope you will consider making a donationof any amount! to bring parent education to a broad range of families and communities.
Parenting Quotes
The Parent Education Series is an award-winning program that provides high-quality education to parents, students, teachers, clinicians, and community members.

Since 2006, our organization has reached over 80,000 attendees on critical issues — mental health, substance use, social media, college admission, and more — that impact the health, safety, and well-being of children and teens.

Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, M.A., Founder and CEO, The Parent Education Series. For more resources, visit The Parent Venture,

Copyright © 2020 The Parent Education Series
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