Volume 203 | Dec. 21 - 25, 2020
Mayor and City Council Members
Offer Holiday Wishes
The holiday season is a time of celebration and tradition for many beliefs and cultures. We welcome them all in Moreno Valley, and together they help create the beautiful mosaic of our community. In recognition of our wonderful diversity, Mayor Gutierrez and the City Council offer their holiday greetings in this brief video.
Renew Your MoVal Business License
Online with Help from this Video
Business license renewal notices have been mailed out, and unless you applied for a brand new one just this past Oct. 1 or since, then it's time to renew your Moreno Valley business license, as they expire December 31. And the quickest and easiest way to renew is online. We've made online renewal pretty simple and intuitive, and we've even put together a step-by-step video that will walk you through the whole simple process!
Fireworks Task Force
on the Lookout for Violators
As we get closer to New Year's Eve, Moreno Valley Police want to remind residents that all fireworks are illegal in the City, and penalties could include criminal charges and a fine of up to $3,500. Fireworks enforcement is the top non-emergency priority right now for MVPD. And the Fireworks Task Force, comprised of MVPD, Moreno Valley Fire, and Code & Neighborhood Services, will be patrolling on the ground and in the air for illegal fireworks use.
To quickly report fireworks violators anonymously, please go to Remember to provide a specific address to which police can respond. Or you can call the Moreno Valley Police non-emergency hotline at 951-247-8700 (choose option #5 to reach dispatch).
Traffic Safety Improvements in Preparation for
a Return to School
Although schoolchildren are currently staying home, that won’t last forever. The City’s Public Works Department has been getting ready for the eventual return of school by upgrading marked crosswalks on the bigger streets known as arterials. Six intersections are receiving Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, and one will receive a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon. All are near schools. These beacons will make it safer and easier to cross the street to get to school. Construction is expected to be completed by March, weather permitting.

The locations are  Sunnymead Ranch Parkway/Old Country Road (east); Indian St./Manzanita Ave; Eucalyptus Ave./Sunnymeadows Dr; Eucalyptus Ave./Running Deer Rd; Cottonwood Ave./Jade Way; Cactus Ave./Philo St; and John F. Kennedy Dr./Pepper Ct.
A Visit to: Patriot Park
Patriot Park, at 15310 Perris Blvd., measures just a half acre in size, but it has everything you need for a little break from staying at home. Patriot has a fun play structure, picnic tables, a walking path and security lighting. If you're looking for a new park to try, then experience Patriot! Remember that all the usual coronavirus protocols apply. Learn more online about Patriot and all of Moreno Valley's beautiful parks!
Computers and Internet Access
are Just a "CLiC" Away
The City's new CLiC initiative (Computer Learning & Internet Connectivity) to bring more residents into the digital age includes creation of WiFi Garden locations (free WiFi access at various City facilities -- see the searchable map here); public-use computers at libraries; and a free, comprehensive virtual community portal filled with information to help build users' computer knowledge and skills, a variety of free online classes, and links to free or reduced-cost computers and internet access.

If you know someone on the wrong side of the digital divide, show them how to "CLiC"!