Greetings!The purpose of Trinity Memorial is to be the heart, hands and feet of God in the world ... work and play, word and action ... 
from the rector
I have been struggling this week, especially, with the level and prevalence of hatred in our country. It goes beyond the refusal to recognize the equality inherent in all human beings as created by God. The political rhetoric and continued active hatred of one human for another has quickly turned into violence.
The time between Christmas and the remembrance day for Martin Luther King, Jr (1/18) is less than one month. He had a habit of delivering a sermon based on forgiveness near or on each Christmas. In a 1957 iteration he reminded us of our foundational Christian teachings …
The degree to which we are able to forgive determines the degree to which we are able to love our enemies.
… “we must recognize that the evil deed of the enemy neighbor, the thing that hurts, never quite expresses all that he is. An element of goodness may be found even in our worst enemy.”
(realize) … “that there is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”  
Jesus was quite serious when he gave the command, Love your enemies. He realized it is hard to love those people seeking to defeat you or say evil things about you. However, he also knew that there will be people who don’t like you, the same as you don’t like all people.  And this is what Jesus means when he said: “How is it that you can see the mote in your brother’s eye and not see the beam in your own eye?” This is one of the tragedies of human nature. So we begin to love our enemies and love those persons that hate us whether in collective life or individual life by looking at ourselves. We don’t have to LIKE everyone; we have to love as Jesus loved.

In this season of Epiphany light, stirred together with the real pain of the world, let’s take some time to find the ’Jesus spark’ in ourselves and in the ones we think we’d rather hate and be done with. Made in the image of God means every one of us.

Pray. Work. Love. Hope. Relentlessly.

A prayer for each other and our country:
O God, you have bound us together in a common life.
Help us, in the midst of our struggles for justice and
truth, to confront one another without hatred or bitterness,
and to work together with mutual forbearance
and respect. Amen.

Shalom, Donna+
News and Notes

Note: The 9:00 gathering is back on Sunday after a 2-week hiatus. 

Baptism Sunday
This Sunday is the Feast of Jesus’ Baptism so we will renew our baptism vows as we do annually. Bonus: Sky will be baptized in the ocean that afternoon so we will especially pray for him as the church gathered in witness and support of him and his parents. “There is one faith, one hope in God’s call to us.” One baptism to draw all hearts to one God. Let’s celebrate! 
note: Sky is Donna's grandson; this community welcomed and supported Katie and Shane after the devastating hurricane Irma ... you are their church community afar.
Read more and pray for the country and each other; click HERE

Celebrating the life of Blessed Absalom Jones. Save the date: Feb 13, 10-11:30 am online. For more information click HERE
Deacon's corner

Senator Elect Raphael Warnock quoted Psalm 30 verse 5 in his remarks on Tuesday night. These words were spoken before the events of Wednesday when our capital building was invaded by people bent on bringing down our democracy. The word weeping struck my heart because I have been weeping a lot since Wednesday. My mind flashed back to June 5th 1968 when I awoke in the middle of the night to hear that Senator Robert Kennedy had been shot and would later die. That night I remember saying to myself “They will always kill the good ones. Good men die.” It was a cry of deep despair. I felt those feelings watching U.S. congressmen and women cowering behind armed police in their chamber afraid, not of foreign terrorists, but of American citizens.
My faith teaches me to love and forgive which I find challenging right now. My work in mental health teaches me to try and understand underlying issues that lead people to aberrant behavior. So there is much inner work to be done. There is also much outer work to be done to rebuild our society. It just happened that Sojourners posted a “Verse for the Day” that seems very fitting for the last 24 hours:
“The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place.” - Isaiah 9:10
‘Sound government is necessary but not sufficient to heal and transition America. Only we the people can bring our communities together, tend to our wounds, and do the labor of reckoning, reimagining, and remaking our nation, block by block, heart to heart.” - Valarie Kaur

Let us pray:
Jesus, as we enter a time of national rebuilding, may we be committed to rebuilding on every level, advocating for just laws, and working towards healing in our own neighborhoods and relationships.  
Deacon Lynn
Worship leaders 1.10.21
Rachel, David, Donna

Readers: Sharon
Prayers: John K
Officiant and Preacher: Rev. Donna Maree
Tech: David
11 Sarah Clark Stuart
14 Sharon Dooley
16 Tippy
21 Peter Krill
25 Jack
26 Mia
28 Jennifer Kohlhas
30 Phyllis Schnell
Sundays: all on Zoom
9:00 a 25 - minute time of prayer, songs, story for 0-7 year old
10:30 everyone welcome; hymns led by the TMC choir, prayers, sermon
coffee hour after both
Wednesdays 9-10:00 Morning Coffee & Prayer
Thursdays 5:30 Evening Prayer
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have when we can't be there personally for friend or stranger ...
Please pray healing and support especially for: Mark, Sarah W, Sasha, Shirley, Bill, Travis, Luca, Sallie & Jim W., Lynn, Andrea, Susan W, Richard, Ulpiano, Carmen O, Jan, Katherine
Special prayers of gratitude, especially for vaccines against Covid-19
Grace for those who have died and all who mourn; especially Linda Eppes and her family
Stamina and creativity for all essential workers, especially teachers, clerks, IT professionals, trash collectors, medical personnel, delivery, bankers, restaurant employees ...
As you prayerfully consider your financial support for the work and presence that Trinity provides, please use this link
Designate your gift for:
Special Fund
Rector's Discretionary Fund
General Fund for expenses
Our building is closed but the church is still open!
We continue to pray together and worship by moving our services online. We are also keeping our staff employed, repairing and readying for building rentals and and all activity to resume.
While our physical gathering is limited please do not neglect to provide for the work of the church with your financial contributions.
You may send a check in the mail, make a direct payment through your banking online platform or click on the button to go directly to our secure online service.
Trinity Memorial
Rev. Donna:
Donna 330.766.5904
Deacon Lynn:
Lynn 908.217.6365