Dear Friends,

As we celebrate the holidays, I strongly urge residents to adhere to CDC health guidelines and guidance by the Governor to stay safe along with keeping our loved ones safe. On Friday, December 18th, we unfortunately reached over 10,000 cases of COVID-19 in Howard County since our first case on March 15th, underscoring the need for continued caution. To date, we have 10,308 confirmed cases, 4,514 total recoveries, 5,614 active cases, and 180 of our neighbors sadly passed from this virus. 

As of 9:00 a.m. today, according to the Maryland Department of Health, our 7-day average positivity rate is at 5.32% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 25. Although these rates are slightly lower than last week’s data, and remain under the statewide average, residents should maintain vigilance. 

To StayCOVIDSafe this winter, please heed the advice of our public health officials and implement your holiday plans accordingly. We can still connect more safely outdoors, masked and in small groups or online to share moments with our loved ones. Residents celebrating the holidays are strongly urged to share a holiday meal with only members of your household. Per the recent Order by the Maryland Department of Health, if you travel outside of Maryland, you must get tested and quarantine upon return. To read the Governor’s order, please click here.

There is a light at the end of this crisis and we should embrace hope. Please diligently maintain our mitigation measures and be part of the solution to keep people healthy. For more data and information, please visit

For more data and COVID-19 information, please click here.