Our President's Letter
Greetings Mission Circle Supporters

 We pray that this letter finds you safe and healthy, while socially distanced. Mission Circle is still greatly limiting our activities, but our mission—as well as our need for support from you—continues.
The girls who normally live at Casa Eudes in Tijuana are still back with their families for the time being. The young women who are in our Futures Program, by which we fund their college education, are continuing their studies. The Futures Program supports them not just financially but through frequent communications. They and their families are doing well. Fatima continues to earn good grades using remote learning. Yulisa and Olga like their English classes (provided via Zoom), and their teacher reports that they’re making good progress. 
Currently our donations program is serving local family emergencies only, so please do not leave used items at the donation sheds or at the church. Contact Kathy Faller ( faller.kathy@gmail.com ) or Jeanne Hansen ( tojeanne@yahoo.com ) first to see if it’s something that is needed. 
Even though our organizational activities are curtailed, there are many ways to help on an individual basis. And there’s no better way to overcome melancholy than doing something helpful for someone else.  Some ideas (you can find hundreds more by Googling “ways to help”):
  • Do wellness checks (either in person or electronically) on neighbors, family, and friends to see how they are and if they need anything
  • Donate blood
  • Support local food banks and food distributions
  • Sew masks or other clothing—there are lots of patterns available online
  • Buy a voucher or gift certificate from a struggling local business
  • Write a letter to nursing home residents or others who may not have much contact
  • Organize an online singalong, meditation or dance party
  • Share seeds with other gardeners
  • Volunteer your teaching skills to support home school children and parents
Even though many of our hands-on activities are limited right now, Mission Circle continues to provide critical financial support for activities such as Casa Eudes and the Futures Program that funds the girls’ college education. We need your donations as much as ever!
Thank you for your support. We all look forward to the time when we’ll once again be serving those in need, in person.
Stay safe and God bless,
How to Help Struggling Young Families
A Mission Circle Volunteer’s Connection to Birthline
“Empowering families to be independent and self-sufficient,” says Mission Circle volunteer Jeanne Hansen-Drasco RN, BSN, PHN, director of Birthline San Diego. “That’s what we do at Birthline.”

In a caring and confidential way, vulnerable and at risk families facing life’s challenges receive hope, life-affirming resources and basic necessities at Birthline. It helps the young mom enrolled in WIC (Women, Infants, Children government program) so she has enough formula to feed her premature baby during the Covid-19 pandemic. It points families looking for affordable housing in the right direction so they can take charge of the search with the information they need to be successful.
In these ways Birthline fulfills its mission of providing life-affirming support and resources to pregnant women and families with young children. And it has been doing that since it was founded in 1979. Last year it served some 18,000 individuals. Donations are especially needed right now in two areas: helping needy young families to set up their new households and providing new moms with essential supplies in a bountiful gift bag that nurtures newborns. 
The mostly volunteer Birthline relies heavily on in-kind donations to provide necessary supplies. Drasco-Hansen says her donation wish list includes: new strollers and double strollers; bathtubs; bouncers; high chairs; new (still in box) Pac-n-plays; portable Infant Co-Sleepers; baby wipes; canned powdered formula (expired formula cannot be accepted); maternity clothing; new or gently used baby and children’s clothing sizes preemie and newborn to size 12; children’s shoes, books and gently used toys (0-5 years).
Birthline also distributes hundreds of baby gift bags every year (about 40 per month) to needy new moms. Each baby gift bag contains (New Items Only): Digital Thermometer, Baby Wash or Shampoo, Baby Lotion, Diaper Rash Ointment or Cream, Pacifier, Bottles and Nipples, Infant Board Book, Developmental Toy, Baby Stuffed Animal, Baby Towel and Washcloths, Baby Plush Blankets, Receiving Blankets, Bibs and Burp Cloths, Socks and Booties, Hats, T-shirts and Onesies, Sleep Sack (Blanket Sleeper), Outfits (pants, shirts, one-piece outfits), Hand covers/Mittens.
At a cost of nearly $100 each making one of these bags would be a wonderful project for a group of friends, a class or scout troop to take on, says Jeanne, so that even one new baby would get a healthier, happier start on an independent life. Now, more than ever before, your donations to Birthline are life-affirming. If you’d like to help or learn more, contact Jeanne at tojeanne@yahoo.com .

Both Jeanne and Mission Circle volunteer Kathy Faller of Casas De Luz work tirelessly every week organizing and sorting donations stored at the Mission Circle sheds located on St. James’s lower lot. The donations help hundreds of families on both sides of the border lead better lives. Would that old-fashioned rocking chair you have been saving be a good donation for Birthline? Nope but maybe Casa Eudes Girls Home or Casas de Luz (which will be featured in this newsletter next month) could find a home for it.

Please do not drop off any donations at the storage sheds or at St. James Church. Call 858- 337-0829 or 858-254-2008 first to see if it’s an item that is needed. Jeanne or Kathy will then provide pick up or delivery instructions. Birthline is a non-profit 501C3 organization supported by volunteers and a Board of Directors. Learn more at birthlineofsandiego.org.
St. Leo & Catholic Charities Food Distribution
Continuing to Provide Basic Food Needs 
A great need for weekly food assistance. Some parts of the economy are improving as some businesses have been allowed to re-open. But for many people who lost their jobs during this pandemic, the lack of income will be felt for a long time. Through a cooperative program with Catholic Charities, the St. James-St. Leo Catholic Community is distributing nonperishable and fresh food at St. Leo Mission each week to help families get through this difficult time.

If you are in need of assistance or know someone who is: pre-register with Catholic Charities at https://www.ccdsd.org/food-pick-up. If you need help registering, contact the St. Leo coordinator Jannet Diaz at jdiaz@stjames-stleo.com.
Food donations greatly appreciated!  If you are able to donate fresh produce to supplement the food provided by Catholic Charities, please bring your food donations to St. Leo Mission, 936 Genevieve St., Solana Beach, every Tuesday through Friday by using the drive-thru between 6:00-8:00 PM. We are currently in need of the following foods:
Fresh fruit
Fresh vegetables

Thank you for your continued support of this program. Each family receiving food is very thankful and greatly touched by the generous hearts of our community.  Questions? Contact coordinator Jannet Diaz at jdiaz@stjames-stleo.com .
Independence Day Prayer
  Father of all nations and ages,

We recall the day when our country claimed its place among the family of nations;
for what has been achieved we give you thanks, for the work that still remains we ask your help, and as you have called us from many peoples to be one nation, grant that, under your providence, our country may share your blessings with all the peoples of the earth.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Source: Collect for Independence Day, New Roman Missal