Winter 2020
In 2019, Our Kidney Transplant Program
performed the largest volume of transplants in the history of our program! Our Living Donor Kidney
Transplant volumes are # 1 in New York!
Staff Highlight: Molly Cleary MS, RD, CDN, CNSC
What is the most rewarding part of being a Renal Transplant Registered Dietitian?
Getting to follow patients throughout their path to transplant and watch them thrive afterwards. 
What is the biggest challenge working as a Renal Transplant Registered Dietitian?
It is breaking through the black and white mentality that many people have about food. Most people like to think that there are two distinct groups of "good" and "bad" foods for kidney disease. There is actually a lot of gray area, and portion size is more important than anything. Take tomatoes for example- having 5-6 cherry tomatoes on a salad might be appropriate, but having a cup of tomato sauce on your pasta likely is not. 
What advice would you give to someone seeking nutritional guidance living with kidney disease?
Meet with a dietitian! Registered Dietitians are a wealth of nutrition knowledge and can help tailor the renal diet to fit your individual needs. Dietary information online can be extremely confusing and restrictive, but an RD can help people to work through it. 
What myths would you like to dispel regarding the renal diet?
That patients with kidney disease have to get their protein from animal sources. Plant proteins such as beans, nuts, seeds, soy, and whole grains can all actually have a place in a renal diet and following a more plant based diet that includes these foods may actually help to manage kidney disease.

Interested in learning more?
The Big Ask, The Big Give:
A Living Donation Workshop 
This November, we co-hosted The Big Ask, The Big Give: A Workshop on Living Donation with the National Kidney Foundation. Which is designed to teach strategies to kidney transplant recipients on how to find a living donor by sharing their story on social media platforms and through living donor education. It was an amazing event filled with great energy and participation for the patients and their families and friends who accompanied them.

To learn more please visit:
Voices in Transplantation
We are proud to share our multimedia series "Voices in Transplantation" for personal and inspirational patient stories. We hope that this series will provide important information to patients awaiting a transplant and also to those considering organ donation.

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel
Contact Information
525 East 68th Street, Starr 8
New York, NY 10021
P: (212) 746-3099 | F: (212) 746-3100 |