March, 2020
Hawkins Monthly Newsletter
Thursday, April 23
Saturday, April 25
10AM to 4PM each day
Giving you an early heads up....
Our annual SPRING SALE is right around the corner!
Deals on almost everything, in-stock and orders. Mark it on your calendars, because Spring only comes once a year!
Words From Sandy and Nick

Spring can be representative of a new awakening. Creatures start to come out of hibernation, the days grow longer, and plants begin to bud. Soon we'll see an increase in outdoor activity, field visits, new projects, and tighter deadlines, and of course...more family time enjoying the .

Remember to be safe with whatever projects you are working on, and Hawkins is here to help you find all the gear you might need for the upcoming spring and summer projects.

There was no hibernation for Hawkins over the winter, and we're ready to leap right into the spring. Construction of the dielectric testing lab is moving right along, and will be up and running before you know it. Just over two months until the grand opening and we're already hearing from customers that they're excited for our services to start.

Speaking of new additions, Nick and I have recently welcomed our newest family member, a baby Grandson. Family is all doing well, and we are super excited as Grandparents.

Whether you are a new customer, or have been with us for years, Thank You so much for your continued business and support. We truly appreciate the opportunity to work with you.

For those reading this who have never worked with us, whether you're purchasing with a credit card, or have interest in setting up a revolving account, it's a very painless process! Give us a call - we appreciate the opportunity to earn your trust.
Smooth News From the Lab!
The Lab is seeing additions every day. Plumbing is complete and the electrical is pretty much under wraps. We have new wall additions, door signage, and the brand new epoxy floor is in place.

Hawkins Dielectric lab will be a clean, organized, and efficient facility to make sure your equipment and gear is accounted for and taken care of while in our custody.

If you and your company are interested in utilizing Hawkins' Testing Lab for re-certification of your rubber goods and insulated tools, please contact for more information.
What's New In The Social Scene!
With the creation of our second YouTube video , we have focused on equipping you for the job at hand. Hawkins works with a wide variety of manufacturers to help you get the proper tools, clothing, and equipment to get the job done safely.

According to the National Safety Council , every 7 seconds a worker is injured on the job. According to 2019 data by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , 2018 had 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries reported by private industry employees. By taking precautions to wear protective equipment, and use it properly, a lot of injuries can be avoided.

GEAR UP and Stay Safe!
Time to Gear Up With Hawkins
You can access our social media pages below:

Safety Matters
with Vicki

Happy March All !

Did YOU KNOW.......

OSHA requires ALL commercial and workplace vehicles to carry a first aid kit?

Are you compliant?

Most first aid kits are clearly marked with an expiration date.
Do know when/if yours expire(d)?
Our 10 unit contractor's kit is a mere $18.00. All items are secure inside a durable, water resistant case which can fit under your seat.
I can't say for certain, but I believe an OSHA fine would set you back more than $18!
Not sure what kit is right for your line of work?
Give us a call today and we'll guide the way!
Have a safe month!

Lead safely, others will follow.

"There are 3 kinds of people....those who are good at math and those who aren't."
-The Old Farmer Sez
Preventing Cold Weather Injuries
You might be thinking, "I don't go out in the cold, so I don't have to worry about cold weather injuries."
Well, being the case where people tend to shy away from the outside when it's cold, they can still experience the effects of the winter season.
So as we begin the crawl into spring, people often find they have been inside and at sedentary rolls for the past few months. If you haven't already, it's beneficial to get up and stretch often during increased office hours. I try to maintain a physical fitness routine to ensure good cardiovascular health. I have found it's a lot easier to maintain a level of fitness year round, rather than bouncing back and forth with the seasons.

When you do find yourself working outside in the cold, try to wear a light pair of gloves as a contact glove. This keeps your hands insulated from cold objects that might "steal" heat from your skin, and allows you to maintain your fine motor skills longer to get the job done. Anyone who's working with ropes or tools in the cold can tell you that performing simple tasks like tying a knot can even become challenging. Plus, it's more comfortable.

When it comes to clothing, I tend to dress in layers when performing vigorous work in the elements, and avoid wearing cotton. Cotton pulls the moisture from your skin and then looses it's insulation properties when it's damp. Wool and synthetic material blends work much better to keep you warm and insulated. Try to keep yourself comfortably cool if performing physical activity, and if you need to remove a layer or two to keep yourself from sweating, this also keeps your body working more efficiently. Dress properly to prevent cold weather injuries.

Let's Be Careful Out There!

“There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”
-Alfred Wainwright
*Prices may only apply to sizes, colors, or styles, currently in stock, and may not apply to future orders*

Item: STABILicers
Model #: MAXX2
Size: S - XL Color: Black
Sale Price: $40.00
Description: When braving harsh winter elements is part of the job, you need an ice cleat that keeps up with you. The STABILicers® Maxx2 cleat was designed for aggressive traction. Engineered for high-performance and durability, the Maxx2 features long-lasting soles with 15 heat-treated steel cleats that bite into the slickest ice and deepest snow with ease. The STABILicers Maxx2 attaches to a variety of boots with secure hook-and-loop straps.
Item: All Hard Hat Liners
Model #: OccuNomix Brand, All Available In Stock
Size: One Size Fits All
Color: Blue
Sale Price: 10% Discount on any Hard Hat Liner
Description: Hard hat liners are a great added piece for keeping you warm while on the job. Liners come in a variety of models to include ratings for their FR, Arc Resistant, and reflective properties. Plus, liners are made to accept the standard Hot Hands hand warmers in pockets by the ears. Any purchase of a Hard Hat liner comes with some FREE hand warmers.
Stop by our working warehouse at
27 Main Street
 Farmington, NH
and see what other specials we have!!
Do you have a success story? Email or call us anytime with

details and we'll feature it in a future newsletter.

We enjoy sharing positive communication!
"What is "East Coast Energy Consultants?"
We Have Your Answer!
ECEC was founded with the intent to provide consulting and management support for New England utility companies. We ensure the projects are performed safely, to specifications, on schedule, and within environmental guidelines. From planning, estimating, budgeting, coordinating and management ECEC will be able to advise and provide oversight in all areas of power line field operations. Learn More