Kurdistan Regional Government
Representation in the United States
Washington D.C.
Welcome to our December 2020 Newsletter 
This past month, the Kurdistan Regional Government negotiating team, led by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, has been in Baghdad to discuss the KRG’s share of the federal budget and other disputes. We are hopeful that an agreement has been reached on the budget that will enable both sides to see the country through 2021 after a year of great hardship for all.

Deputy Prime Minister Talabani and the High-Level Committee on Baghdad Relations met with various leaders in the Iraqi capital, as well as parliamentary committees and federal ministries to identify and eliminate stumbling blocks to an agreement.

In a KRG Cabinet meeting last week, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani recognized the tireless efforts of the negotiating team and said the KRG is seeking a peaceful and fair resolution to ongoing disputes and ensuring there are no challenges in Baghdad to an equitable agreement that protects Kurdistan’s constitutional financial entitlements.

Need for a lasting settlement 

The Iraqi Cabinet has submitted a draft budget law for 2021 to the Iraqi parliament. The KRG’s share of the federal budget will remain at 12.67%. However, the budget is categorized into sovereign and non-sovereign expenditure and the KRG's share is calculated after sovereign expenses are deducted. Sovereign expenditure includes spending on foreign affairs, defense, the federal court, the Council of Ministers, and various federal agencies and institutions. 

Although the KRG believes it is entitled to more than 12.67%, it has agreed to this amount and said that if the draft budget law is approved, it would be ready to deliver 250,000 barrels of oil per day through the Iraqi oil marketing company SOMO.
Both the federal government and the KRG are struggling financially due to the fall in oil prices. The dispute over the KRG’s share of the federal budget has been a source of disagreements and tensions for several years. Prime Minister Barzani has asked that the United States and the United Nations join high-level talks to bring about a lasting constitutional settlement. The Prime Minister discussed this in a phone call with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier this month as well as in his meeting with Assistant Secretary of State David Schenker, who visited Kurdistan in early December.

Kurdistan-US relations expanded in 2020

This past year, the Kurdistan-US relationship has continued to grow, despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus.

The year began with a meeting by President Nechirvan Barzani and President Donald Trump in January at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. A few weeks later, Prime Minister Barzani met Secretary Pompeo and Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette at the Munich Security Conference. He also met a large congressional delegation led by Senator Lindsay Graham. In August, KRG officials, led by the President’s Chief-of-Staff Fawzi Hariri, visited Washington DC as part of the Iraq delegation, to participate in the US Iraq Strategic Dialogue.

We also saw the KRG Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs, Pishtiwan Sadiq, and Ambassador Sam Brownback, the US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, take part in a virtual roundtable on freedom of belief in the Kurdistan Region. And last month, we were pleased to have Prime Minister Barzani and US Deputy Energy Secretary Mark Menezes open a two-day virtual conference on Kurdistan's economic priorities. The conference was organized by the US Chamber in collaboration with our Mission in Washington DC.

These meetings took place against a backdrop of continued security cooperation and growing economic and cultural ties. We hope to see these connections broaden in 2021. 

On behalf of the KRG Representation team, I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy, and successful new year.

Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman
Representative to the United States
Kurdistan Regional Government
Representative Abdul Rahman meets with congressional and White House officials

Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman this month held meetings with officials at the White House, Department of Energy, Congress, and the American...

What does the Kurdistan flag mean to the Kurdistani people? Watch the video to find out

On December 17th, every year, the Kurdistani people celebrate Kurdistan Flag Day by festooning their homes, schools, and places of work with our colorful flag...

With ISIS only a few miles away, you'd think that the last thing an American NGO would want to do is start considering restoring a tomb in Iraq of a prophet from the Old Testament. But that's exactly what ARCH International did in 2014 when it began to look at the tomb of Prophet Nahom in Al Qosh.

In this episode of the Kurdistan in America Podcast, Delovan Barwari, from the KRG Representation in the United States, speaks to Sophia Schultz from ARCH International and Katherine Vecchi and Julie Fether, two recent graduates of Johns Hopkins University. The nonprofit organization and the university came together around this cultural heritage site. The KRG was the first major sponsor of this fascinating multi-year project that succeeded against all the odds as ISIS was still in Mosul around the time the nonprofit first assessed the site. In the time of the ongoing pandemic, Katherine Vecchi and Julie Fether looked into ways of making the site accessible and exciting for visitors online and learned much about Kurdistan along the way.
President Nechirvan Barzani's Christmas message

The President of the Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani issued the following message on Christmas: On the occasion of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, I extend my warmest congratulations to our...

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Presidency Condemns Attack on US Embassy

The Kurdistan Region Presidency condemned rocket attacks against U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, in a statement released Sunday night. Below is the full statement: We condemn tonight's terror attack against...

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President Nechirvan Barzani receives US delegation

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani received US Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Mr. David Schenker, and his accompanying delegation including US Deputy Assistant Secretary...

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President Barzani meets with UN Special Representative

President Nechirvan Barzani met with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert. President Barzani...

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PM Masrour Barzani receives call from US Secretary of State

PM Masrour Barzani spoke by phone today with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. During the call, PM Barzani thanked Secretary Pompeo for his personal support to the Kurdistan Region...

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Prime Minister Masrour Barzani receives Coalition Commander

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Monday met with Commander of Coalition's Special Operations Joint Task Force, Brigadier General Guillaume Beaurpere, to discuss the latest...

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KRG Council of Ministers convenes on dialogue with Baghdad

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today chaired a cabinet meeting to discuss ongoing negotiations with the Federal Government of Iraq on outstanding issues. Joined by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani,...

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PM Barzani receives Head of Iraq National Security Agency

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today met with the Head of Iraqi National Security Agency, Abdul-Ghani Al-Asadi, to discuss regional developments. In the meeting, both sides spoke about ...

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KRG Delegation visits Iraq parliament

The Kurdistan Regional Government's High-level Delegation on Baghdad Relations met with the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, his two Deputies, and heads of relevant committees at the...

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KRG Delegation meets with Iraqi Oil and Finance Ministers

A Kurdistan Regional Government high-level delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani met with the federal ministers of Oil and Finance in Baghdad this evening. The...

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KRG's negotiators explain result of talks with Baghdad

28 December - Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami chaired a meeting with the Kurdistan Regional Government's negotiating team with Baghdad, led by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani. The heads of the parliamentary parties,...

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Parliament convey best wishes for Yazidi Rojiet Ezi Feast

On the occasion of the Rojiet Ezi Feast, we congratulate the Yazidi Mir (prince), the spiritual council and all our Yazidi brothers and sisters in Kurdistan Region and around the world. Yazidis faced the crimes that the...

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Parliament's Peshmerga Committee investigate Sahela incident

Following clashes between Peshmerga forces and YPG forces on the Sahela border, members of Kurdistan Parliament's Peshmerga Committee on 17 December visited Sahela to get a full understanding of the causes of the incident....

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Kurdistan in the Media
Year Ender: Biden and Kurds: VoA interviews the KRG Representative, Bayan Abdul Rahman

During President-elect Joe Biden’s years in the Senate and as vice president, he was deeply involved in U.S. policy in the region, and Kurds are hopeful about what that could mean for them in the coming years. 
Washington Kurdish Institute hosts the Najmaldin Karim Webinar Series. The theme of the discussion was on the Kurds and the Biden Administration.

KRG asks US forces to deploy along Iraqi-Syrian border

The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq has formally asked the US-led coalition to deploy observers to patrol its border with the Kurdish-controlled...

Iraq: Humanitarian Bulletin, November 2020

Camps hosting 251,000 of Iraq’s internally displaced persons continued to close during November 2020, as mandated by the Government of Iraq.

Kurdish Families Pay Islamic State Ransom to Free Loved Ones

For more than six months, a frightening thought often kept Kurdish farmer Mofaq Haji Rashid up at night: he might never see his 23-year-old son again.

Iraq's KRG looks to accelerate oil debt repayments

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is looking to take advantage of the recent jump in oil prices to pay down some of its accrued debts to foreign oil...

Iraqi army detains over 20 members of PKK-affiliated group in Sinjar

The Iraqi military launched a detention campaign on Saturday evening in which it arrested over 20 members of an armed militia affiliated to the...

Director of Kurdistan Coordination Center: ISIS threat remains

“The threat of ISIS remains, and that’s why the Coalition is still here,” Col. David Williams, the Director of the Kurdistan Coordination Center (KCC)...

KRG ‘ready’ to hand over 250,000 barrels of Kurdistan Region oil to SOMO: Qubad Talabani

The Kurdistan Regional Government is ready to hand over oil to Baghdad, Deputy Prime Minister Qubad...

'This year is special': Duhok Christians celebrate Christmas at home

Churchgoers and clergymen across the Kurdistan Region are celebrating a different kind of Christmas this year

Kurd wins top physics prize in Canada

Ebrahim Karimi, Professor with the Department of Physics from the University of Ottowa and originally from Iranian Kurdistan...

Kurdistan Region bans travel to nine countries over new COVID-19 strain

The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Interior Ministry announced on Thursday that it had prohibited travel to and from nine countries as a result of...

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