“Faith is to believe what you do not see. The
reward of faith is to see what you believe.”
St. Augustine of Hippo
“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa
A L L S A I N T S ' D A Y 2 0 2 0
Our Special Saints
At our very core, we are Franciscans, modeling our lives after Francis and Clare of Assisi. Their likenesses adorn our sacred spaces, and their lives have inspired us to live in intimate union with God while remaining true to our vows of poverty and ministering in service to the poor and otherwise needy. Still, there are other saints — some from which we take our baptismal and religious names — who inspire us, walk beside us and hold special places in our collective spirit. As today we observe All Saints’ Day, some of our Sisters share their personal connections with other special saints.
A Matter of Perspective
The photo above was taken on the evening of October 17 by Gena Tallarico, executive director of our St. Francis Center for Renewal in Bethlehem, Pa. “The trees were not orange, but the sunset lit them up that way,” explains Sister M. Virginelle Makos. “I did not see that from the retreat center just a few miles away, but Gena did from her home. Kind of makes me realize how different our perspectives can be. I guess we miss so much when we have our own expectations of what will be. Wait until we get to heaven!”
Simple Acts in the Spirit of the Saints
As we watch the coronavirus pandemic play out on a global scale, it’s easy to feel helpless. But no matter who you are or what your situation, you can make a difference. 

And sometimes by helping others you will also help yourself. Research shows that volunteering makes you happier and healthier. There is something endearing about taking a senior citizen who lives alone for a cut and perm. The joy lives longer than the hairstyle ever will. 

Especially now — with most of us isolated from others or confined to interacting with only those in our households — it’s a great way to reinforce your community ties and remind you that we’re all working towards a common goal.
— Sister Jo Goolish
Sister Jo Goolish (right) accompanies friend Lou Kermon to a hair salon in San Antonio, Texas.
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spiritual enrichment programs offered by our St. Francis Center for Renewal