Every few days throughout the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic currently gripping our nation and world, our Sisters will share anecdotes and spiritual tidings with our families, friends, alumnae and benefactors. We hope these messages will help to nurture a sense of solace in these trying times.
Inspirational Words from Our Sisters
"I am not alone. My God is with me always. Repeat often, and you will feel God’s love."
- Sister Bernadine
Marie Stemnock
"I have been strengthened by the scriptural reflection of Pope Francis on the storm at sea. Our present day storm is the coronavirus. But we do not have to fear, because Jesus is in the boat with us!"
- Sister Marie
Therese Sherwood
"Please pray for all at this difficult time of pandemic in our country. God bless us all with faith, hope and loving compassion for all who are sick or in need of comfort or help in any way." 
- Sister Lorita Kristufek
And the People Stayed Home
Recommended by Sister Anita Kuchera, OSF
During this trying times and lonelier days, Sister Anita Kuchera has found inspiration in this poem by Kitty O'Meara, set to images and music in the brief video below. It endeavors to find the silver lining in an otherwise very stormy cloud.
By Sister Barbara Ann Webster, OSF
P rayer is foremost. Help me Lord to turn to you in my need .
A llow me, Lord, to adjust to my current situation with hope in your divine love.
N ever let me stray from my faith in you.
D istancing is hard. Help me to be conscious of it.
E veryone is in this. Let me think of others, including them in prayer.
M ay my trust in you, Lord, never waver.
I solation creates loneliness. Help me find ways to bring hope to others.
C reate in me, Lord, a loving and generous heart.
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