This Week's News and Updates
November 03, 2020
Click the button to view last week's worship experience

Election Day
Rev. David Wynn

Huh, so I'm not sure what to say in this's Election Day and I'm a little all over the map. It began very early this morning when I couldn't sleep. I pray by meditating (I also call it journeying) and following what Spirit and the Ancestors and Guides are showing me. This morning my journey took me gently from my home in bed out to the street my family lives on. The trees were full of different kinds of birds. I went from there to the city I live in accompanied by thousands of butterflies. We moved farther out hovering over the state of Texas and it was coated in blue bonnets...I did tell Spirit that seemed a little predictable to which Spirit said, "I thought you loved predictable" and smiled. We then journeyed above our country and I caught my breath...from that vantage point, above all "the things", you can fill in the blank with "the things" around was breathtakingly beautiful. I asked this question, "how can we be so beautiful and so broken?" The answer was a trip farther out hovering above the world. I then heard, "you are simultaneously in bed and beyond space and time offering healing to the world...feel it." In that moment I felt more Spirits present than I could were there. 

However the days and weeks ahead unfold...there is always more than meets the eye, remember that my family and friends.  
Agape' has resumed in-person worship !
What you need to know...

1) We are using a reservation system for our limited available seating. Please email us to reserve your seat(s). Please include your name and the name(s) of your guest(s) in the email. We have a limited seating capacity of 30. We are asking you to reserve a seat so we can plan for a safe seating arrangement. This also provides us with a record of our attendees just in case we have a need for contact tracing. Reservations is not something we would normally do but these are not normal times. We are being proactive and careful with the people we love and cherish.

2) Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of service at 10:30. We will be checking temperatures at the door.

3) Please wear your mask during the entire service and please maintain social distancing.

4) We have marked entrance and exit paths for the Narthex and Sanctuary. We ask that you please observe these directional markers for social distancing. Thank you in advance!

5) We have placed sanitizing wipes in the Narthex restrooms. We ask for your assistance in sanitizing these areas after each use. Thank you!

We will continue to stream our services via Facebook Live.

Cannot wait to see you in person or virtually Sunday! You are loved!

Scheduled Events
Trunk or Treat was fabulous!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Trunk or Treat extravaganza. A wonderful time was had by all. We totally can rock parking lot parties!
If you have wedding photos from the Lloyd wedding please email them to
2020 Congregational Meeting Information
Our Congregational Forum is scheduled for November 8th and the Congregational Meeting is scheduled for November 15th. Both meetings will begin at 11:45AM following our morning Worship Service.

The Board of Directors are offering a hybrid plan that allows both in-person and Zoom participation ensuring every member has the opportunity to participate.

If you need assistance setting up for this important Zoom meeting, please email and provide us with your contact information. We will have someone call to assist you.

Below is the Zoom information for November 8, 2020 Congregational Forum:

Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5937 0453

Or click on the button below.
Both the Congregational Forum and Congregational Meeting will utilize the Zoom waiting room in lieu of a password. This means that when you connect to the Zoom session, you will see a message telling you that the Host will let you in soon. Just hang out until you are connected by the host.

Zoom participants will be able to vote. We will be using the online poll feature for our BOD election (polls are confidential) and raising hands for report/budget approvals. During the Forum we will demonstrate how polling works with a demo poll.

We will be initiating the zoom call from the Sound Booth Media PC allowing us to project the call participants on the screen in the sanctuary while providing quality two-way audio for our participants. Zoom participants will be able to hear us and we will be able to hear you. We welcome your questions during the forum and are requesting you to please use the chat feature to post initial questions. We We will use audio for follow up to your questions if needed.

We are excited to be able to offer options affording all members access to this important meeting.
Please click on the button below to download the Congregational Packet.
Community Corner
How to Create a Balanced Life: 9 Tips to Feel Calm and...

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony." ~Thomas Merton As a Libra, my sign is the scale, which signifies balance. I'm not sure how much my "signage" plays into my desire to live a balanced life, but I...

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Nkulunkulu Ongumnini Mandla Onke (God All Mighty), UNkulunkulu othembekile njalo (God who is always Faithful). God who is called by many names. God who created the world and everything in it. God who is full of love and mercy. We thank You for the many gifts You have given to us as people of MCC and the world.

It has been hard for many of us, as we are faced with a pandemic that has taken many people’s lives in the world. We have lost hope, but You, God, have continued to show us Your greatness. In all this we are grateful for the lessons and the messages that this has brought to us. We have learned about You in many more ways than we can imagine—that You are God, who is always there even when we do not see or feel You. We are grateful that You have always been around us, surrounding us with Your love and mercy during the pandemic. 

We ask that You hold each and everyone of us in MCC and your people all over the world with Your strength and power. Lead us as Your people to find You in all the moments that we find ourselves in. Teach us to be gentle and kind to ourselves and others around us during these unknown and uncertain times that we are facing as Your people. I pray for wisdom for our leaders and continue to give them strength as they continue to represent You in the world. 

We ask all this in many names and in Jesus name. Amen


REV. NOKUTHULA DHLADHLA (she, her, hers)
Rev. Nokuthula works for the South African Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally
Affected by HIV and AIDS (SANERELA+) on a UN Women Trust Fund Project Ending Violence Against
Women and Girls. 
Agape' MCC Worship
November 08, 2020

Welcome and Call to Worship
Opening Song
Sacred Reading
Song of Response
Time of Teaching
Song of Centering
Community Prayer
Song of Response
Closing Song
The Sending Forth

Join us on Facebook live every Sunday at 10:30 for our virtual service.


10/28 Shawn McCraw
11/02 Carl Lane
11/08 Stephanie Lotz
11/12 Mark Howell
11/13 Cynthia Esparza
11/14 Paul Wolfer-Stephens
11/17 EmmaLeigh Roberts
11/17 Melody Remington
11/25 Gail Gore
11/27 Jimmy Marshall
11/30 Zoie Edwards