Each Wednesday and Sunday throughout the COVID-19 pandemic currently gripping our nation and world, our Sisters share anecdotes and spiritual tidings with our families, friends, alumnae and benefactors. It is our hope that these messages offer solace in trying times.
How Are You Spending Your Extra Time?
This extended time of isolation has presented many of us with more free time than we've ever had in recent memory -- time to pray, reflect, communicate. Maybe it's also been a time to clean, organize and purge your inner thoughts and outer surroundings. In the photo above, Sisters Barbara DeStefano and Anita Kuchera, spend some down time sorting through files at St. Francis Center for Renewal in Bethlehem, Pa.

Let us know how you're spending your extra time these days by replying to this email (include your name and community where you live). We'd like to share your responses in a future email message so everyone can see that, even as we are apart, we still have so very much in common.
A New Season of Grace
Sister Barbara DeStefano penned this beautiful reflection as a special message to her Sisters in community. She also shares it with you and your families as you, too, navigate your own "communities" large and small.

To everything there is a season: A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time for harvest. At this point in time, we find ourselves in a new and different “season" -- a time for “social distancing,” they say … even as we share a meal.

Yes, this distancing seems strange to us who live in community, who, for decades, have worked hard at living together, at praying together, at worshiping together, and even at playing together.

However, does not this “distancing” have a more positive, rewarding side to it? More of an invitation … more of a challenge? A challenge to grow together in new ways … to grow in the ways so very evident, so crucial, so visible in the life of St. Francis and the early friars? In Deuteronomy, we hear the most in-depth, life-changing invitation in the Scriptures: “I set before you life and death. Choose life!”

My Sisters, let us not hang onto the past. Rather, let us commit ourselves to the graces of the present. Let us not keep wishing that things would be different. Let us, rather, make a deeper commitment to live life fully where we are now .

Like Peter, James and John; like Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles; like Mary, the mother of Jesus; like Mary of Magdal, let us follow Jesus wherever He leads us during this time of separation.

Yes, let us choose life every day, and believe that the Risen Jesus will show Himself to us and be with us as, step-by-step, we continue along our way.
Join Us As We
Bless This Space Between Us
With churches and retreat houses closed, our St. Francis Center for Renewal in Bethlehem, Pa., is reaching out to the homebound with its new Beyond Bricks & Mortar online spiritual programs.

In the upcoming online program Bless This Space Between Us , Maryann Kearns guides us as we explore ways to deepen our relationship with God, learning to listen to Him with our hearts through contemplative prayer.

To take part, you'll need a computer, tablet or smartphone connected to the internet. After your pre-registration is confirmed, you will receive an email with a link to join the online program. Questions? Wish to make a freewill offering? Call 610-867-8890 .
10 a.m. Tuesday, May 12
10 a.m. Tuesday, May 26
Better, Together, As One
Sister Marian Sgriccia recently read an inspirational article by American journalist John Avlon. The article included the following passage intended for all times, but particularly important in these times:

"America's historic success depends on striking the balance between individual ambition and the common good. This is something that even the rugged individualists of the western frontier instinctively understood. We aren't truly safe and secure unless we look out for each other ."
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School Sisters of St. Francis | 412-761-2855 | www.SchoolSistersosf.org