August 2019
e-mail Edition
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September 18, 2019 - Wednesday, 10:30 - 12:00 Noon
Veterans Memorial Complex,
4117 Overland Ave. Culver City
Speaker: USC Professor Emeritus Thom Mason
 “Benny Goodman”
BMG is pleased to welcome back USC Professor Emeritus, Thom Mason, as he conducts an encore presentation of the life and times of legendary clarinetist and bandleader, Benny Goodman, the “King of Swing!”
Mr. Mason founded the Department of Jazz Studies at the USC Thornton School of Music, and served as it's chairman from 1983 to 1996. He is a well-regarded historian and jazz musician in his own right. 
Note: The September meeting is a brunch , and has been scheduled later than normal in order to accommodate the speaker.
Movie Review
By Stan Epstein

I love good movies, and I enjoy writing movie reviews! Recently, however, I have concluded that good movies are very few and far between. So, unless it’s something worthwhile, I am reluctant to spend $20.00 for my wife and me - and  more importantly - to waste the time that it takes to see a movie that’s not worthwhile.

All the same, although they may not be available in conventional movie houses, many great and good movies are still available. 

1.   Turner Classic Movies (TCM) on cable tv, along with pay-per-view internet streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc, regularly show or offer good and great movies. 

2. KCET PBS Digital Channel 28-1 shows "KCET Must See Movies"  each Friday at 9:00pm, and rebroadcasts them on Saturday at 4:00pm. Some recent examples were “Bridge on the River Kwai,” “Patton,” “The Magnificent Seven,” “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” “Rain Man,” “Some Like It Hot,” and “West Side Story.”

3.   If there’s an older film that you’d like to see, but don’t feel like waiting for it to show up on cable television or a streaming service, then check out the video services at the library; it’s quite likely the selection will be available on DVD or CD. If the local branch library doesn’t have it on hand, the librarian usually can search to see if it’s in the system, and then reserve it for you. Alternatively, library members themselves usually can log onto the library website, and do a search and make the reservation. There are a couple of good libraries near my neighborhood: the LA County Library on Admiralty Way, and the LA City Library in Playa Vista.
So, until a new movie that I deem worthwhile comes along, then I only will be writing reviews of “Oldies But Goodies!” And in that vein, I’ve recently viewed one of the great oldies, circa 1940: “The Grapes of Wrath”, based on John Steinbeck’s Pulitzer prize winning novel, directed by John Ford, and starring Henry Fonda.

I was 13 years old when this film first came out, and I’ve seen it once or twice throughout the years. But as I watched it recently, somehow it packed more of a wallop than it had previously. I consider it is as relevant today as it was in the time it depicts, the Depression era of the 1920’s and 1930’s.

So, here is my review of “Grapes of Wrath.” The story is simple enough: A bunch of Oklahoma sharecroppers are being forced off their land by reason of what amounts to automation. The Caterpillars (tractors, not insects) can harvest faster and cheaper than the sharecroppers, so “The Company” that owns the property is evicting the farmers and families from the land that they have loved, lived on, and worked for years. 

It’s tearing them apart to leave a world that has become part of their very souls, and these emotions comes through loud and clear under the direction of John Ford. The acting and faces of many familiar character actors will be evident to those viewers who have been around for a while. It’s a deeply dramatic movie, and if you have tears for this kind of stuff you will be shedding them as I did.

We follow the Joad family and its long-suffering matriarch – portrayed by Jane Darwell, winner of an Academy Award for her performance – as they pack all their personal belongings onto a dilapidated old truck, and head westward along Route 66 to California, the “Land of Milk and Honey.” Once there, they mistakenly expect to find work and plentiful jobs picking fruit for reasonable wages. Life, as it turns out, will not be kind to the Joads in this new “Promised Land!”

And that’s what this movie is about. It’s considered one of Hollywood’s great films, with Henry Fonda in one of his best roles, and he had many of them! It won the 1941 Oscars for Best Director and Best Supporting Actress, and was nominated in five additional categories. If it sounds interesting, then you may want to check it out at the library.
Westside Walking Group SIG
The BMG Westside Walking Group meets every Thursday morning at 9:30am, in Santa Monica. These hikes begin in Palisades Park, near the intersection of Ocean Avenue and Marguerita Avenue, and continue southwards to the Miramar Hotel where members habitually stop to have coffee and a short rest. It’s not uncommon for hotel staff to provide free coffee! Once intermission is concluded, walkers return northward to their cars/starting point. These walks are easily doable, and the leisurely pace is accented by casual conversation and wonderful views of nature along the way. Total distance one way is less than a mile, and only takes about 20-25 minutes. Parking is readily available on side streets or along Ocean Avenue.
All Brandeis members are encouraged to show up and experience for themselves the healthy exercise and camaraderie that occur during these walk. Wives, significant others, family members, and/or pets are also cordially invited. 
For more information, please contact SIG chairman Gerry Sallus, 1-310-559-2536, or  
History SIG

The History SIG is hosted by Arnie Geffner. These meetings involve a video presentation followed by lively discussion and commentary by the participants. Although seating is limited, there is always the possibility of squeezing in an additional one or two interested members. For more information, please contact Arnie at 1-310-839-3235, or email  
Westside Current Events SIG

The Westside Current Events SIG is changing its meeting place, and relocating to the home of Bernie Schiffer. It meets at 10:00am on the second Tuesday of the month. For additional information please contact Bernie at phone 1-310-476-5077, or email
Current Events Group 1 SIG

The Current Events Group 1 meets at 10:00am, on the third Tuesday of each month. It is moderated by SIG chairman Lou Bernstein, and lively discussion and topical conversation is guaranteed. For additional information please contact Lou at phone 1-310-275-7736, or email
Legal SIG

The Legal SIG meets  at 1:00pm on the fourth Thursday of each month. This group is moderated by Constitutional Law expert, Harold Orchid, who presents legal cases for discussion and debate. Members interested in joining the Legal SIG should contact SIG moderator Marvin Alperin at phone:  1-323-931-7172, or email:
Opera Sig

The Opera Special Interest Group continues to meet. For more information please contact Howard Green,
The Brandeis Men's Group has many "Special Interest Groups" (SIG) which meet on a regular basis. To find out more about the various groups, or to suggest adding new ones, contact Marv Alperin (1-323-931-7172), or the individual group chairman below.
  • ·    · History Group - Arnie Geffner, 1-310-839-3235
  • ·    ·      Investment Group - Arnie Geffner, 1-310-839-3235
  • ·    ·      Bridge Group - Marv Alperin (for info), 1-323-931-7172
  • ·    ·      Westside Walking Group - Gerry Sallus, 1-310-559-2536
  • ·    ·      Current Events Group #1 - Louis Bernstein, 1-310-275-7736
  • ·    ·      Current Events Group #2 - Henry Gass, 1-310-444-7152
  • ·    ·      Legal Cases Group - Marvin Alperin, 1-323-931-7172
  • ·    ·      Opera Group - Howard Green, 1-310-429-7721
  • ·    ·      Sporting Events & Viewings - John Harris, 1-323-650-0664
  • ·    ·      Trip Group - Myron Forst, 1-310-923-8996
  • ·    ·      Westside Current Events – Bernie Schiffer, 1-310-476-5077
Wednesday June 26, 2019
MEMBERS PRESENT (13 ) - Marv Alperin, Tony Borwick, Sheldon Ellis, Stanley Epstein, Arnie Geffner, Howard Green, Phil Greenwald, John Harris, Mel Miller, Gerry Sallus, Bernie Schiffer, Bernie Schneier, Stan Weinberg.

ABSENCES (8) - Randy Barnes, Louis Bernstein, Bob Bienenfield, Richard Cohn, Myron Forst, Irv Kierman, Jeff Penso, and Jerry Weinstein.
GUEST (1): Richard Harmetz.

CALL TO ORDER : The meeting was called to order at 9:05am by Acting Chairman Gerry Sallus. The minutes of the May 22, 2019 Steering Committee meeting were approved as written. President Stanley Epstein arrived to assume control of the meeting. Members introduced themselves and welcomed Tony Borwick, who was appointed to the Steering Committee.

TREASURER’S REPORT : Bernie Schneier reported 80 paid members, with 32 members attending the June breakfast meeting. The Treasurer also reminded that as of July 1 st , all BMG members would need to pay 2019 - 2020 club dues of $30, plus individual Steering Committee members would need to make an additional annual contribution of $100.

FILLING VACANCIES ON THE STEERING COMMITTEE : The Steering Committee unanimously ratified the appointment of Tony Borwick and Bernd Givon to fill vacancies on the Steering Committee created by the resignation of long-time member Al Wilner, and the recent death of long-time member Bob Margolis. Howard Green has also recently been appointed to the Steering Committee. It is anticipated that the seats currently held by Richard Cohn, Irv Kierman, and Bob Bienenfeld will need to be replaced in the near future.

DISCUSSION OF JUNE MEETING SPEAKER: It was agreed that L.A. City Controller Ron Galperin was an excellent speaker. He was well-informed regarding the city’s homeless problems, and has improved the transparency of his office.

NEWSLETTER: Randy Barnes, who was attending to his ill mother in Florida, was commended for an excellent job of writing and editing the monthly Newsletter, including interesting articles and color photographs of members at special interest group meetings. (Also to be commended is the invaluable contribution of member Allen Kwawer who is responsible for making sure the Newsletter goes out, and for updating the website.)

SPEAKERS : Chairman Bernie Schiffer reported that there will be no breakfast meetings in July and August .

August 28 - Regular Steering Committee meeting.
September 18 - Next breakfast meeting Speaker is undetermined, but possibly will be Beverly Hills Theatre 40 Artistic Director, David Hunt Stafford.
October or November - Possible 11:00am brunch meeting with USC music professor Thom Mason, whose topics include Big Band era, singers, and the subject of Jazz. Professor Mason is not available to appear at 9:00am breakfast meetings.

SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS : Chairman Marv Alperin reported that a new Investment and Finance Group is being reconstituted. BMG members interested in attending should contact Arnie Geffner. It was announced that Brandeis National Committee has raised the annual assessment from $10 to $20 for all members participating in Special Interest Groups. 
TRIPS:  There was discussion whether to discontinue future trips in light of very limited participation by BMG members. A motion to discontinue the trips was tabled until after a review of attendance at a planned future visit to the Museum of Tolerance.

FUNDRAISING:  A volunteer is needed to replace committee chairman Irv Kierman.

SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: Chairman Sheldon Ellis is sending ”Get Well” and condolence cards to grieving members and their spouses. BMG members should contact Sheldon whenever learning of the illness or death of another member.

SIZE OF STEERING COMMITTEE: According to By-Laws as interpreted by Parliamentarian Gerry Sallus, the Steering Committee shall be composed of approximately 20 members. There was discussion regarding possible reduction in the size of the Steering Committee in light of the reduced number of total members in the club. This issue was tabled to enable Parliamentarian Gerry Sallus to research whether a by-laws change would be required.

END OF MEETING : The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.

The BNC women currently meet on the 4th Thursday of each month, 10:30am, at Temple Akiba in Culver City. Contact Ruth Rose, 1-323-651-1853.

Other 2019 Events
August 11 (Sunday) - Theatre Party, “Renovations for Six”, 2:00pm, Ticket $35. Theatre Forty.
September 26 (Thursday) – Earthquake Preparedness.
October 24 (Thursday) – Seeing Eye Dog Program.
November 21 (Thursday) – Safe Place for Youth.
December 19 (Thursday) – Holiday Party.
BNC Mission – The Brandeis National Committee is dedicated to providing philanthropic support tp Brandeis University, a distinguished liberal arts and research university founded by the American Jewish community. Its membership is connected to the university through fundraising and through activities that reflect the values on which the university was founded: Academic Excellence, Social Justice, Non-sectarianism, and Service to the Community.
The Brandeis National Committee (BNC) has sent notices for annual dues.
BNC membership is July 1 - June 30 of each year.
 Please respond in timely manner to the BNC request.  
Send check made out to  BNC  for  $60  to :
Brandeis University
415 South Street
Waltham, MA 02453
Members also may renew membership by going online:
Annual dues for Los Angeles Brandeis Men's Group (LABMG) also are expected.
If you haven't paid yet, please prepare to send or bring cash/check made out to BMG for $30 payable to: 
Bernie Schneier
311 Bora Bora Way, #204
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
And for each  SIG , the yearly amount is $20 , paid to the appropriate SIG chairman!
Let's support our group and Brandeis University by paying our annual dues!!!