The Script 

      Welcome to Caring Partners International's E-Newsletter

July 2018 Edition
In This Issue:
:: June Medical Mission Journeys
:: Fore!
:: Meet our Guatemalan National Directors
Belize 2018 Collage
Clockwise from Top Left: 1) Jenny Lalli RN & Translator Leticia Padilla with 2 beautiful patients, 2) Nancy Sudlow & Eric Lange with their miracle eyeglass patient, 3) Carolyn Powell in the Clinic of the Soul, 4) Jim Sudlow sharing God's Word, 5) Group photo of the CPI Team Serving with Pastor Prakash at his church in Orange Walk, Belize
Evangelism Through Medicine
...partnering in Belize & Guatemala 
God has blessed our medical ministry this summer! CPI has had a record number of mission travelers serving overseas at the same time - 48. These team members volunteered to minister alongside our national church partners in Belize and Guatemala. Almost 2,000 patients were physically cared for, and each one heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. As a result, 214 people made a decision for Jesus Christ, and are already connected to a local church for continued follow-up and discipleship. To God be the glory!

Our mission teams and church partners witnessed many changed lives during our healthcare clinics. In the photo above, CPI Belize Team Members Nancy Sudlow and Eric Lange celebrate with a little girl who received a new pair of glasses. The little girl's neighbor is also in the photo. The neighbor watched the little girl stand by the fence post in her yard each day, crying because she didn't want to go to school. The problem? The little girl could barely see! Her neighbor lovingly brought her to the CPI clinic, but our Vision Screening equipment struggled to get an accurate reading of her prescription. When it seemed like she wasn't going to be able to receive the help she needed, the little girl began to cry. The CPI team quickly stepped into action, and began to manually search our donated glasses for a fit. By God's grace, Eric found a pair that corrected her vision for both challenging vision conditions the little girl faced - a true miracle!

The CPI Guatemala Mission Team was also blessed to witness amazing victories for Christ. On the first day of their clinic at the Genesaret Church in Guatemala City, a young mother with her 5 children visited the clinic complaining of profound hearing loss. The woman was from Nicaragua, and she and the children had been abandoned by her husband, the children's father, and the young mother needed hearing aids so she could get a job to provide for the children. She left Nicaragua for Guatemala thinking the conditions would be more favorable, hoping at least prices were better so she could afford to buy food. One of the Guatemalan interpreters gave the young mother the information about 2 organizations that would help with her hearing aids, and the medical team prayed with the family as they left their examination stations.

On Sunday during the morning service at the Genesaret Church, one woman in the congregation who was leading the ministry team in the Clinic of the Soul gave an amazing testimony.  The day before, on Saturday, she had prayed with a young woman from Nicaragua who came with her five children to the church's clinic. By God's grace, the young mother and her five children ALL accepted Jesus as Lord & Savior! They were so excited to find a church home to attend, and have been welcomed with open arms into a loving church family. Praise God for His victories, as He brings help and hope to the lost and suffering!

"I am come that they might have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" John 10:10
Guate June 2018
Clockwise from Top Left: 1) a Team Photo from the Bus, 2) Dr. Alex Gamber & assistant Cody Green providing dental care, 3) new friends, 4) beautiful Guatemalan women carrying their goods to market, 5) Three members of our medical team; Phyllis Nelson, CNP, Anne Moore, RN, and Megan Poynter, PA
Calling All Golfers!
Join us on August 25th

The CPI ministry could not exist without our faithful church partners. One such partner has chosen to bless us in a tremendous way by hosting a Golf Outing, and designating Caring Partners as the ministry to benefit from the proceeds that are raised!

Urbancrest Church is the host for a wonderful day of fun and fellowship on Saturday, August 25th at Heatherwoode Golf Club in Springboro, Ohio. The day begins at 7:00 AM for Check-In & the Driving Range, then 8:00 AM for the Shotgun Start. Lunch & Prizes will follow. 

A few foursome spots are still left, and each foursome costs $400. Corporations and Individuals can also participate by becoming a Sponsor.

Please show your support for our ministry by participating through golfing or sponsorship - reach out to Rick Lalli at to get involved

Tee It Up!
COME TO ALUMNI DAY - Saturday, September 1st

Have you traveled with a Caring Partners medical mission team? RSVP to your email invitation for our first-ever Alumni Day.  
Hope to See You There!
Welcome our Guatemalan National Directors

Marroquin Family
Helmuth & Olga Marroquin with their 3 beautiful children, Christa, Jehu, & Jeremy
CPI's ministry in Guatemala has been growing, and the Lord continues to open more doors for the expansion of our church-based healthcare there. As a result, CPI's leadership felt led to ask Helmuth & Olga Marroquin to serve as our National Directors in Guatemala. 

Having Helmuth & Olga on board full-time with CPI as they continue to live in Guatemala will allow CPI to expand our mission outreach. New church partners will be developed, more working relationships with Guatemalan healthcare providers can be established, and more mission team opportunities will result. 

CPI has committed to raise Helmuth & Olga's monthly support, and each dollar donated will be matched through our Medical Missionary Development Fund. Would you like to come on-board and demonstrate your love & support for Helmuth & Olga by becoming a ministry partner of theirs through your prayers and finances? Contact Rhonda at for more information  
CPI Contact Information

Caring Partners International, Inc.
601 Shotwell Drive
Franklin, Ohio 45005
Phone: 937-743-2744 or
Fax:     937-743-2749

Roy W. Cline, Founder & Chairman Emeritus

Dr. Daniel Love, Chairman
Dr. Adam Reed, President & Director of Missions
Rhonda J. Reed, Executive Director  

Andrew Wienhoff, Director of Mission Resources

Rick Lalli, Director of Ministry Development

Jon & Karen Lambert, Mission Directors

Helmuth & Olga Marroquin, Directors, Guatemala

Bill Wienhoff, Financial Administrator

Lauren Cragwall, Mission Coordinator

Kathy Ridenour, Executive Assistant

Web Site  

The Board Members and Staff of Caring Partners would like to THANK YOU for your PRAYERS and FINANCIAL SUPPORT for this ministry. Our PARTNERSHIP enables the Gospel message to be shared throughout the world!
Caring Partners International