Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
This Month's News
Program Spotlight
  • Stream Watch - A New Citizen Science Opportunity
News & Announcements
  • Are you Ready for Winter? Handy Tips for Winterizing Your Property
In Case You Missed It
  • 2020 Post-Fire Resources
  • Soil Hub Looking for Photos
  • Still Need Black Oak Acorns
  • Curious about Greywater? We Can Help!
Upcoming Programs
  • November WILD Lecture and Fall Oak Plantings - See below for details
Program Spotlight
Stream Watch:
A New Citizen Science Opportunity
Napa RCD is excited to start recruiting citizen science volunteers for our newest monitoring program: Stream Watch!

Just in time for the upcoming rainy season, we are seeking volunteers to help us monitor streams in the Napa River Watershed. We've identified 26 locations throughout the watershed that will serve as indicators for overall stream conditions. And now, we need your help to figure out when these stream locations start flowing, when they go dry, and which ones have litter that needs to be picked up.

It is important to monitor stream flow conditions over the course of the year and over many years because the timing of flow impacts habitat quality for a variety of local animal, plant and fish species. We want to understand current habitat conditions, and be able to track trends over time.

In some cases, land managers along a stream may be able to enhance stream flow for aquatic life by taking coordinated conservation actions on the land. We will use the monitoring information to identify these locations, and help our community plan and prioritize conservation actions in the stream reaches that need it most.

We have also built in a trash observation component to the monitoring. The reporting of whether or not a stream is littered will help guide another of our volunteer programs, Waterway Keepers!

If you're interested in learning more about Stream Watch, join us for a WILD Napa talk on November 18 at 7pm on Zoom and Facebook Live. You can also visit the Stream Watch website to find instructions for how to get started monitoring--- today!

Contact Ashley with questions: or 707-690-3117
News & Announcements
Are you Ready for Winter? Handy Tips for Winterizing Your Property
We know it's been a long dry summer....but rain happens! Make sure you prevent erosion by following these tips:

Roads: Now more than ever it is important to check your stream crossings, make sure your culverts are intact and open, and storm-proof your roads. Unpaved roads should be drained by rolling dips or water bars. In areas impacted by the LNU and Glass Fires, there are fewer plants, which means fewer sponges to soak up storm water. As a result, we are expecting flows to be higher than normal downstream of the burned areas. We are also expecting that more woody material will be coming down streams that have been impacted by fire. Use this Storm proof Roads Checklist as you prepare for winter.
Vineyards: Vineyard managers should vigilantly monitor and maintain existing erosion control measures. Keys to winterizing the vineyard include: cover disturbed areas with seed and mulch, prevent further soil disturbance, and evaluate roads and drainages. In vineyards impacted by recent fires, inspect all plastic culverts and come up with a plan for those that have melted. For more recommendations for getting vineyards ready for winter, post-fire, click here.

Forested properties: Make sure your roads are storm-proofed (see above) and that any existing erosion control measures are in good shape. If your forest burned in the LNU or Glass fires, minimize the soil disturbance in the burned areas, and assess burned trees for potential hazards to you, your visitors, and infrastructure. Do not remove trees that you think are dead until after the rainy season -- they might surprise you by actually being alive. Click here for more tips about post-fire restoration of forest and woodlands.
In Case You Missed It
2020 Post-Fire Resources
Napa RCD is partnering with USDA Farm Service Agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to offer on-site assistance to fire-impacted landowners.
Take a look at the chart in the picture to see what service is best for your needs.

If you need help evaluating burned farms or landscapes, please complete this questionnaire.

Find helpful factsheets, videos and more at
North Coast Soil Hub is Looking for Photos of Healthy Soils!
Calling all soil lovers! Calling all camera lovers! We need some great photos of what healthy soil looks like in Napa County. Show us the soil, the people working hard to make the soil healthy, and the practices that are key to building organic matter. We'd love to feature your photo in the next North Coast Soil Hub newsletter!
Still Looking for Black Oak Acorns
This year we wanted 2,500 acorns - across four oak types - for fall plantings. And with your help we now have over 2,500 acorns from each of valley, coast live, and blue oak species! Now, we just need to find a few good black oak trees. Anyone have any tips? Anyone want to collect?

If anyone knows any landowners looking to re-oak their property, send them to us because we've got acorns to give away!

We will be doing three Community Oak Planting Days this year: November 27 at Alston Park, December 5 at Huichica Creek Vineyard, and December 12 at Newell Preserve (registration link available soon). Registration is required for these events due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Curious About Greywater? We Can Help!
Napa RCD and City of Napa Water recently hosted a virtual workshop on Do-it-Yourself Laundry to Landscape Greywater Systems.

Head on over to Napa RCD's Youtube channel to see the video of the workshop.

We have great resources from our 2017 in-person workshop on our website.

Don't let good water go to waste!
Upcoming Programs
November 18 - WILD Napa - Stream Watch
December 12 - Community Oak Planting Day @ Newell Preserve

For more watershed-related events, visit
Did you know that we have a separate email list for volunteers?
Help support Napa RCD - Donate Today!
Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |