




by Richard Blake

I hope all of you had a great holiday season! I sure did! A bit of sad news to pass along, our first director (Doug Dorris) passed away from the complications of COVID. Please be in prayer for Dorris' family (his two grown daughters & their families). CPMM will always be indebted to Doug for getting CPMM off the ground & his leadership for the first eighteen years (1982-2000) of our existence! Thank you, Doug! I'm sure he would be pleased with how CPMM has grown!


As we move forward, our staff (Mark, Ernesto & I) will be attending the Missouri Christian Convention at Lake of the Ozarks in a couple of weeks (March 11 & 12), so if you happen to also be attending, please stop by our booth and say “hi”.


Prayer requests:

  • Pray for safety in our travels. We (staff & volunteers) easily put over 10,000 miles a month in driving to the prisons.

  • Pray that we don't get COVID because it still has an effect on the prisons we go to.

  • Pray that God will give us the wisdom to know where he wants to take the ministry.

  • Pray for the state of Illinois (department of corrections) to reopen the prisons! It's literally two years since we were there.


May God continue to bless you as He blesses us!   Richard

A Deeper Look

by Tom Mullenix

I’ve been actively serving with CPMMA for almost a year now (like many places in all of our lives, covid spoiled earlier plans).

I finished my first session of “Inside-Out Dads” just as December closed. The nearly three-hour drive to Vinita, Oklahoma was truly worth it. This is a work-release facility; the men have outside employment. The guys that I worked with all worked nights – twelve-hour shifts. To come to our meeting, they would have to wake up from a sound sleep (and short their rest for the next night’s work). These inmates did it gladly.

“Inside-Out Dads” touches a deep, felt need in the hearts of those who participate. These men know in their hearts the terrible cost of fatherlessness – they are paying it. None of those who were involved in my sessions had a good relationship with their dad while growing up. But they want different outcomes for their own children. They long to connect with their kids (and grandkids) to both enjoy them and influence them – influence them to better things in life. 

Therefore, the men don’t shirk their homework – they come prepared to discuss the lessons.  They’re happy to have “Inside-Out Dads” on their resume, it helps with parole and Family Services enquiries. They’re also a little sad to see our course come to completion. We built a real bond during the six every-other-week sessions.

We intentionally use the secular version of this course so there won’t be unnecessary barriers. Believe me, our Heavenly Father, his preferred character traits and his offer of supernatural help fit naturally in the discussions. These men have been humbled; they know their need for the hand of God on their lives.

Please pray for all of those who are leading “Inside-Out Dads.” And pray for the Lord’s work in the lives of all who participate.

My other responsibility is a Bible Study session once a month (I tag team with four men) at OCF in Oswego, Kansas. We’re currently going through “The Story’ – a Bible survey in novel form, by Max Lucado.

We started “from scratch” once the prison reopened for volunteer activity – the population of OCF had changed and only one previous inmate had any experience with CPMMA. We’ve grown slowly, one participant was transferred, and another finished his sentence; seven attended the most recent meeting.

These brothers love to sing, and they sing well. They know their Bibles, believe me. And they love to talk about “the things of God.” Our prayer is that the influence of God will permeate the entire prison, and many will come to know Jesus as Lord. 

I go to encourage these men and leave encouraged. In your prayers, please don’t forget our brothers behind bars.

Tom Mullenix is a preacher / missionary currently serving as a Partner with International Christian Leaders through his organization, Twelve21 Mission. He and Richard met and served together at His Place in Joplin beginning in 1974.

P.O. Box 1111 Jefferson City, MO 65102 (573-301-5883) CPMM-A.ORG

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