School Campuses Closed until March 31
Dear Harding Family,

In the midst of our faculty and staff meeting this morning, we received word that Governor Bill Lee had “urged all schools in Tennessee to close by Friday, March 20, and remain closed until March 31” in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the news story here .

All Harding Academy campuses (Little Harding–grade 12) will remain closed to students through Tuesday, March 31 . We will announce the status of classes for April 1 by Monday, March 30. All athletics and other extracurricular activities are also suspended until March 31 and will only resume when students return to campus. 

Except for approved times tomorrow and Wednesday, all areas of campus are closed to all students, families, and alumni. This includes our gyms, weight room, fields, and track. No unauthorized person should be on our campus for any reason until our students return.

Parents and students, please refer to the emails from your principals (Mrs. Kolznak SK–5; Mr. Fisher 6–12) for details on how to navigate online platforms and when the building will be open to pick up needed supplies. Please pay special attention to these guidelines as we officially launch online learning on Wednesday, March 18 .

This morning our faculty and staff had a time of prayer and planning. In the midst of a difficult and uncertain situation, I want you to know how blessed we are to be surrounded by so many faithful and dedicated employees. It was such a joy to collectively pray for our school community. Harding truly is a unique and wonderful school.

May the Lord continue to bless you and our entire school community as we journey together.

In Christ,
Trent Williamson
Head of School

Joshua 1:6–9