As spring approaches, there’s hope on the horizon in our battle on COVID-19. The vaccines have arrived and there are some sure signs of a return to normalcy.

TJC has announced they’re returning to business as usual in terms of scheduling onsite surveys (with the exception of areas where there’s a COVID surge.) That means a renewed focus on survey readiness so that’s what we’re focusing on this month in our newsletter.

Our first article provides an update on TJC’s plan for returning to regular onsite survey activity. Our second article covers survey strategies for the Document Review session of your survey – whether onsite or virtual.

As the pandemic eases, we at Barrins & Associates are also returning to business as usual and seeing an increased demand for our services across the country. It’s great to be back out there in person with so many of you!

We value your feedback on the newsletter. Please send us your comments and tell us what topics you would like to see in future issues. We look forward to hearing from you! Also, feel free to forward this newsletter to your colleagues.

Stay safe and healthy!