Knightly News
November 18, 2020
From the Principal

As we look forward to a week away from school to celebrate Thanksgiving, we are grateful for our Trivium families. Even though our world looks so different, we continue to find ways to celebrate our students each day. They are troopers putting up with all the changes we have made at school and continue to come to school each day with smiles and excitement. 

Please be mindful that what we all do over the break affects all of us. We hope our families will follow the recommended CDC guidelines for a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. 

Our hope for all of you is to enjoy this time with your families. And we want you to know how much we appreciate all that you do for us at Trivium. Your support and kindness does not go unnoticed. We also appreciate our time with your precious children who are the heart of our school. We hope you take this week to rest and recover from all the COVID madness and find time for some fun. Eat plenty of turkey and pumpkin pie, and we will see you in a week!

Proud to be a Knight,
Marsha Cawthon
Curriculum Corner
In Mrs. Pechacek's kindergarten class students are using Montessori math manipulatives to learn about teen numbers. Students are using the set of colored beads (1-9), golden beads (10), and digit cards to explore how teen numbers are composed of ten and ones. They can visually see the connection between the quantities and how we represent those quantities in our written base ten number system. Mrs. Pechacek's class is also practicing subitizing (instant recognition of number quantities - an important developmental skill in mathematics) using giant playing cards!
Knight Watch
The Apex Fun Run was a great success! We were so excited that the whole school could participate whether on campus or at home. We are grateful for the character lessons that were taught through this two week period and are appreciative of the many generous donations.
Flag Football and Volleyball
The football and volleyball teams are finishing up their regular seasons this week, and we are so proud of the job they have done with having to compact their season into two weeks.

A special shout out to our 6th-8th grade volleyball team for clinching the district championship this week! They will move on to the regional tournament after Thanksgiving.

The Showcase
Did you know that Trivium has a high school speech and debate team? We are in our second year of competing, and although competition looks different this year because of COVID, the team members have risen to the challenge and are finding success in the new synchronous remote environment. These students willingly give up their Friday nights and Saturdays to compete, and we couldn't be more proud of them!

Recent Results in Congressional Debate
Jack Elliott - Finals at Naaman Forest Tournament
Jack Elliott - 3rd place at UNT Tournament
Francisco Ramirez - 5th place at UNT Tournament
The speech team members are enjoying the fact that they only have to dress professionally from the waist up this year!
People Love Us on Yelp!
Trivium Academy was just given the "People Love Us on Yelp" award for our above average score of 4.05 rating. We're very proud of the work we do here with our students, and we always ask ourselves the question, "What is the best thing for the kids?" We consider ourselves a student first school, and it shows. We would love for you to share your love for Trivium on Yelp, too! Great Schools is another site where you could write us a review and share your positive experiences at Trivium. We could all use a little positivity during this difficult time! 
Carpool Reminders
  • Please follow the correct path, and watch for people walking through the parking lots to enter our building and our neighbor's building.
  • Place car in park and wait for a carpool worker to signal you to move.
  • Absolutely NO cell phone use in car line.
  • Do not get out of your car or signal to your child to come to your car without an adult.
  • When your child is loaded, please pull your tag down to signal you are ready to go.
  • Do not wait to turn left at the exit light. The creates a backup in the line.
  • Please visit this link for complete carpool instructions and map:
Daily Health Check-In
We are now using Dr. Owl for the mandatory daily health checks. Please click the link below, scan the QR code, or download the Dr. Owl app on your phone to complete the daily health check-in before students arrive on campus each day.

Dr. Owl QR Code
COVID-19 Response
Anytime that we post a notice of a confirmed case on campus, we understandably get a number of questions. We can't disclose any information about the infected individual or other students who are quarantined due to privacy laws, so it often makes those questions difficult to answer. What we can provide is some general information that may help though. 

We follow the Denton County Health Department's protocols regarding close contact and quarantine anyone whom we believe to have been within six feet of the infected individual for more than 15 minutes. Our teachers are doing a great job of keeping the students as far apart as possible, but unfortunately, our rooms are not large enough to keep everyone six feet apart at all times. Because of this, it would be unlikely for a whole class to need to quarantine, but it can result in a few students seated near an individual who tests positive to need to quarantine as a precaution. 

Thank you for your continued support as we work daily to keep our Knights learning and healthy!
Upcoming Events
  • November 23-27 - Thanksgiving Holiday
  • December 19-January 3 - Winter Break
  • January 4 - First Day Back from Winter Break
  • January 18 - Holiday
  • January 19-22 - Secondary Exam Week
  • January 22 - Last Day of First Semester
  • January 25 - Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day
  • January 26 - Start of 2nd Semester
Phone: 469-854-9007
2205 E Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75010