Eden I&R
December 2019 E-Newsletter
Donate for a chance to win!

Help us meet our year-end fundraising goal . Donate $25 or more to Eden I&R before 12/31/19 for a chance to win one of three raffle gifts: 1) Tickets to an Oakland A's game, 2) A $200 gift certificate to Changes Day Spa in Walnut Creek, 3) A $150 gift certificate to Shakewell restaurant in Oakland. Click here to donate now.

Yea-end donations will be matched up to $5,500 by members of Eden I&R's Board of Directors!
The future of 211 - Predictive Analytics

Our colleagues at  United Way Worldwide were recently interviewed by Salesforce to discuss how 211 can use artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to identify key trends and markers of emerging social issues and work to prevent incidents such as homelessness or human trafficking. Click here to watch the interview.
New Voicemail Option for 211

Callers to 211 Alameda County now have the option to leave a voicemail and receive a call-back if their wait time lasts more than a few minutes. This is just one of several recent improvements to 211's service. Callers also now have the option to text their zip code to 898-211 Monday-Friday from 9 am – 4 pm for fast referral information.
Holiday Toys Urgently Needed!

The Davis Street Family Resource Center is facing a severe toy shortage for their Holiday Basket program. 1,555 children are at risk of not receiving toys. To donate, you may drop off new, unwrapped toys or gift cards at 3081 Teagarden Street in San Leandro, Mon.-Thur. 8 am – 8 pm or Fri. 8 am – 6 pm, by Dec. 20. Items are most needed for children ages 9 and up. Click here to learn more.
211 By the Numbers - November 2019
211 Alameda County

4,770 conversations handled*

5,843 referrals provided


74% female

29% single mothers with minor children

59% Living with disabilities

*reflects both calls and two-way texts to 211
Services Database

68 agency record updates

195 program record updates
Housing Database

37 units added

1,483 records updated
"I got excellent help from the 211 staff member.
She was very kind and concerned."
Caller Stories
A single mother of two children called from Newark seeking Thanksgiving food and/or a turkey. 211 informed her that during the month of November there were holiday food baskets, turkeys and Christmas toys being offered through the Salvation Army Tri-Cities Corps Community Center. She was thrilled to learn of these resources.

For additional 211 call examples handled in November, go here.
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project)
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project) offers housing and human services resource referrals to People Living with HIV/AIDS via a designated phone line and through one-on-one, in-person assistance at clinics and AIDS Service Organizations.

In November, AHIP had 16 in-person meetings and 85 calls with clients, and provided 96 service referrals and 387 housing referrals.
November Outreach
469 people engaged at events and fairs

16 community meetings attended

33,728 website page views
1,667 outreach materials distributed

2 disaster preparedness trainings held

5,571 website sessions/visitors
Thank You to Our Partners
Donor Spotlight - Share the Spirit!

Eden I&R is pleased to announce it has received a $4,000 grant from Share the Spirit East Bay, a program of the Bay Area News Group – East Bay Times, administered by the Contra Costa Crisis Center. These funds will support holiday referrals through 211. 

Share the Spirit awards annual grants through a competitive application and review process, and each year several awardees are featured in stories in the East Bay Times. To read stories from this year's grantees, visit:
Referral Partner Spotlight - 4Cs of Alameda County

Community Child Care Council (4Cs) of Alameda County is a community resource center founded in 1972 with locations in Hayward, Oakland, and Fremont. 4Cs’ mission is to develop and coordinate resources to strengthen families and children.

While child care resources, referrals, payment assistance, and support for child care providers are at the core of the agency’s work, 4Cs also offers support services for the entire community. These services include; free tax preparation and assistance as a VITA site; CalFresh enrollment and recertification; family navigation, playgroups, and parenting courses for families living in Hayward Promise Neighborhoods area (south Hayward and the Jackson Triangle); Community “Closets” with access to free essentials for families; and car seat installation checks. You can find out more about 4Cs of Alameda County at: