City of Cumming
September 2021
Back the Blue Softball Tournament Returns for Second Year
The 2nd Annual Back the Blue Softball Tournament returns to Central Park on Saturday, Sept. 18th. This is a free community event, but donations will be accepted for B.A.D.G.E. of Forsyth, a benevolence fund that supports Cumming and Forsyth County first responders during times of personal tragedy. Last year's inaugural Back the Blue Softball Tournament raised $60,000 for B.A.D.G.E!
All of the teams that competed last year are back this time around - City of Cumming/Cumming Police Department, Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, Forsyth County Government, Forsyth County Fire Department, and Forsyth County Schools. New to this year's lineup is the Forsyth County Magistrate Court. Teams will again battle it out for title of tournament champion (an honor which the City of Cumming took last year!) and the right to house the tournament's traveling trophy for a year.
Opening ceremonies kick off at 9:30 a.m. with the ceremonial first pitch again thrown by Cumming's "Honorary Mayor," 12-year-old Charlie Westbrook. Tournament play begins at 10 a.m. and continues all day. Come by Central Park any time on Sept. 18th to enjoy the friendly competition! Any businesses or individuals who would like to donate in support of the tournament's beneficiary, B.A.D.G.E. of Forsyth, should contact City Administrator Phil Higgins at 770-781-2010.
Rodeo Returns to Fairgrounds Labor Day Weekend
The IPRA World Championship Rodeo returns to the Cumming Fairgrounds' covered arena this Labor Day Weekend. Bring the whole family for a rootin', tootin' good time featuring bull riding, bareback riding, barrel racing, comedy from the rodeo clowns, and more! Showtime is 8 p.m. on Sept. 3rd & 4th and 7 p.m. on Sept. 5th; gates open two hours prior to the start time each night. Tickets are $15 for ages 13 & up, $10 for ages 5-12 and seniors 65 and up, and free for ages 4 & under. Click here to buy tickets now. Tickets can also be purchased at the gate, and there are no parking fees for this event.
Aquatic Center Doggy Days Are Back Sept. 11 & 12
Do your dogs need a dip in the pool to help beat the heat? The Cumming Aquatic Center's got the ticket! Bring your four-legged friends out on Saturday, Sept. 11th and Sunday, Sept. 12th for the 2nd Annual Doggy Days at the Aquatic Center. Five one-hour sessions will be held over the two days (three for dogs 45+ lbs. and two for dogs under 45 lbs.). Proof of vaccination is required for all participating dogs (rabies tags are not acceptable proof; documentation from vet's office is required). Cost is $15 per dog, per session (humans are free!), and includes a Doggy Day frisbee. Doggy Days marks the close of the outdoor leisure pool for the season. For more information and to register in advance, click here for Sept. 11th and here for Sept. 12th!
Storm Drain Art Contest Now Open to FoCo High School Students
The City of Cumming has partnered with Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, Forsyth County government, and the Sawnee Association of the Arts in the first ever Storm Drain Art Contest. With the theme "Only Rain Goes Down the Drain," the contest is open to all Forsyth County high school students. Three winners will be selected; they will each have a chance to paint their design on select storm drains later this year, and will receive $100 and a certificate of recognition. We're especially excited about this contest because the Cumming City Center will feature one winning student's design! For complete information about the contest, click here.
Municipal Election Update
These candidates qualified to run in the Nov. 2nd Municipal Election following the close of the qualifying period, Aug. 16th - 18th:
For Mayor:
Troy Brumbalow (Incumbent)
William A. Stone III
For Council Post 1:
Chad Crane (Incumbent)
For Council Post 2:
Jason Evans (Incumbent)
Thank you to all of these candidates for their willingness to serve our community! For more information about the City's General Election on Nov. 2, 2021 (including advance voting locations, dates, and times), click here.
Council Approves Police Reserve Officer Unit
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council approved a request from Police Chief David Marsh during their regular meeting on Aug. 17th to establish a volunteer Police Officer Reserve Unit. The Reserve Unit will consist of certified officers who have retired or gone into a different career field but still wish to maintain their law enforcement certification. Volunteer service would help them maintain these certifications, while the Cumming Police Department would benefit from the volunteer labor during large events such as parades and the Cumming Country Fair & Festival when additional officers are needed. Council also approved a measure which would allow the Reserve Unit officers to be covered under the City's Workers' Compensation Policy.
During the August Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council also:
- Following two public hearings, approved the 2021-2025 Impact Fee Annual Report and Schedule of Improvements, which will be submitted to the Atlanta Regional Commission and Department of Community Affairs for their review and approval.
- Approved the low proposal from Surfaces Group for all hardscapes in the Cumming City Center. This includes items such as brick and granite pavers, decorative water fountain, walkways, street signage, bollards, and underground conduits.
- Appointed Ricky Noles to the Planning Commission. Noles will fill the position which was left vacant earlier this summer after the unexpected passing of Planning Commission member Randy Murphy.
- Approved in a 3-0 vote, with Council members Linda Ledbetter and Christopher Light recused, repairs to sidewalks on Mountain Brook Drive.
- Approved a change order due to poor soil conditions and a price increase on raw materials for construction of a carbon silo for Cumming Utilities. The project, which is currently under construction and operational, was needed by Utilities to help eliminate odors and unusual tastes in drinking water caused by algal blooms in Lake Lanier at various times of year.
Utilities Seeks WaterFirst Designation
Cumming Utilities welcomed a delegation from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority’s (GEFA) WaterFirst Community program on Aug. 11th. Becoming a WaterFirst Community demonstrates a local government’s commitment to responsible water stewardship for environmental and economic benefits, and qualifies that community to receive financial and other benefits from the State of Georgia, including:
- A 1-percent interest rate reduction on any GEFA loans,
- Eligibility for water-related project applications to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs’ Community Development Block Grant Program, and
- Priority status for some grant programs administered by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD).
The delegation - which included representatives from the EPD, GEFA, and the WaterFirst Communities of Jefferson, Gainesville, and Barrow and Forsyth counties – has the task of deciding whether or not Cumming Utilities will receive the WaterFirst designation. Only around 40 communities throughout Georgia have received WaterFirst status since the program began in 2003. Forsyth County was named a WaterFirst Community in 2010.
During their visit, the delegation heard presentations from leaders of Cumming Utilities and toured many of the City’s water-related facilities, including Utilities’ Raw Water Intake Facility, Potable Water Production Facility, Ronald Reagan Pump Station, and the Advanced Water Reclamation Facility, as well as the Cumming Aquatic Center and the site of the future Cumming City Center. The delegation visit was the culmination of a lengthy application process. Cumming Utilities staff will know if they achieved the WaterFirst Community designation soon.
Mary Alice Park Season Ends Sept. 26th
Mary Alice Park goers have just a few more weeks to enjoy the lakeside park.
Mary Alice shifts to weekends-only Sept. 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th, and the final day of the season is the 26th. However, the park's three paved boat ramps and two boat docks are open year-round. For more information about Mary Alice Park, click here.
Holiday Closure
Cumming City Hall and most other non-essential City of Cumming facilities and departments will be closed on Monday, Sept. 6th in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. The Cumming Aquatic Center will be open on Labor Day from 1-6 p.m. We wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
Never Forget
On this 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, the City of Cumming remembers and honors all those whose lives were lost during those tragic events. We also recognize all of our military forces who have served nobly in Afghanistan for the past two decades, and honor all those whose lives were lost during those 20 years as well as the recent withdrawal. May none of us ever forget.
Youth Council Meeting - Sept. 7 at 5 p.m.
City Council Work Session - Sept. 7 at 6 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Sept. 21 at 5 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting - Sept. 21 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.