"Fast Twitch"  
Speed Development Program 
This class is specifically designed to enhance straight ahead speed.

There will be four main training components:

1. Sport Specific Stance & First Step
2. Quick Feet
3. Acceleration
4. Top End or Max Speed.

The course will incorporate a blend of technical, plyometric and weight resistance training protocols.

This is not your ladder drill and parachute class. Every session will address each facet in an organized and methodical approach that directly correlates to the development of linear speed.

This class is designed for those athletes looking for and needing major changes in their running speed. 

Improve Your 40y dash, 60 yard dash!!!!


Where: Gamespeed 
              990 Detroit Ave, Concord
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays 
Starts: February 4th to February 27th 
Time: 5:00- 6:00pm
Ages:  12 & up
All sports welcome. 
Cost: $285 (cash/check)
 $295 (Credit) 
$40 Single session (cash only). By reservation only.
Instructor: Aaron Thigpen, Head Instructor , Owner of Gamespeed

Limited Space:  

If questions please call  925-222-9612.
Email: aaron@gamespeed.net.