Update from Administrator/Controller Kelli Scott
Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021
Happy New Year; Happy New County Commissioners' Term
Tonight's Board of Commissioners Meeting, the first of 2021, was also the annual organizational session, and the beginning of the 2021-22 two-year term for County Commissioners. Our Board Chair for 2021-22, elected by a majority of the commissioners, is Commissioner Steve Frisbie. Our vice chair, a one-year term for 2022 according to state law, is Commissioner Gary Tompkins, who was also elected by a majority of the commissioners. They represent Districts 4 and 7 respectively.

2021-2022 is the second 2- year term as Chair for Commissioner Frisbie, and the first year as vice chair for Commissioner Tompkins.

Holiday Thank You's
Every year, staff within the jail, juvenile home, and law enforcement make sacrifices to work on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, while many of us are at home with our families. This year, in addition to thanking those essential workers who keep county operations moving 24-7, Calhoun County Road Department staff also worked long hours during the holidays to keep snow off the roadways and keep roads safe for the motoring public. Thank you to all Calhoun County employees whose important work during the holidays keeps all of us safer.
Highlights from a few boards and committees:
On Dec. 18, managers and mayors from all cities and villages in Calhoun County met for a City/County Meeting, which the County Board Chair and I convene quarterly. In addition to chatting with our Public Information Officers about this year's countywide State of the Community presentation, the group discussed new initiatives related to trash hauling and recycling services, the countywide public transit study and follow up that was delayed during the COVID-19 limitations, and the new countywide designated property tax assessor required by recent state tax commission legislation.

Union Leadership Roundtable was held on Dec. 21 by HR/Labor Relations Director Kim Archambault and me. We discussed the county's upcoming 457 retirement savings plan consolidation, support and training to help with working remotely, and recent changes to our temporary health emergency response leave policy, to include leave time as necessary for COVID-19 vaccinations.

Also on Dec. 21, the Marshall Community Credit Union Board of Directors met. The Board approved the Credit Union's 2021 budget and performance goals, and discussed the upcoming diversity, equity and inclusion training sessions for board members.

The first meeting of 2021 for the Summit Pointe Board was held via Zoom on Jan. 5. At that meeting, the Board received updates to the annual Quality Assessment Performance Improvement Plan, as well as our emergency succession plan, should CEO Jeannie Goodrich become unavailable for any reason. The Board also approved extending the contract with Rehmann Robson for financial consulting services for FY21, and engaging design and engineering services for renovations of the College Street property. County Commissioner Kathy-Sue Vette chairs the Summit Pointe Board and I continue to serve as Treasurer.
Around the County
Update from the Road Department
  • Road workers have worked long hours over the last two weeks clearing roads of ice and snow
  • Tree work continues in Marshall and Pennfield Townships
  • Pothole patching is ongoing countywide
Update from Public Health Department
Calhoun County residents age 65 years and older who want to get the COVID-19 vaccine can call 269-441-0912 to schedule an appointment. Due to high call volumes, we ask that callers leave a message and should expect a call back within 36 hours. This is only for seniors 65+; information about other vaccine opportunities for essential workers will be published when it becomes available.

NOTE: Due to extreme call volume, we are currently experiencing some technical issues with the phone line and ask that the public be patient while we get them fixed.

Clinics will take place in Battle Creek, Marshall, and Albion, and planning is ongoing to schedule additional clinics. These clinics are appointment-only to ensure that number of participants correlates with the number of vaccines we have available. 

For information about Calhoun County's vaccination efforts, please visit calhouncountymi.gov/covidvaccine.
Message from the Juvenile Home
We at the Calhoun County Juvenile Home (CCJH) would like to extend our deepest and warmest thanks to our county who came together for our kids for Christmas. We were absolutely overwhelmed with the generosity by both individuals and companies and to see that our community cares about at-risk youth as we do. The record level of giving during such trying times in 2020 was beyond heartwarming for both staff and kids. Among donations were generous monetary contributions, filled stockings, comfort items, backpacks, hygiene items, warm snow gear, and much more. We want you to know that the magnitude of giving permeates much more than just Christmas day. Therapeutically, the youth were afforded a sense of self-worth as well as an understanding that the community believes they are valuable and worthwhile. A handful of key donors were associated with the legal system, which helped the youth understand that they have been placed here but not forgotten. Such self-value has lifelong rewards, and for this, we as staff of CCJH as well as youth of CCJH are grateful to all of you who took part. Again, our deepest thanks. — Aubrey Garner, Juvenile Home Team Leader
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