Dear Members,

I want to reassure you that 125 LIVE remains open. As per my Thursday email, we have zero cases of COVID-19. Therefore, no grounds to shut down our operations.

Based on a phone conversation l had late yesterday afternoon, this is not the case in the Rec Center. The City of Rochester has decided to shut down all city-run operations in city-owned buildings temporarily. While the City owns the 125 LIVE building, we are an independent non-profit and will continue to operate as long as it is deemed safe, and we can operate in accordance with local, county, state, and federal guidelines.

Even though we applaud the City’s decision to stop the spread, the decision to shut down the REC Center will impact our members since we will lose access to both swimming pools from 11/15 to 11/30. I understand that it is an inconvenience to many of you, and some will be frustrated by this information. Unfortunately, it is entirely beyond my control.

I can only say that we need to continue the practices that have proven so successful for us so far throughout the pandemic. Wear a mask over your nose and mouth, maintain 6 feet of distance apart, do not attend when feeling unwell, and stay away from any social gatherings where you don’t practice safety precautions.
We all need to participate and do our part to recover and stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Please be vigilant so that we all may continue to socialize and exercise safely.

Kind regards,

Sylwia Bujak Oliver
125 LIVE Executive Director

Spread Some Cheer This Year!

November is the month of giving "thanks and showing kindness.”
Why not buy 125 LIVE gift certificates for your friends and family? Show them you care. They can apply the gift towards a 125 LIVE membership, purchase 125 LIVE tee shirts, water bottles, gym bags, ceramics painting, and more.

So many ways to be kind, thankful and show how much you care! 125 LIVE Gift certificates have no expiration date and no limit on your purchase amount.
I am thankful for 125 LIVE
Please share how you benefit from being a member at 125 LIVE. We'll share your comments on our gratitude wall and in our Thanksgiving email next week.

Email with your ideas.
Member Spotlight
Ed and Barb Armbruster 
We have been coming to 125 LIVE for several years now. We appreciate the feeling of extended family here that is far beyond other fitness centers. At other gyms, we would put in our time on the machines, and the only person who might get to know us was the person at the desk. Mirna's classes are fun, and Fred's classes are practical. We love all the 125 LIVE classes that we were able to try online during isolation. Thank you, 125 LIVE, for being creative, keeping us connected, and providing a safe workout environment.
Could you help us reach out?
We need a few volunteers to make check-in phone calls to members who can not visit 125 LIVE due to health concerns. With the Holidays and Thanksgiving arriving soon, we want to make sure 125 LIVE members feel connected even while at home. We'll provide you all the necessary tools for these calls. Send an email to to volunteer today. Thank YOU!
Weekly Groceries
“Free week of groceries provided every Monday at 1 pm for low income qualified seniors. 125 LIVE is working with a Federal Nutrition Grant to provide older adults with nutritional help. Please pick-up an application at the membership services desk to see if you qualify.”
Give to the Max
Give to the Max Day is quickly approaching, and we would be grateful for your help with a donation. Your gifts will help us keep 125 LIVE's heart pumping strong! We hope to have a donation-matching program to announce soon! Visit our donation dashboard here:
Medicare Questions - Senior Health Insurance
10- 11 am Tuesday, November 17
Join Bill and Molly Pudwell as they cover Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D; the important differences between Medical Advantage Plans and medical supplement (Medigap) plans; how specific plans differ from company to company; and prescription drug plans, tiers, and co-pays.
Leave with the knowledge needed to enroll in a plan that serves you best.
Members may attend onsite at 125 LIVE. Register at membership services.
The public can participate via ZOOM. Click here to Register for Zoom 
Wood Shop Tool Training Router and Router Table
3 - 4:30 pm Wednesday, Nov 18
The 125 LIVE woodshop tools shape wood and make projects; these same tools can be scary and intimidating to use. This training will introduce you to common woodshop equipment and how to use it safely. Registration required.
125 LIVE Social Member Programs
One Topic, One Hour
on Zoom 10 - 11 am, Mondays
Nov 16 & 23
Where Did the Bible
Come From? Presenter Kate Letellier
Nov 30
The Middle Ages Part I - Presenter John Stone

Dec 7
Share a holiday memory, a cherished gift, traditional food, or family activity. Sponsored by
Visiting Angels
Coffee and Cameras - Zoom
2 - 4 pm Thursday, November 19
This social group meets on ZOOM to discuss photography and the skills we can use to take pictures. All levels of photographers are welcome.
Register, then the Zoom link will be emailed to you.
Tech-Photo-Genealogy Help with the Tech Mates
11:00 am to 1:00 pm, Mondays
The 125 LIVE Tech Mates are available in the Technology Learning Center and on Zoom every Monday. Drop into the TLC or join a Zoom meeting for help with technology, including smartphones, mobile devices, computers, apps, and software. We can also help with organizing, sharing, and adjusting your photos, as well as scanning photos and documents. If you have questions about genealogy software, web resources, or your family research, we are happy to help in the TLC. Monday Meeting ID: 895 9759 8371 Password: 665208
Virtual Tech Help
with the Tech Mates
9:30 to 11:30 am, Fridays
The 125 LIVE Tech Mates Tom Dillhunt and Jean Hust are available on Zoom to help with your tech questions.
Meeting ID: 895 9759 8371 Password: 665208
Membership Questions
 Questions regarding membership dues or renewing memberships, please contact the membership services desk at 507-287-1404.
The 125 LIVE Thanksgiving schedule will allow staff to spend time with their family on Thanksgiving day and the Friday after. We'll resume activities on Saturday.