Successful mass trapping project thanks to spay/neuter partners!
We are very grateful to SpaySA for funding the spay/neuter of our mass trapping project on September 24. This project was not an easy job as residents at the selected apartment complex tore down informational flyers SAFCC volunteers had posted about the project and even threw mothballs on the ground to deter cats and prevent trapping! Unfortunately, our troubles were not over just yet. We received a call that SNAP's mobile unit which was going to be used for the surgeries broke down and trappers would instead need to bring the trapped cats to the clinic the following day. Despite these hiccups, SAFCC trappers were successful in trapping and transporting 26 feral cats to the partnering SNAP Ingram Clinic and all surgeries went well. Thanks to SpaySA and SNAP, there are 26 cats that will not be reproducing in the 78220 zip code any more!
SAFCC talks black cat myths on Friday the 13 on SA Live!
Last month, on Friday the 13th, SAFCC had the opportunity to talk about black cats and the misleading superstition about them on KSAT's SA Live. SAFCC President Sherry Derdak and our Adoption Program Director, Leah Belanger, brought two adorable black cats to the show to dispel the rumors about black cats and to talk about the city's cat overpopulation problem. If you missed this episode, click HERE to watch the video!
SAFCC volunteers are out and about in San Antonio
The San Antonio Area Foundation and San Antonio Young Professionals hosted an event in September to engage new volunteers and make connections. SAFCC was present with a display table and informational pamphlets. We explained what we do to a lot of interested people with cat problems. Thanks to Yvonne and Courtney for being great ambassadors for us at this event!
Spotlight on our TNR class presenter volunteers
We would love to take this moment to give special thanks to our TNR class presenter volunteers (pictured here). Though SAFCC has helped rescue and adopt out many friendly cats and kittens, TNR is our mission. The important task of demonstrating to and informing the community about TNR and how it works to humanely reduce the outdoor cat population is made possible by our team of TNR class presenters. SAFCC offers 3-4 free classes a month in and around SA to show residents how to trap cats safely. Many thanks to all our volunteer presenters for their dedication to presenting these classes for the community. Their impact is huge: to date SAFCC has trained over 8.850 people on how to do TNR!
SAFCC featured in Texas Dogs & Cats magazine
Look out for SAFCC featured in the October issue of Texas Dogs & Cats magazine. In the article, we discuss the kitten crisis in San Antonio. Kitten season is almost year-round in our city. This year alone, the phone calls into our Helpline almost doubled and almost all of the calls were about kittens! If you'd love to read the article, it will be available HERE starting October 1.
Global Cat Day is October 16
On October 16, cat advocates around the world will celebrate cats on Global Cat Day! You can do your part too. This year, observe Global Cat Day by advocating to help make sure the cats in your community are protected with humane policies, adopt or foster a cat from your local shelter, carry out TNR, and much more! Check out the Global Cat Day website for more information.
SAFCC volunteers help dumped cat get off the street
Adrienne, one of our dedicated colony feeders, saw this cat on her feeding rounds and recognized it was a new, tame, cat that had been dumped. She notified SAFCC and our Trapper Team volunteer caught the cat and got him neutered at a partnering clinic. This sweet cat was too tame to leave on the streets so another volunteer from our Community Cat Adoption Program coordinated for a partnering rescue shelter to take in the cat. After giving the cat medical treatment for ear mites, another volunteer drove the cat to the shelter in Austin. Not all rescues are easy and some, like this one require great collaboration on behalf of SAFCC, it's volunteers and it's partnering rescues and clinics. Thanks to the efforts of this small village to get this cat--now named Charley--off the street!
Perseverance pays off for patient trappers
This mom cat lived around a local medical area building and had eluded her feeder's attempts to be trapped and fixed through at least two litters! Another SAFCC feeder/trapper asked if he could try one of our new Tomahawk drop traps to capture her. After a successful trial run in another colony, Joe set up the drop trap at an evening feeding. He spent a patient couple of hours while the mom cat just looked at the food under the drop trap. One of her teenagers from a previous litter enjoyed showing her how delicious the food was. Once the youngster cleared out, mom cat thought about it some more and finally went for it. Once she was under the trap enjoying the food, Joe dropped the trap. Mom cat wouldn't go that easily; she refused to move to the transfer cage! It took two other people another half hour to coax her but thanks to perseverance, mom cat is spayed and recovered and has been returned. She can usually be found sitting peacefully in a tree by her building. Hooray for patience!
SAFCC Cat of the Month: Skittles
Meet Skittles! Skittles is a gorgeous red and white 5-year-old long-haired beauty. After her owner died, Skittles was facing the possibility of being put out on the streets, but a SAFCC foster stepped up to take in this special gal. Skittles had been declawed years ago during her spay surgery so she would never had been able to survive a life outdoors. Now this sweet girl is looking for her forever home.
If you are interested in learning more about Skittles, please email her foster mom Kim
PetSmart funds received for adoption event
Thanks to our busy fosters rescuing, fostering and adopting out kittens through our 4
PetSmart stores,
PetSmart Charities donated $3,000 to our Community Cat Adoption Program. This money will go a long way to support CCAP's efforts to get cats off the streets and into good homes. Thank you to our fosters and thank you very much to PetSmart!
Help us continue to do this important work for our city! Please donate