January 2021 Newsletter
A Welcome Message from MANA President, Elaine Sullivan
Dear Members,

Welcome to the first quarterly newsletter of 2021. During these trying days, we hope you find this friendly publication informative and helpful, especially as CRNAs continue to fight the raging COVID crisis. We see, appreciate and support ALL YOU DO!

Sections of Note:

  • Our advocacy efforts have paid off! Read more in the Government Relations update.

  • CRNA Week is upon us. Check out the opportunities to celebrate!

  • The Wellness Corner. Give and get help. It is so important.

As your president I hope to connect with our members in meaningful ways in both support and advocacy. Please feel free to drop me a note at any time about anything. Let me know what is working, or not working, for you.

Lastly, as our country continues to face unimaginable and unsettling events. I hope that you are able to find purpose and peace at the dawn of this new year.

We are there!

Are you ready for CRNA Week 2021?
CRNA Week Goes Virtual - Join Us!

  • Wednesday, January 27: MANA "Meet Up"

  • All Week Long: CRNA Social Takeover: Participate AANA's nationwide CRNA week social media event.

Scroll down for more details and event registration.
Get your posts ready!
We hear there are prizes at stake.
Government Relations Update
In 2020 Massachusetts CRNAs successfully reached out to elected officials in RECORD NUMBERS!

The Result: More autonomy for CRNA prescriptive practice! 

Because of YOUR work The Patients First Act, a health care bill that recognizes the independence and skill of all CRNAs in now law.

For the time being CRNAs will continue to work under the terms of the COVID-19 Executive Order as outlined in March. For more information please see below links.

The next step for the new law is promulgation, or having the language written into regulations, by the Board of Registration in Nursing (BORN). As that process moves forward we will keep you updated. 

This is a VICTORY that is the direct result of your advocacy actions.
Take a Bow!

Additional resources about CRNA prescriptive authority

CRNAs In The News
Read MANA President, Elaine Sullivan's comments
on the Health Care Bill

CRNA Spotlight: Mike Storey
A Man of his Word
Mike Storey, CRNA, North Shore Medical Center (NSMC), battled COVID alongside his wife. He went back to work as soon as medically possible, and immediately turned to treating COVID patients.

Back in July, Mike said "Hopefully, things will continue to get better and our society will get back to "normal". But if it doesn't and we have a spike in cases, I am certain that my colleagues and I will be able to pull together and do a great job for our patients like we always do."

Unfortunately things didn't get better right away. Being a man of his word, Mike once again delivered outstanding care. In addition to Mike's job at NSMC, he is a member of the US Dept. HHS Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT). With his DMAT colleagues, Mike went above and beyond to make things "normal", as he was deployed to Lake Charles, LA and El Centro, CA to support other hospitals facing a COVID surge.

For those who know Mike, this type of service comes as no surprise. Mike is the former President of MANA and always steps up for his patients and our profession, demonstrating the very best qualities of any health care professional.

MANA is proud to call Mike a colleague. Enjoy the spotlight, Mike!
Do you know a CRNA who should be in the "spotlight"?
Please let us know at president@masscrna.com
Wellness Corner
Happy New Year, Massachusetts CRNAs!

The Wellness Committee would like to welcome you to the first Wellness Corner of the year, and we would like to wish you a very happy and prosperous 2021.

It has been a tumultuous 2020, so we would like to leave you with some supportive reading about asking for help and the stigma associated with mental health, with some valuable insight from our colleague, Rodrigo Garcia.

We hope that this greeting reaches you thinking positive while testing negative (for COVID!), and we would like to encourage you to join our committee if you have an inkling of interest in wellness; we welcome ALL!

Have a happy 2021, and may we all usher in many positive changes with the new year. 

Kelly Gallant, Chair, MANA Wellness Committee, kellyanngallant@gmail.com
Please consider making a significant contribution
to the Commonwealth's pandemic response.

Join the CRNA Vaccine Team

Step One: Register

Step Two: Be Recorded
It's important for MANA to know if you are registered to volunteer. Please send us a quick email with your name, hometown and date registered.

MANA is urging all available CRNAs to sign up and serve.