Get the freshest ideas and thinking from innovators and thought leaders in business and education.

This past year has been extraordinary for everyone. As the world begins to open back up, we are hopeful that this message finds you safe and looking forward to new business in the coming year. We are pleased to present the newest titles from our publishers—leaders in business & self-help as well as education & professional teacher development.

We encourage you to check out the new and bestselling titles in our spring rights guide.
And because you are a trusted partner in the rights and licensing, we want to offer you an opportunity to meet virtually if you would find that helpful. To set up a meeting, contact (via Zoom, Skype, or Teams).

If you have questions about the titles or publishers in the RussoRights 2021 Spring Rights Guide, or if you would like to see review copies of any of the titles, contact
RussoRights, LLC |