Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Newsletter 16 November 2020 - 29 Cheshvan 5781
22 Week Micro-Preemies Survive Culture of Death
Good morning and blessings to you.

While the fate of many innocent unborn children, vulnerable parents, and the future of our republic remains in limbo as election results get sorted out, we produced a show this week to share mostly positive news stories about micro-preemie survival successes. We added two stories that underscore the power of messaging in the abortion issue, and share two remarkable images from

Amazing Micro Preemie Success Stories In Neonatal Intensive Care Units

Watch the show on Facebook:
Watch the show on YouTube:
Abortion is always wrong because it kills an innocent human being, and because we clearly see the human being in the 22 week mirco-preemie, we can speak to the abortion propagandist's 'content of the uterus' deception.

Millions of abortion victims perish behind clinic doors and inside hospitals, their silent screams unheard, their bloodied, twisted bodies unseen. And, let's not forget the hidden heartbreak of so many parents who get caught in the web of lies and destruction.

We've all seen images of genocide that broke the denial of legalized mass slaughter in Europe in the 20th century, We have yet to be confronted with the physical evidence of legalized mass torture and slaughter in China today.

The Stream published a story this week entitled, Abortion Victims: Where Are the Bodies? that speculates about what happens to the evidence of 65 million abortion deaths in America hidden from public view. It's thought provoking and worth a read.

Read the pdf here.
Moral clarity about the viability of later term babies helps us resist the insidious messages of death surrounding us. The American Association fo Pro-Life OBGYNs (AAPLOG) lists their positions on many issues related to abortion. Here's the AAPLOG Position Statement on Dismemberment Abortion Bans:

or read a pdf file here.
Our friends, Dave and Atara Crown, produced another charming and informative video in their Sefirot series, which they hope will succeed in helping to draw additional attention to Assisting Pregnant Women in Financial and/or Emotional Distress so they can Avoid Terminating Their Pregnancy and help hasten the Ultimate Redemption and Birth of The Messiah. Please enjoy it!
We'll miss Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, OBM. He conveyed deep appreciation for all human life and challenged Jews everywhere to fulfill our obligation to honor each person as the image and likeness of God.
Remember to save the date of January 29, 2021 for the March for Life. Visit our calendar page for itinerary updates.
May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.
Gevalt! She IS Alive Before She's Born!
"We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Eli Wiesel
Get the Facts!
Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Book
View & Download the book here,
Looking for help after abortion? Start your healing journey by downloading our healing program here. Then contact us to finally share your personal story with a friend who cares. These calls and emails are confidential, caring, and safe. Call Cecily at 412-758-3269 or email

"Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart,
and joy is lodged in the other"
The Zohar

Do you know an abortion minded Jewish woman? Tell her about our list of Jewish couples waiting to adopt!

Jewish Adoption Services

Jewish Pregnancy Care Services

Jewish Post Abortion Support

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Contact Us
Rabbi David Novak
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman
Rabbi Menashe Bovit

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143