November 12, 2020
As we move into this holiday season, my prayers are with you and your family as you adapt and find creative ways to gather and see each other. The holidays kind of sound like a hot mess at the moment. It's hard to imagine doing what we normally have done in years past.

I am sure there will be moments when it feels more like hole-y days...a season with a lot of missing pieces and what feels like holes in traditions we have come to love and look forward too. These are normal feelings to have this year.
In a Grace Group leader Zoom meeting this past week, one of our members, Arlis Schmidt, shared some advise. She said it's very important for everyone to decorate this year...this way of bringing light into a dark time (literally as the sun sets sooner these days). Decorating for the seasons is one way we live into the liturgical year..God's time...which is not a never ending circle, but more like a helix that has a trajectory...that is moving towards fulling a purpose, God's purpose of hope and life for you...and for all.
So, let us not be afraid to also see this season as holy time. Time to anticipate the God who is always near, that we are never alone because of God's love for us in Jesus Christ. Time to decorate and feel the movement of time towards new life God is forever promising. Time to call someone who you have wondered about, but just haven't found the right moment to pick up the phone and check on. Time to send greeting be old-school in blessing another's day with words written by your own hand.

I will be away the next couple of weeks. Next week I am taking some continuing education time to do some reading and reflecting on anxiety and how to walk with people through these times. I also want to have some open space to write down some of my own hopes and vision for our congregation to share with others, as we imagine what being church looks like in 2021 and beyond. The week of thanksgiving will be a vacation week. I am taking this time intentionally, a time of pause and renewal to be refreshed for all that December and early 2021 will bring.

If you have pastoral care needs during between Nov 16-29, please contact Nick Bohmann. Also, we will not be having communion on 11/22 or 11/29, as our tradition asks that a ordained minister preside over the meal. During the pandemic, normal supply pastors are not available for in-person leadership as they normally are. We will have a Service of the Word these Sundays. Greg Murrell is preaching on 11/22 and Pastor Kara Stewart on 11/29. Gifted folks with grace-filled words for our ears and this season. We will resume communion on 12/6 in worship, as well as reintroduce drive-thru communion on the 1st Sunday of the month going forward.

God grace your holi-days, and may they be holy-days for you and your family.

Pastor Vanicek
Worship begins at 9AM
in-person & on-line

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel or Facebook page, and be notified when we go live.

  • click the video link in the Saturday worship email.
  • go to our YouTube channel and click the video.
  • watch from our St. Peter's Facebook page.
  • worship off-line anytime by clicking here.

CLICK HERE if you missed a recent online worship, want to read the text of sermon, are looking for daily prayer resources, or want to find something noted in our weekly emails.
Free COVID-19 testing at the Marble Falls Fire Rescue station has been extended through Dec. 30. Testing is 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesdays at the fire station,
700 Avenue N in Marble Falls.

During the holidays, testing will be Monday, Nov. 23, before Thanksgiving, and Monday, Dec. 21, before Christmas.

As cases rise it's important to keep yourself and others safe.
One way to do that is being prepared. Testing yourself for COVID can help you to keep others and yourself safe.
Would you like to be an ADVENT Family?
This Advent season, we will have families come forward during Worship to light the candles on the Advent wreath and say the prayer. If you are interested, please contact
Do you know someone at St. Peter’s whose insight and voice would be a valuable addition to council this coming year? Email Pastor Vanicek recommendations you have for council. Maybe it’s you! 
The Nominating Committee will be collecting names from the congregation through December 1.

Our "Giving Thanks" tree is set up on a bulletin board in the narthex. Grab a leaf from the basket, write what you are thankful for and add it to the tree. As Thanksgiving draws near, let us share all the ways God has walked with us. Grab a leaf on Sunday morning, or come by the church weekdays from 9:00-3:00.
St. Peter’s Prayer Ministry prays for the church prayer list, and also for additional requests and concerns. Members of the Prayer Ministry Team receive information by email weekly and pray individually. This group does not gather in person at this time. If you have prayer concerns or requests and/or if you feel called to be part of this important ministry, contact Janette Clausen,
BYOBible Study - not meeting.
Contact Dusty Knight

Deborah Bible Study - not meeting in person, email check in.
Contact Pam Wettstein

Agape Bible Study - Contact Belva Latshaw for next meeting.
Book club will be meeting in person at church and via Zoom on the third Monday at 2:30 pm.

Titles to read and discuss include:
November 16 -- The Gown by Jennifer Robson

December -- No Meeting

Contact Betty Matejowsky for more information.
Faith is scripture is rarely a noun...but most often a active and alive thing. Faith is like a muscle, requiring exercise to stay healthy and strong. While we are in Diaspora (separated...), use these short videos as a weekly way of growing in your faith and love.

There is probably no better story in scripture to lay alongside this pandemic time than the story of the Exile to Babylon. This week's video helps us not only understand the story of the Exile, but how generations have turned to it to see how God is at work, even in the tough time, bringing the promise of new life.
Study more about what EXILE means
The October Living Lutheran Magazine is in! Pick up at church or read online
The November Gather magazine is available for pick up.
Don't forget your daily devotionals and dwelling time with God! You can pick up your Oct - Dec daily devotional!
Hi Jane and Harold,
Thank you for the Breakfast Muffins, napkins, plates and the cards from the children for the Marble Falls Nursing staff!
The nurses were so thrilled to receive the muffins and the cards! They ran to see the muffins and were so touched
by the cards from the children!  We all appreciated your generosity and thinking about the hospital nurses at this time.

Thank you so much for all you do to support the Marble Falls Hospital!
This is a project that the Social Outreach Committee pursued with help from the school and others.
Please send Tristan any notes that you would like to share with the congregation. Thank you.
Message from our Day School-
If you shop on Amazon at all, please consider using and choosing St. Peter’s Lutheran School (Marble Falls) as your charity of choice. You do not have to re-select our charity each time you shop, but you do have to go to each time (try bookmarking the site). We would appreciate it if you could also share this valuable fundraising opportunity with neighbors, family, and friends (far and wide). It really does add up and so many people use amazon, so why not make it count for our school?
As many are aware, National, State, and local COVID cases are trending up as we head into the holiday and winter seasons. We are holding at PHASE 2 right now. Please remember to wear a mask in public and when you gather with others, particularly indoors. Let us join together in embodying the parable of the Good Samaritan. Thank you!
We are in PHASE 2 of our re-gathering guidelines
The Amazing Race has been postponed to a later date.